Suggestion: Let's Talk Pets (and ways to fix them)

Nov 13, 2020
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Angela Draniie Cloud
As you all know we have pets in this game that follow you around and eat your nutrio bars right? Well, some of these pets provide buffs that are beneficial to the player and other pets are useless to anyone who isn't actively taming pets. Before we even talk about the most important way to fix them, we need to talk about the costs of pets and their buffs currently.

The example I will use is the Ascalaris pet.

As we know, this pet gives 8% run speed OR 5m of autoloot. (Problem number 1)

You can not have run speed and auto loot buff active for one.

For 2, the cost of the 5m of autoloot is 60 nutrio bars an hour. ( 60 pecs ignoring markup)

Why is this a problem?

The cost of a 1-hour autoloot pill in the trade terminal is 50 pec and has a 20m range.
This Auto loot pill does not even stack with the Ascalaris buff(or any of the autoloot buffs (Problem number 2)

So your reward for spending a month training this pet, and spending 5000 Nutrio Bars (ignoring markup) is that you get a worse buff, THAT COSTS MORE TO USE.

So we have a buff, that does not stack with a pill, costs more than a pill, costs more to train than a pill?

There is one upside though, you can pick up the pet or take it out at any time you'd like allowing for flexible hunting. Is that enough? I don't think so.

Now if I could have 8% run speed AND 5 meters of autoloot on at the same time, then baby we are cooking, that isn't too bad.


This is a big problem with ALL pet buffs. They are considered items. That is detrimental to the usefulness and value of these pets for ALL levels of players.

What do you do then? How do we fix these problems? My solutions

-Allow all pets to have multiple buffs on at once (sure we can pay, whatever)
-Allow all pets buffs to be considered ACTIONS, not items (Solves run speed, autoloot, decreases crit damage problems)
-Allow autoloot buffs to STACK with pills up to X amount of meters.
-REDUCE THE COST of these pet buffs. (For example 5m of autoloot reduced to 10-20 Nutri0 bars an hour from 60 Nutrio bars an hour.


-Allows the tamer profession to be a more useful one
-Allows pets to retain value easier or have legitimate value.
-Allow pets besides the Tezlapod to have LEGITIMATE use that does not cost more than a trade terminal pill.
-Gives people more versatility in the armor, rings, and clothing they use (think run speed rings/clothing and crit damage decreasing armor)

As a note these problems persist whether you're using an Ascalaris, Sapphire Atrox, Sophie, Karmoosh etc.
These problems also persist with run speed since getting 25% maxed item run speed is the cheapest buff to max, causing run speed pets to have less use and value.

People people say anything, No I don't expect this to get fixed before Unreal Engine 5. In fact I don't EVER expect this pet problem to get fixed, but I am bored while teaching right now and wanted to write what I preach constantly into some words.

TLDR: Every pet except 1 right now has a terrible usage rate and buffs.
I agree they are pretty much all useless except for the Teslapod. But the auto loot pets do have a very valuable benefit over the pills.. they can last more than an hour. Handy for those darned lazy individuals that can seemingly forget to check on their computer for hours on end! 😅
I agree they are pretty much all useless except for the Teslapod. But the auto loot pets do have a very valuable benefit over the pills.. they can last more than an hour. Handy for those darned lazy individuals that can seemingly forget to check on their computer for hours on end! 😅
Technically a benefit yes, but also the benefit costs you more lmao
Make pets immune to dmg from other players when their being tamed

Show more info on pets in estates. Allow hover over of more info somilar to hover over for other items.
Allow a right click to go to pet status, etc.

1. Pets - For the love of all that is holy, sacred, for science, anything. Please either give pets a seperate sound volume slider, or make their sounds not the most single annoying thing known to mankind. Everytime I hear a tezlapod, or tabtab, or wolpentinger or god you name most of them i honestly wish Ronaldo, or Justin Tucker or something akin would come and kick the f*** so far away no one would ever have to listen to it ever again. Yes i could mute the game, that would definately fix it. but there are many other sound quirks I like that i would love to see being kept in the game, that make me enjoy having the sound on. Such as sims speaking.

