Looking for a Mentor


Nov 1, 2022
NBK Legion
Avatar Name
S15 Afonso N17
Hello everyone,

I've been looking to try Entropia for a while now, but just now got the time to go forward with it. That said, and as the tittle points out, i'm looking for a mentor.

My name is Afonso and i'm from Portugal. I'll try to play every day, but mostly after 21:30(GMT). I would like to focus on hunting robots, not that it's best or worst, it's just something I want to do. I will eventually, if the game stays appealing to me, try other mobs and other professions, but as a starting point that's what I would like to try out.

From what I saw so far, I'm inclined to start on Calypso. I saw on wiki a starting zone with Prototype Drone/Droka/Defender(have no idea on how to get there...), and after that it seems the planet with most robot variety for me to go after.

I haven't created my account yet, was counting on doing it until next weekend, and by then having some feedback if I should start on Calypso or if another starting planet is better for bots.

And that's it. Hope to see everyone online in the future, thanks for your time :)
Welcome to Entropia Universe! if you want to talk/discuss before creating your character, I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. PM me on here and I will give you my discord server, or you can simply ask questions through direct messages.

EU has it's ups and downs, but it can be a rewarding experience! I wish you the best and much luck!
Most "mentors" are only keen on the mentor reward, which automatically gets rewarded to them, when you graduate (reach the graduation theshold alone).
If they mentor you or not.

So chose wisely!

Get a mentor who at least actively spends 2-3 hours a week with you.
At best with someone who talks portoguese, too. This makes alot of complicated explanations much easier.

Your mentor should be at least L70+, or he himself hasn't enough experience to know the fine tweaks, which can save you alot of money.

If the mentor doesn't spend enough time or doesnt teach you well, don't hesitate to kick him and find a better one.
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Start of with a gold starter pack and consider being a female avatar as most female gear is cheaper than male. Two things I wish I knew/remembered when I started playing again.
Good luck and have fun!
Pick me I give free shit and have terrible game knowledge for someone who's played for 2 years. But I got an amazin stream, just don't ask people whodon't like having fun.

edit: I love my followers who follow me around and downvote everything I say whether it's serious or sarcastic. Normally I charge people to let me live in their head, but you all got a good deal. I'm living rent free baby <3
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Thanks everyone for the replies so far :)

I will assume Calypso as my starting planet and will create my account later today or tomorrow. I have also replied to some pm's regarding mentorship, but still haven't made any decision...

One thing that is on my mind atm is the female/male avatar thing. Is it even a thing the difference between the value of gear? What i mean is, it may be more expensive to buy male armour, but it will also be more valuable and retain is value when selling, so it's more a thing of the amount of ped i'll have available to do so correct?

Also, assuming that i will start as a hunter, what do you reckon is the best method of deposit? Imagine I will deposit 200€, how sould i split it? Any starter pack? A starter pack and some ammo pack? Boxes? Direct deposit? Doubts...

Thanks again :)
One thing that is on my mind atm is the female/male avatar thing. Is it even a thing the difference between the value of gear? What i mean is, it may be more expensive to buy male armour, but it will also be more valuable and retain is value when selling, so it's more a thing of the amount of ped i'll have available to do so correct?

Also, assuming that i will start as a hunter, what do you reckon is the best method of deposit? Imagine I will deposit 200€, how sould i split it? Any starter pack? A starter pack and some ammo pack? Boxes? Direct deposit? Doubts...
Gold Starter Pack, definitely go female. Chick butts over dude butts.
Welcome to the game! Great start to check first! There is an extra option for character customisation you can get in the webshop packs, which will cost if you want to do it later, and the packs are just generally useful. Also have a nosey around the different planets forums as some offer newbie programmes. As above choose a mentor wisely, also if some of the advice you get from them doesnt seem right, double check it - there is a lot of misinformation or simply misinformed people out there. If you have discord there is a big EU one with a lot of helpful people there too. https://discord.gg/wjBh75B
Also, assuming that i will start as a hunter, what do you reckon is the best method of deposit? Imagine I will deposit 200€, how sould i split it? Any starter pack? A starter pack and some ammo pack? Boxes? Direct deposit? Doubts...

