Suggestion: Loot 3.0 ideas

There are some who have reached L100 with less than a few hundred (dollars, pounds, whatever). They inspire me and they are very careful and make considered decisions. That said i'm happy to pay a bit more to play and be a little bit silly (I am impulsive and binging in nature) and make a mistake or two but only within my means. First time i used an L13 i noticed immediately hey I got TT return but i lost the MU. Ok so these are what you could call a sometimes food (junk). If anyone can't figure out what is wrong there and persists in the hope of an ath and playing lotto style is guaranteed a loss. And that goes for all pathways.

People have subscribed to gaming here not gambling. There should be some safety in exploring and venturing. Let's say 90% MINIMUM return for the venturing players and 95 for careful ones, while some prize winners, CLD owners and MA share the 5 to 10 percent others lose. This works when the game is not greedy and people (players) advertise for it.

Loot 3.0, and new Mining/Crafting return logic, and new business model for MA, is needed by both players and MA to make it more sustainable, more fun and more fair. I have ideas for making it work!
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You can't even keep track of what you said yourself 66-75% not 50-80%

this month runs it has been 50-80%... last month runs were 66-75%... no contradiction there... so please answer my question, why does it have to be that terrible? you just don't know either or are you getting off by seeing other people rage quitting?
Because your obviusly doing something you should not. Why do you keep asking the same question when you had many telling you what to do?
You either enjoy provoking people on forums or you are a very stubburn guy/girl and refuse to listen to others and instead keep wining.
Whatever the case this is going to be my very last response to you.

Best of luck to you.
Because your obviusly doing something you should not.

and what would that be? Going only for good MU is something i should not do? So if going for MU is what i should not do, should i start gambling EP4 instead? please, tell me.

Why do you keep asking the same question when you had many telling you what to do?

i tried everything, including what many told me, that still didn't solve it... If there's a bad streak, it's bad, no matter what i try and i literally tried everything...

You either enjoy provoking people on forums or you are a very stubburn guy/girl and refuse to listen to others and instead keep wining.

nope, you're just a troll who can't accept the fact that the game plays out differently for different people and not the same for everyone.

Just answer the question, why does MA have to design the game in a way that it can be 66% TT-return bad and not just set the minimum TT-return to say, 85%? None of you trolls have answered that question.

i logged in the other day, seen lots of sales, plenty of ped thanks to MUs, decided to craft a little... couple 100 clicks.. maxed out BP... full quantity...60ish% TT-return..


60ish% tt-return over several hundred clicks, if it had been full condition, it would have been to be expected and there would not have been a beep by me... but 60ish TT-return on full quantity... that's just not acceptable...
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People have subscribed to gaming here not gambling. There should be some safety in exploring and venturing. Let's say 90% MINIMUM return for the venturing players and 95 for careful ones, while some prize winners, CLD owners and MA share the 5 to 10 percent others lose. This works when the game is not greedy and people (players) advertise for it.

Loot 3.0, and new Mining/Crafting return logic, and new business model for MA, is needed by both players and MA to make it more sustainable, more fun and more fair. I have ideas for making it work!
There is plenty of safety and versatility. You could mine with D-class instead of L13. You are knowingly not choosing safety but opting for the most volatile and dangerous.
Some people play for thrills and treat it like gambling. So don't assume they are not.
Craft : 110 000 click : 94.7% TT return (around 10x 1k multi, 2x 3k+ multi )(from L7 to L12 engineer on 100QR BP)
Hunt : 270 000 ped cycled : ~96.8% TT return (>99% if I include a "comeback" ubber hof)

u got 5 crafting globals since 2010 and still dare to talk about crafting in this thread?

LOL of the day, ty! :LOL:
Alukat has globals, skills and experience and he still can't do shit to turn the ods in his favor, instead plays stupid tt games with MA.
Alukat, stop asking questions when you are not willing to accept the answer. You have all the answers, you just want it your way. It's ok, if it's too hard for you do something easier, do puzzles or some shit.
Alukat has globals, skills and experience and he still can't do shit to turn the ods in his favor, instead plays stupid tt games with MA.

Alukat gets a fuck ton of MU... but that doesn't do any good, because MA gives utterly shit returns which suck all that MU away very quickly.
When i do a run 3000 PED in, 2000 PED out, then what do you think what good is a 60 ped global doing for me? A 600 PED hof would be decent, yes, but unfortunately everything that appears is just a lousy 60 pedder... If i am lucky enough to get any global at all...