Make pets immune to dmg from other players when their being tamed

Could be new finder from crafting every 10 lvl's that converts amp decay into more survey uses per throw so you dont need so many amps, could also be adj-aug versions that increases stats, like rare find and chance to find extra deposits. could maybe make those too expensive high lvl amps maybe usable at highest lvls, Also make all amps increase probe count instead of full decay and have extra chance for rare ore deposits. Add more stuff to sooto pool and increase chances with level and special gear, chance to find like 4-5 deposits per throw at high lvl's :) Might be too much ore, so maybe make it so, you find some stone, and higher levels stone/ore ratio will change, could have refining skill and chance to find richer ore. Noobs could have their own stuff so they can also find something worth while, like when you level up higher, you find less lower level rare ores and more higher lvl, so noobs can supply crafters for lower level adj-aug gear that would use it maybe, same for hunting loot? Nano cubes could be traded for mined stone instead of ped? Rare ores could enable crafts with additional stats, crafts could have quality, that would increase for example stats in guns like 1-25% depending on quality roll, less decay, more uses. and adj could have 1 extra stats, imp 2 etc and increased eff. More skills, more chance for higher Q roll, also better chance to proc adj-aug blueprints of that item. Stones could be somehow converted to better probes? Miner repetable missions to turn in stone and ore/enmatter that is abundant for extra skills, blueprint, special probes, tokens etc. No more expenses tho, i think those needs to be cut down instead of increased :-D New stuff, meteorites, alien metal, alien parts, key item fragments. With increased damage/stats, could bring out monster defenses, some mobs weak to something and strong against something. More items into gameand drop pool so people can find and use different stuff.

Codex armor, gun? Lots of different mobs, so ppl needs more than 1 armor sets, bring out more for different levels!

Sorry for repetition.

Loften papoos, oratans and some other humanoid pets could use some drums or something to increase stats with energy. Some pets could have some lullaby, you can target a mob and put it to sleep for min or so, if you accidentally pull 2, and you want to sleep other mob. Could have also MF chip for it. Lower lvl you could do single target at high lvl aoe lullably.

I'd like to suggest making Plumatergus young and Prancer tameable since there's currently no tameable mob on Foma and Biodome 10 is full of these critters. Also would like to suggest a few other mobs be added to Foma that are tameable if this is not possible. Maybe add some mobs to a few of the mobless domes and add in a taming mission similar to the one for tabtab that was recenly put in over on Toulan. A low level taming mission like that would be interesting as would be adding a higher end tameable and mission too. Foma's not been updated in a very, very long time so why not.

Also maybe add something like this to each location in space that doesn't have a lot of content at the moment. Some of those space stations out there in the middle of nowhere that are just waypoints between planets now could have some new tameable critters and somehow tie in to space missions or something in the future... mix some new tameable mission with some space mining mission to create some sort of exotic epic cross planet quest or something... lots of possibilities. need to tame some rare critter you get in an instance on some rock in space so you can trade it to a zoo keeper on a moon somewhere in exchange for some rare loot that has to be exchanged with some smuggler somewhere so that you can trade that in for something else on another planet so that you can upgrade it three times on that other planet and ultimately trade it is in for...

Compets may be gone but some of the ideas behind it could potentially still play some part in the virtual universe. Got to supply the illegal arena pet fighting npc out there in space with some pets and take some of his supplies and nutrio to another location, etc. Cyrene was allowed to recently let there be a raffle and Mindark's support tickets indicate that this type of gambling may be ok if Planet Partners or Mindark is behind it instead of avatars run by players so why not add in compet style pet fighting arenas where folks can actually gamble on the results etc. Interstellar police and animal protection police are on the trail. Pick a side.

Farmers on a certain mineral rich rock in space need more big pets like Rhino Beetles to pull their plows since vehicles don't work here due to some weird particles and magnetic elements that affect the machines... to help relieve some of the pain these pets go through exotic herbal remedies created from farmed snug gardens are needed... pets with certain uses are more useful to some farmers than others... acid resistant pets are needed to help out in the bogs, electric based pets are needed to help generate electricity where local generators don't work so well... Asclarius is needed for protection of small areas where avatars cannot revive easily as revive terminal is one asteroid away...