Thanks again :)

For a start, I would say go for the platinum starter pack. The reason is very simple, you will get skill pills which gives you 50% more XP when skilling.
And this is going to help you a lot (!).

As for your example, if you want to deposit 200£. You can buy 3 platinum packs for that price, and you will get 3 amounts of skill pills.
Depending on your liking, go female.

Not that females armors are 10-40% cheaper, but also.... :
I am happy for staring at a female butt since 20+ years now.

In the endgame's stratosphere the air gets thinner for female than male armors though.

For the Deposits:
You should not go below Gold Starter Pack though, the lesser packs aren't worth their money.

The guns and attachments of the Gold and Platinum packs have the best unlimited item stats you will see for a very long while.
If he is depositing 200£, there is no reason he shouldn't go Platinum packs, if he is getting starter packs.
Ah I missed the $200 part. Then yeah Platinum, no reason not to.

Also the Gold pack is absolutely worth it if you just want to try the game and not immediately depo $200. Has everything the Platinum does without spending more money on something you might not enjoy.
Would you like to give a reason as to why? Remember, we are critical thinkers here.
Same reason everyone else said, you get much more value out of the platinum one compared to the gold pack.
With the platinum more of the value is raw PED compared to the gold pack as well (you can't really lose the TT on the vehicle for example)

With the platinum you get 705 ped of ammo, with the gold you get 257 ped of ammo.

So in reality the platinum only costs 45 ped, and the gold costs 43 ped, but for that 2 ped difference you get a LOT more pills with the platinum pack, as well as twice as much fuel, meaning the actual cost of the platinum pack is actually 41 ped with the fuel included, same as the gold pack (200 vs 100 fuel) so the cost (for the non spendable components) is the same for both packs if you include fuel.

So if they both cost the same in that regard, you get bonus pills from the platinum, by spending more on ammo essentially, compared to the gold pack
Even though i got the idea that the platinum is the best for it's value(last post from DrGirlfriend helped...), it still makes me wonder about it's usefulness taking in account the non tradeable items, and being laser only(imagine I want to use blp instead). But i see the point made by Mike from the start, that the real value are the pills.

Assuming the platinum pack, is it really worth to buy 3? Just because then I would have 3 of each items gaining dust in the future I guess... Maybe just get one and go from there, for the initial exploration and hunting its more than enought, and the 705 ped of ammo should keep me entertained for some time.

On the female avatar part of it... I understand everyones point but still... Is it such a big difference in armour value between both that makes more sense for me to create a female avatar? Imagine a 30k ped male armour, will the female counterpart be like 20k or something?

Cheers everyone :)
The vast majority of the packs value is just ammo. The armour and guns are very low TT so don’t “cost” that much. You can still decay out the items and reclaim the TT value in your hunting loot (except the vehicle). The skill pills alone are worth buying multiple platinum packs. Save them for later.
Even though i got the idea that the platinum is the best for it's value(last post from DrGirlfriend helped...), it still makes me wonder about it's usefulness taking in account the non tradeable items, and being laser only(imagine I want to use blp instead). But i see the point made by Mike from the start, that the real value are the pills.

Assuming the platinum pack, is it really worth to buy 3? Just because then I would have 3 of each items gaining dust in the future I guess... Maybe just get one and go from there, for the initial exploration and hunting its more than enought, and the 705 ped of ammo should keep me entertained for some time.

On the female avatar part of it... I understand everyones point but still... Is it such a big difference in armour value between both that makes more sense for me to create a female avatar? Imagine a 30k ped male armour, will the female counterpart be like 20k or something?

Cheers everyone :)
Think of it this way, your just paying $4 usd for all the items and the rest of the $71 is ammo and fuel
Just buy one though for now and the rest in strongboxes. You can always buy more platinum packs later if need be for skill pills if you so desire.
The vast majority of the packs value is just ammo. The armour and guns are very low TT so don’t “cost” that much. You can still decay out the items and reclaim the TT value in your hunting loot (except the vehicle). The skill pills alone are worth buying multiple platinum packs. Save them for later.
Oh you beat me to saying the same thing haha
as for gender; I prefer to play as my own gender to better associate with my avatar, but each their own preference. The female butt is much nicer than the male butt options in the character creator that’s for sure.

buy the pack before making your avatar so you unlock the bonus creation features as well so you can look better without paying for a plastic surgery and haircut in game
Even though i got the idea that the platinum is the best for it's value(last post from DrGirlfriend helped...), it still makes me wonder about it's usefulness taking in account the non tradeable items, and being laser only(imagine I want to use blp instead). But i see the point made by Mike from the start, that the real value are the pills.

