You added maybe 10 messages about legal responsibility of MA for "your losses" against the "Investment" proposal.
i work since 1994 in financial markets,. i do not have all the answers, i can just share with you my experience and in
the light of it you can decide if this is a contract that was filled or not.
you start with some assumptions that probabalya re just YOURS
1. i can have aces to whatever, paying whatever MU and have fun for free... FALSE. MA five you some TOOLS that are
specifically MU-less (TT Weappons)... all the rest is OVERPRICED by an amount generated by supply and demand
2. MA give you a powerful healing tool in term of Mission galactica
3. MA give you a free base range weapon (Bukin) and 2 quest to "refine" A-3 and EWE41 pistols
with enough time and effort you can do all by yourself MA is not responsible for yhour will to have "everything now".
it is nowhere in terms of contract. (I UNDERLINE THAT I WOULD HAVE 101% RETURN ON AMMO buit its not the case)
Now i need to pass to personal experience, due i dont know the lifes of everyone so i can only base the reality
on what i lived in game.
i put inside game a nice bunch of money for my wallet, about 7.000 USD, a small used car or a new XMAX that is
in MA garage
... my Beloved does not game here due she thinks that ransomness is too high .
i started believing that EU is a random return game, then i understood that its is just UNDER AMMO, so it is in fact
a TRADING SIMULATOR with gfx. you can not beat game in long term, you can beat gamers.
I coem off many games (i am 54) so i know what Critical rate (here is called gocus bloa) means and as a trader
of financial marjkets i understood MU in first hour.
to make a long story short i threw in 7000 usd, i got atm about 55.000 Ped of items on me (i played 15 months)
i levelled on MU riuch mobs, all low level duie to the fact that i hate fluctuatiosn and moreover i am UNDER by
16.000 PEd
BUT... wait... INVEST IN YOUR AVATAR.... lets look at my avatar..... 216.000 Skill points
i just converted 14.44 ped skill bonus (level 16 mayhem codex( iunto 25.36 handgun skills.... UHM... so ....
they are priced at 0.57 ped per skill.... 216.000 skill....16.000 ped....13.5 pec per point is my cost
i got 2 profession sword and pistol that are 7500 ped..... and they are 7400 skill point each and the skills
are worth 56 pec each......
rising the level PECD value per skill point rise......
YOU ARE SAVING VALUE..... the value is into the AVATAR.. INVEST INTO YOUR AVATAR... the prioposition
is not "make money to pay a vacation off game"... maybe you saw some friends recalling money off game
that is the 5% that due to randomness make money over ammo in some point and recall.....
i game for skills.... if ESI were free i would take all mayehm participatns and probabaly be level 500....
i am a skill junkie... skill HJAVE VALUE
the value that you are ready to sue MA to receive.... is in your avatar...... MU is MU... you have choosen
to pay for it... MA gave you a free Pixie adjusted and a free TT weapon... YOU want a bigger one....
i am really sad for your returns, i dont know your game astyle, i can only tell my story
let's hear the story of someone else... i know for sure F2P gamers that have 100k skill points
(free means slow) but maybe some F2p have 500k ped of items on account.... i know few ppl...)
thank you ARM for reading my story, please count the skill that you have and spot their value.....
maybe you gambled a biut too much (kill mosnter over level 15) and average is bad for you...
i am not a whale neither an uber, just a miserable 60 level... i got fun and avatar vbalue off game
o love to lament of my bad drops as everyone else, but MA offer me exactly what she proposes....
fun, avatar improvement and zero markup gaming (TT tools)
the rest is up to us... we can hurt ourselves very much...