Pet rescue adoption centers (space stables) are sold that always have buffs available and don't require stable owner to stock it like current stables do, although upgraded buffs are available to the space stable arena owners if they choose to do the next epicc quest to allow that upgrade to their estaes... flying fatherships and grandparent ships containing zoos and circuses are now purchasable items that make motherships look tiny. Disco ball filled dance halls and consumable pills that induce hallucinagenic effects and super buffs may be involved. New highly flameable super high octane fuel can be created combining dung with vibrant sweat, farmed goods grown in a garden and pet essence that will create acceleration buff for vehicles.

Compets made you smash two low level pets together to get a more powerful pet...

Just reimplement that system but instead of tiers give upgrades.... similar sort of idea to gorgon but easier... new blueprints... or just use refiner.... put two of same crafted weapon in refiner and get another with double damage or some interesting buff, etc.

We can add protection to equipment so we don't accidentally tt it. How about putting same feature in for pets so we don't accidentally feed the pet we plan to work on leveling to the stable on accident when we juice the thousand other pets we aren't leveling.

Along with this you have show/hide equipped already in game... how about a show/hide protected so it's easier to sort inventory.

No, action would be just a bit better maybe, but is not enough.

In this example, for run speed, it's 35% max action.
Some food are 20%, and a bottle of good wine only gives you a 30% buff. ?

The best would definitely be a 3rd cat for pets.

Allowing us to feed pets that are in storage would be nice in situations where your avatar may be planet hopping and stuck with a mob that is not spawnable on the planet you are on yet either because it's not high enough level yet or because it's simply just not spawnable on other planets at all no matter the level.

Kind of ridiculous that nutrio is lootable in space but not in the belly of the pet? If we pay the extra to have the nutrio shipped to the planet we want from Calypso via auction we should have the ability to use it...

3. Pet level visible in tooltip
The tooltip shows the price for a pet but doesn't show it's level. Seeing 2 identical pets side-by-side with different prices can be confusing since there doesn't appear to be any difference and yet one of them is much more expensive. Adding the Pet's level in the tooltip just above it's price would really be helpful.



In 2014 you wrote: “Taming Stage 3 - (Planned for Early 2015 Release) Battle Arenas will be introduced which will allow tamed creatures to battle one another. Each battle will be unique, with a wide range of offensive and defensive pet buffs and upgrades along with customisable attack and defense profiles.”

Taming could use an update. You promised the abovementioned feature, time to implement? It’s only been 7 years.
Another thing that’s been on many players minds would be riding. If not possible to implement, why not create an NPC that turns a big pet into a vehicle? Then we have Pets to ride on.

Moving between planets with pets is a bit of a hassle sometimes since nutrio and animal essence are both lootable. Make them not be lootable and it might make people start focusing on taming more, etc. Now that Toulan and Monria both have taming missions, and as more and more pets are introduced in the virtual universe on each planet or moon it just makes snese to make this stuff not be lootable since pets can only eat so much, etc. Annoying to have to haul thouands of pets across space if you really just want to haul around a bunch of essence, but don't dare as it's all lootable once you turn the pets in to the stables...

Unique Holiday and Event Pets is something Compets did that Entropia didn't do much yet outside of a pink rabbit. Maybe the future can allow more of this type of stuff. The holiday apartment stuff is nice, but come on lets get real pets instead of just another snow globe.

just give pets the ability extract while you are offline...

another alternative might be to allow auto extract instant with a fee that system absorbs similar to auto pick up of interplanetary auctions, etc.

Folks that tame stand in front of the stable terminals a lot feeding all these pets in to the thing to extract the essence... this is a time consuming/boring thing to do. At least put a blasted auctioneer next to the stables so we can view auction when sitting here doing this stuff... also might be nice to throw in the other terminals too next to the each stable in game..

Also, allow us to customize the background on the stable window or something... it gets old staring at this big black box... allow it to have different background colors or something.