Assuming the platinum pack, is it really worth to buy 3? Just because then I would have 3 of each items gaining dust in the future I guess... Maybe just get one and go from there, for the initial exploration and hunting its more than enought, and the 705 ped of ammo should keep me entertained for some time.

People are buying platinum packs all the time to get the pills. I have tons of those armors and weapons in my storages :)
Leveling skills in EU takes time (!), and having a 50% boost to that will help you a lot.

One platinum pack will give you 50 pills which are 50 hours of hunting/mining or what you want to do. You only eat them when you actively hunt etc.
You could buy one pack with pills, then buy Keys+Boxes for the rest. all boxes will give you ammo, more or less, and you have a chance to loot rare items.
Pro Tip:
The webshop's "Starter Pack Refill Large" comes with 200 PED Ammo and 5 pcs. +50% skill pills for free and 5 H-DNA revival chips, which also can come in handy for fragile characters.

Those are less skill pills per $, but you do not end up with loads of unused items cramming your storage.
(my personal choice, because i hate crammed storages, so probably not everyone will agree.)

But believe me, soon you will pump 200 PED ammo through your guns faster than 5 skill pills will last.
Additionally all those inconvertible, non-sellable, soulbound Items from starter packs contain unused dead TT value, which you can't get depleted in your normal turn over, without having to change to an undesired game style.
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Hey everyone,

I managed to create the account this morning and set things running.

Male avatar called "S15 Afonso N17", started on Calypso, and bought the Platinum Pack and 2x 50 Strongboxes (I haven't opened them yet, my inventory is a mess with all the items in the pack and the ones I get from the starting missions).

Made it far to the point that I'm at "Fort Sisyphus", so already shooting some robots. I must reckon it was by chance, I was following a mission to get to "Fort Fury", and when I passed by "Ortos West Mound" there was a NPC that sent me my way :D

Already got so far a CDF armor piece and some low level limited weapons, making me agree more with Orion's last post, that the "Starter Pack Refill Large" may indeed have a better "real/effective" value with no "drawbacks". I'm not saying the Platinum Pack is worse (the amount of +50% skill pills is an awsome boost), just saying how it feels to me at the moment.

Regarding mentoring, I already spoke to and added "ColonelBuckshot". No disrespect to all others who offered to mentor me, has i reckon their value, but it was my choice assuming the goals I have.

I must say I was positively surprised by the amount of availability everyone has shown me so far, and as a noob starting the game, you are all "ubers" in my book. The info you've shared with me so far has helped me to at least start the game on the right foot, from now on it all depends on me and what I do in-game.

That said, it's time to go shoot some robots, and learn my way around in-game. Thanks again to everyone, Cheers! :)
Hey everyone,

I managed to create the account this morning and set things running.

Male avatar called "S15 Afonso N17", started on Calypso, and bought the Platinum Pack and 2x 50 Strongboxes (I haven't opened them yet, my inventory is a mess with all the items in the pack and the ones I get from the starting missions).

Lovely read. I am pretty sure that you have done more research than most people (such as myself), before starting to play Entropia.
I was going to recommend you to do that very mission chain with the robots lol, great that you already found your way there. And the packs/items you purchased for your avatar/account are perfect.
Welcome to Entropia and gz at finding a mentor , if by chance you are not satisfied with that mentor , be warned that if you change mentors all the graduation progress goes back to 0 with a new one.
A mentor can be a very valuable asset , but can only help you if you ask questions. They are not there to make your decisions , or at least shouldn't be.

As far as skill pills , the refill packs offer the best value in my most humble opinion.

One thing to remember of this game , it has the capacity to accept as much money as you have available , and will still be ALWAYS wanting for more.
So take it slow at the depo until you have informed decisions on directions to go.