All you can do here is on the forum is troll...
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Alukat gets a fuck ton of MU...

That was a good one.
Fuck ton of MU is when you get to the point where you never worry about TT returns and you are able to constantly invest in your activities without having to deposit...

Fuck tone of MU and daily whining on the forums? C'mon dude....
u got 5 crafting globals since 2010 and still dare to talk about crafting in this thread?

LOL of the day, ty! :LOL:

Oh "loot 3.0 ideas" only concern crafting returns ? I'm not sure it was what OP expected, in fact Alukat is turning this thread in "Alukat crafting issue / doomed account".
Anyway, with 150 000 click in crafting its way enough to dudge how multipliers work and that was my only goal with these EP crafting as i'm not a crafter but a hunter.
Then about hunting, are my 300k ped cycled (~700 globals last 9 month) enough for you to legitimate what i explain about Loot 2.0 or it's still not enough ?
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Anyway, with 150 000 click in crafting its way enough to dudge how multipliers work and that was my only goal with these EP crafting as i'm not a crafter but a hunter.

150k clicks, that's cute... i have 10 times what you've clicked :rolleyes:
And btw, what is it with hunters thinking they would be crafting experts?

anyway, doesn't matter to me, either MA adresses the issue, then i may be coming back, or they don't, then i just keep playing all the games i've bought on steam store during x-mas sale. If MA doesn't provide a satisfying experience, then i'm playing something else :dunno:

Oh and btw, do you mind telling why it needs to be 66-80% TT-return bad and not just make something like 90% TT-return the worst scenario?
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Court is apparently the solution to unfairness, the final make-up loot when the numbers and what has been advertised and pretended do not add up! In my case 50k to 100k seem to be missing even given the understanding of the concealed game mechanics (all the various factors), unless the new concealed mechanic is to keep those overdue amounts for an even longer time! A formal EU regulator or court audit should help. There is no other place when you buy thousands of dollars and they conceal information, keep over-due goods etc. for such a long time. They took us in by 98 percent average return ad and unpublished game mechanics and early prizes which kept ROI above 1 for some time (few years). You have a 14k mining find which makes your ROI above 1, you spend thousands of Euros and continue gaming and it even consumes t much faster (50 percent or less return when it should be 70 percent or above, 70 percent or less when it should be 90 percent, ...). They might have set the mechanics in the new system to return the difference in 20 years!? Or even not!?

If you are a newbie and your returns seem too good after starting to pay or starting to use amps you should be careful. The game seem to change behavior, there's also the chance game behaves differently for different people!?
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Is the game (somehow, statistically) keeping about 20 percent of loot/return (20 percent of cycle) for super HOFs which happen less frequently and with more delay given the recent loot/return system? I would get it quite sooner with much less payment and cycling given even a bit less economical habits! Even Level 5 oil mission (30k oil) is now being finished without one, while I had one in smaller oil/lysterium missions (level 3 or 4).

The 1 dollar per hour ad of MA does not apply as well, although it is not worth 1 dollar per hour when you repeat boring tasks.

Small prints do not make "misinformation" justified or legal. The present legal system is more advanced regarding business terms, you cannot even rely on what you write in T&C, because if it is not reasonable the onus is on the writer to justify it and merely mentioning it is not enough (as an example, see the British Contracts Act).
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Idea to help MA and Entropians:

If you (MA), for example, keep my 50k-100k for several years, which is of course too long, you should give me non-tradable (but time-limited) items worth 50k-100k for several years in loot (much quicker than the tradable return).

Come on MA, people are paying you money, be creative with loot/return system!
I also used to loot ESI quite more frequently while I shot less frequently (not much different gun etc. spec, a difference before loot 2.0 i guess). It is a long time I have not even looted one. ESI prices are going up, maybe less supply by MA to prevent or tax game exit?

Idea to help: MA should make skills tradable between avatars with a 10 percent skills commission.
Another idea to help the Entropians and the Entropia economy's prosperity: avatars should be tradable in the "real items" part (will become your new avatar) and on the Entropia site.
New 20'000 PEDs in and return seems like 30-50 percent specially in mining (previous low return which should be made up aside!). Gone! Anybody else considering bringing MA to court?

Where you want to pay, MA advertises: "invest in your avatar" !

Where is my (our) investment?