While at it, how about throwing some more buffs in to each stable... stable owners have to pay to allow buffs as system is now... why not decrease or remove that cost so those that want to activate different stable buffs can do so without having to go all over the virtual universe to look for the stable that has any buffs available.

Hello all,

so I've been brainstorming ideas lately, I tend to do that when I play Entropia Universe, and I've come upon an idea that I think would greatly enhance the game and the ingame economy in various ways. That idea is the companion system.

Now of course, this being Entropia, such ideas must be so fleshed out that they compliment all other gameplay systems and they do not affect the economy in a negative way. So hear me out.

One of the things about missions and NPCs that always bothered me was their rigidity. They may tell a confined story, but they are not overly dynamic, nor do the NPCs have much meaningful dialogue. They are usually avenues for players to spend money. This is fine of course, as the real cash economy places gameplay restrictions on Mindark as a developer, since they must make sure missions place no burden/advantage on the player from a financial perspective. A solution to this rigidity would be better characterisations, more meaningful NPCs, think of the great gaming personalities from other scifi videogames such as Mass effect. Think of a companion that travels alongside you and partakes in your adventures, and who evolves and becomes stronger the same way you do. The MMO Star Wars: The old Republic does this exact same thing. It gives you a wide array of companions to choose from, each with their own respective missions, personalities, strengths/weaknesses.

How could such a system work in Entropia Universe, complex as it is, and what other benefits are there to gain from implementing a personal companion system to the game?

Well, for one, it's just incredibly cool having a fully customisable companion by your side. I would love to have a spacefaring smuggler like Han Solo, a witty detective like Garrus Vakarian fight alongside me.

And, perhaps more importantly, they would bring about a big economic boost to the game, as players from all professions would be able to benefit. How, you ask? Well, this is how:

1. Each player is able to recruit several companions to the game, and to have one companion travel with you at a time. (they have no collision, and they teleport to your location if they get stuck/are too far away)
2. Each companion comes with his own inventory/equipment interface and Skill/Profession set.
3. The player is able to change companion equipment at will(outside of combat).
4. The companion earns skill the same way a player does, by using their equipment, performing a task, fighting by your side.
5. The player can assign different behaviour modes, such as attack my target, defend.

In order to make sure a companion does not outperform a decent low to mid level player, companions cannot use regular weapons, but rather companion only weapons.

6. Companion weapons can be craftable (L) weapons and rare UL weapons which can be unlocked through mayhem rewards/special rare loot drops.
7. Companion weapons will never deal more than 30 dmg/second in order to limit their dmg output (that number can be adjusted).
8. Companions cannot aggro the target, the target will always target the companions owner, therefore companions do no require armor, nor do they grant an unfair advantage in terms of armor decay, or any kind of kiting possibility.

This would allow for crafters to find a new avenue for revenue with new Limited Blueprints for companion weapons.

Now onto companion missions.

9. Each companion comes with a particular perk ( they can use a specific weapon, for example, or they grant some interesting buff). These can be unlocked by completing the respective Companion Mission, which would also be an opportunity to tell a cool story.
10. These missions can be found all over the universe and can span several planets/space stations.

There are additional ideas floating in my head currently, such as allowing companions to heal you in a limited fashion.

Of course, the player would have to purchase ammunition/pay the value of the companion weapon, with them having a competitive, perhaps even unmatched efficiency ( due to their lower damage output).

Another idea I'm having with regard to the damage output would be to have it be a percentage of the player's damage, something like 15% for example, or to have them work similarly to the amplifier system, with the companion's weapon only able to deal a maximum of 50% of the player's maximum damage.

An implementation of this system would boost the economy, with hunters scrambling to collect all companions and their respective perks, crafters looking for the new blueprints and crafting the companion weapons, and ubers and more advanced players looking to max out their dmg/efficiency. Companions can also be used to offset a particular deficiency in your avatar. You've only ever used laser rifles? Well, why don't you use a companion that can use pyrokinesis?

And of course, we also have roleplayers like me that like to have a customisable Han Solo by their side. You could also have them spawn as crew members inside your ship you can interact with, or alternatively some kind of instanced hub. It would be much easier to develop fleshed out dialogue through companions, since you know a large amount of the playerbase will own them, you can really focus your attention on them. Also, if Mindark has any plans to expand features in space, companions could interact with such features/complement them as a space crew.

Anyway, I would really love to hear your thoughts/suggestions on this idea.


I should add that there should be zones such as busy towns/TP's like Boreas where companions should be disabled (similarly to the way vehicles are disabled) to make sure they are not overly crowded. If you enter such a zone, the companion will simply fade out of existence and reappear when you leave it.


I've also thought of craftable costumes unique to each companion for the tailors out there. It would stimulate the economy further.

In the compets game there was a whole library of actions that pets in that game could use and unlock at different levels, etc.

I've always though it'd be neat if Mindark would create something similar to the 'library' in that game for our pets in Entropia itself, possibly using the stables to do more to unlock passives... yes, passives, or permanent buffs, like in compets when pet learned new action and kept it for good.. not this temporary use for just a few days or limited time like current in game stables offer etc.

The codex is similar to something the compets game had, but with some better additions... so maybe there's some other ideas from compets that can be copied over in to Entropia Universe...

Over time I'm going to go back in time to review some of my old compet videos to possibly add new replies to this thread with different ideas on how Mindark might be able to copy some of those old library actions in to pets in Entropia Universe to use...

For those wanting to see the old videos, they are over at
I've asked for this before, so it's time to do a reminder:
Lets us use Pet Name Tags for containers too.
Would be way simplier to organize storage if one could name containers also.

everything else in this new system lets you click or double click it to interact with it. Why not allow us to assign a pet trick to clicking on pet, or a context menu similar to right click thing on other stuff... as it is you have to use clunky looking pet status window, right click it, pick trick, then pick the trick you want to do, etc. Better yet, how about allowing pet tricks to be assigned to quick keys so we don't accidentally trick em too often when focus is low.

Vehicles can have oil filled when spawned by dragging oil in there... why not allow similar with nutrio bars for the pets to feed em?

maybe do away with the clunky pet status thing and make it all in game so others can see the pets stats, etc. Also put those bars for xp, affection, mood, energy up above the pet's head similar to the way you do when you are taming it and the 3 bars show up, etc. Maybe give option to turn it on or off...

Also what about turning on auto tricking for pets so you can make it like they go down to 99% and then you can program it "or teach it" to do highest skill trick once, then not again til it's back up to 99%, etc. They already gain passive xp as is, what's another step in that direction?

How about a whole batch of new buffs that imitate the buffs originally found in compets.

For a listing of the library in compets see reference video below, starting around 24:05 for most of the library...

Each and every one of those library actions could be implemented in Entropia Universe in some new way as a new permanent buff potentially. Could use some creativity... but hey, since Kim's not doing compets any more, he's got nothing better to do at the moment, right?

A lot of the compets game focused on timing of using right actions... and it used 'mana' which in some ways works similar to mindforce, at least in concept... could be some interesting ideas indeed... especially if it integrates with the mindforce profession...

The whole daily thing and 'magic shop' to create 'trinkets' that buff you up could be another interesting idea that was in compets that could be used to integrate in to Entropia... Trinkets were basically jewelry for the pets similar to the rings, etc. avatars in EU... why not allow that Oratan axe to wear your avatar's rings and grant double buff since he could wear the rings, basically give you an extra 'left and right' hand to use those rings on in addition to the regular ones your avatar already has?

While we are at it, lets find a use for some useless items in Entropia Universe... for instance those time travel crystals are no longer needed on Next Island... maybe they could be used in addition to other useless stuff that you can craft or find, etc. to create the upgrades in the in game 'magic shop' to make your 'trinkets' and 'jewelry' better than they currently are... an upgrade path for each accessory through an in game interface... probably found in the stable, of course... maybe integrated in some way to a newly introduced batch of factories... (some of which may sell fishing accessories for the new fishing system?)

Adding Auctions for Pets could be a pro and con depending on how they do market value wise I guess...

For sanity, make it so you can converte more than one pet in to essence at a time. Do you know how long it takes to cibvert 3000 pets in to essence one at a time? Along with this making the conversion better would be a well idea. It's sad that max you get back per pet is 3 pecs, especially for rarer pets... Make it more random and give rare pets higher amount back. Perhaps make it so there's a 3 percent chance loot 25 pecs back for low level pets, 7 percent chance for a little more rare pets, 10 percent more for level 7 plus pets, etc.
As you all know we have pets in this game that follow you around and eat your nutrio bars right? Well, some of these pets provide buffs that are beneficial to the player and other pets are useless to anyone who isn't actively taming pets. Before we even talk about the most important way to fix them, we need to talk about the costs of pets and their buffs currently.

The example I will use is the Ascalaris pet.

As we know, this pet gives 8% run speed OR 5m of autoloot. (Problem number 1)

You can not have run speed and auto loot buff active for one.

For 2, the cost of the 5m of autoloot is 60 nutrio bars an hour. ( 60 pecs ignoring markup)

Why is this a problem?

The cost of a 1-hour autoloot pill in the trade terminal is 50 pec and has a 20m range.
This Auto loot pill does not even stack with the Ascalaris buff(or any of the autoloot buffs (Problem number 2)

So your reward for spending a month training this pet, and spending 5000 Nutrio Bars (ignoring markup) is that you get a worse buff, THAT COSTS MORE TO USE.

So we have a buff, that does not stack with a pill, costs more than a pill, costs more to train than a pill?

There is one upside though, you can pick up the pet or take it out at any time you'd like allowing for flexible hunting. Is that enough? I don't think so.

Now if I could have 8% run speed AND 5 meters of autoloot on at the same time, then baby we are cooking, that isn't too bad.


This is a big problem with ALL pet buffs. They are considered items. That is detrimental to the usefulness and value of these pets for ALL levels of players.

What do you do then? How do we fix these problems? My solutions

-Allow all pets to have multiple buffs on at once (sure we can pay, whatever)
-Allow all pets buffs to be considered ACTIONS, not items (Solves run speed, autoloot, decreases crit damage problems)
-Allow autoloot buffs to STACK with pills up to X amount of meters.
-REDUCE THE COST of these pet buffs. (For example 5m of autoloot reduced to 10-20 Nutri0 bars an hour from 60 Nutrio bars an hour.


-Allows the tamer profession to be a more useful one
-Allows pets to retain value easier or have legitimate value.
-Allow pets besides the Tezlapod to have LEGITIMATE use that does not cost more than a trade terminal pill.
-Gives people more versatility in the armor, rings, and clothing they use (think run speed rings/clothing and crit damage decreasing armor)

As a note these problems persist whether you're using an Ascalaris, Sapphire Atrox, Sophie, Karmoosh etc.
These problems also persist with run speed since getting 25% maxed item run speed is the cheapest buff to max, causing run speed pets to have less use and value.

People people say anything, No I don't expect this to get fixed before Unreal Engine 5. In fact I don't EVER expect this pet problem to get fixed, but I am bored while teaching right now and wanted to write what I preach constantly into some words.

TLDR: Every pet except 1 right now has a terrible usage rate and buffs.

These issues might get thhe under rug now but i think its one of those things that should get pushed hard for UE5.

And is another thing that could be solved with a more conventional "Character sheet" for equipment. IT is not only pets that suffer from wonky placement in terms of what they are counted as. Cosmetics and clothes, even armor in some cases struggle with what slot it is supposed to adhere to.

I just googled character gear, and picked the first image that popped up (ashes of creations view) but this is what i mean:


This can have cosmetic slots, pet slots, and things making it impossible to miss place these things as it would force the developers to either make it work in its correct slot, or just not work at all.

And yes please agree 100% on fixing or buffing some pets.

Could also add that dding more pets could be fun. While pets have buffs and what not i would not mind having pets purely for the sake of having a pet, i still dream of the day Cyrene adds Jelly Worms as tamable and i can have a little fella jiggling around after me.

Would also like to see pets taht increase health, there should be some apparantly, but i've never seen or heard of anyone that has a pet that increases health directly. (*cough* hey cyrene make jellyworms also increase health? *cough*)
I just googled character gear, and picked the first image that popped up (ashes of creations view) but this is what i mean:
Below is an actual pic from inside of Entropia a long while ago...
"Ride your Atrox off into the sun" - Marco (at some point)

I have some suggestions of my own in my whishlist thread:

--Pets & Taming:
1. Make Pets cheaper to use
The price in terms of Nutrio / hour for an Autoloot pet is a bit insane when compared with the cost of using Autoloot pills from the Trade Terminal. This makes most pets a pure extravagance. Instead, if there was a built-in mechanism which reduced the cost of the pet over time, people could justify it to themselves more rationally to go for the pet as a long-term strategy. For example it could be built this way where every 10 levels, the food consumption/hour reduces by 10%. It would like this: @L10=90%, @L20=81%, @L30=72.9%, @L40=65.6%, etc... Until you get to level 100 and your food consumption per hour could hit a floor of 35%. The highest level pet I know of at this time is level ~60, so don't go assuming that reaching level 100 would be easy and everyone would do it, it's not.

2. Make Pets rewarding to level beyond their buffs
For example add new tricks or new features to unlock at higher levels - some examples here

3. Do something to balance cost-to-tame vs reward for tamers
It never made sense to me (or anyone) why a high-level tamer could tame an Atrox Stalker at great cost but still only get an Atrox pup pet that is no different from the one that a low level tamer can get from an Atrox young. This shouldn't be the case. The Atrox Stalker should give you a much more desirable pet or should not be tamable at all.
Seem like the entire pet ecosystem could use some significant rework. at current it very much has a "tacked on" feel that doesn't feel well integrated into the overall game.
i was late to the scene, knowing compets only as a failed experiment, actually i think it would be awesome if you could use pets as a sort of weapon, effectively. Say, consuming nutrio bars over time to do some amount of dps. I'm not against a pet battle system, but again that does feel like it would be pushing gameplay away from the current loop rather than enhancing the central game premise
i was late to the scene, knowing compets only as a failed experiment, actually i think it would be awesome if you could use pets as a sort of weapon, effectively. Say, consuming nutrio bars over time to do some amount of dps. I'm not against a pet battle system, but again that does feel like it would be pushing gameplay away from the current loop rather than enhancing the central game premise
ComPet failed because MindArk implemented it wrong. Had MA first made pet battles inside the game, like WOW did or some variation of that, then after it was successful then making an app that would let you play the pet battles part of the game, then ComPet would not have failed.
New plan: allow pets to eat "fight bites", refined from sweat and common dung, that allows them to auto-attack your current target :)
Still would have failed, but just would have actually existed.
well, some people actually like to waste time doing stupid things. If you have not done the pet battles in WOW it's worth trying out! Some serious fun can be had fighting others in pet battles! Now imagine if you can wager or bet or maybe to engage in a fight cost 1-5 PEDs and whoever wins keeps 90% of the pot? Just my opinion but I think if implemented correctly ComPet would have been a nice addition to the game! :)
well, some people actually like to waste time doing stupid things. If you have not done the pet battles in WOW it's worth trying out! Some serious fun can be had fighting others in pet battles! Now imagine if you can wager or bet or maybe to engage in a fight cost 1-5 PEDs and whoever wins keeps 90% of the pot? Just my opinion but I think if implemented correctly ComPet would have been a nice addition to the game! :)
Eh that would just be gambling and probably wouldn't have been implemented
As I always say, with pets and indeed many things in Entropia, the "fun or benefit" (if there actually is one) doesn't justify the cost. Pets become unfun fast and many are comparable to pall stools in that they are there as a side effect of skilling taming and likely TT'd or given away and probably only a handful perceive value in keeping them fed.

There needs to be a pet benefit that is worth the expenditure, or they need to make the pet equivalent of a Rubio level of cost/fun
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