Previously the ROI after few years was 100 percent for me, now in the recent one or two years it does not even seem to be 10 percent ! Similar gaming habits (if not improved).

Or is it discrimination between avatars or discriminating (recently after Loot 2.0) between non-logical factors in gaming habits?
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Frequent 0 percent returns (or almost 0) in mining, almost consecutively, is also something new!

Is the technical team messing something up?

My ROI was 100 percent before with similar habits of gaming (it was even less economical before).
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We should really bring MA and its "invest in your avatar" to court if this continues to be the ROI (Return On Investment) ! Anything below 90 percent ROI from the beginning cannot last court given that motto, i guess. Small prints do not count when the business is unreasonable: You pay in 20k USD all in all and what do they give you?

Who is in for the court?
The word "invest" has a ton of legal meaning the small prints can't hide and MA can't evade. It gives rise to ROI concept and how much one has paid in and how much one's avatar is worth. A game costs few tens of dollars (server load etc. is also not much, reasonable overhead does not justify this way of greedy/unfair business).
Should MA share be distributed among Entropians (the true owners) and CEO elected by vote?
Joined 2015,
About 200k peds in but just 460k cycle with specially low ROI from 2018-9 specially in the last 18 months until April 2021


Considerable amount in until 2017 and ROI was about 100 percent (amped mining etc. habits were present at that time as well).
Present worth out of 200k peds: about 6k + perhaps about 10k skills if we count that too. About 3 percent to 8 percent !
It is MA, it is not us or gaming habits or etc. (this is intended to be a game advertising "invest in your avatar", not gambling).
Many of us have assumed MA keeps track of our "investment" and balances ROI at some point statistically.
Specially in my case, it was happening before. Maybe they changed system in 2018-2019 ?
Or was it game behavior to take us in? Has it happened to you as well?

Who is in to ask for justice from a court? A person who pays in 20k USD can do it alone though, but a group is preferred:
Audit on MA work in Entropia and returning the ownership of MA (moneys paid) to Entropians (in form of shares proportionate to lost money) shall be among requests from the court.
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You added maybe 10 messages about legal responsibility of MA for "your losses" against the "Investment" proposal.
i work since 1994 in financial markets,. i do not have all the answers, i can just share with you my experience and in
the light of it you can decide if this is a contract that was filled or not.
you start with some assumptions that probabalya re just YOURS
1. i can have aces to whatever, paying whatever MU and have fun for free... FALSE. MA five you some TOOLS that are
specifically MU-less (TT Weappons)... all the rest is OVERPRICED by an amount generated by supply and demand
2. MA give you a powerful healing tool in term of Mission galactica
3. MA give you a free base range weapon (Bukin) and 2 quest to "refine" A-3 and EWE41 pistols
with enough time and effort you can do all by yourself MA is not responsible for yhour will to have "everything now".
it is nowhere in terms of contract. (I UNDERLINE THAT I WOULD HAVE 101% RETURN ON AMMO buit its not the case)

Now i need to pass to personal experience, due i dont know the lifes of everyone so i can only base the reality
on what i lived in game.
i put inside game a nice bunch of money for my wallet, about 7.000 USD, a small used car or a new XMAX that is
in MA garage :) ... my Beloved does not game here due she thinks that ransomness is too high .
i started believing that EU is a random return game, then i understood that its is just UNDER AMMO, so it is in fact
a TRADING SIMULATOR with gfx. you can not beat game in long term, you can beat gamers.

I coem off many games (i am 54) so i know what Critical rate (here is called gocus bloa) means and as a trader
of financial marjkets i understood MU in first hour.

to make a long story short i threw in 7000 usd, i got atm about 55.000 Ped of items on me (i played 15 months)
i levelled on MU riuch mobs, all low level duie to the fact that i hate fluctuatiosn and moreover i am UNDER by
16.000 PEd

BUT... wait... INVEST IN YOUR AVATAR.... lets look at my avatar..... 216.000 Skill points

i just converted 14.44 ped skill bonus (level 16 mayhem codex( iunto 25.36 handgun skills.... UHM... so ....
they are priced at 0.57 ped per skill.... 216.000 skill....16.000 ped....13.5 pec per point is my cost
i got 2 profession sword and pistol that are 7500 ped..... and they are 7400 skill point each and the skills
are worth 56 pec each......

rising the level PECD value per skill point rise......

YOU ARE SAVING VALUE..... the value is into the AVATAR.. INVEST INTO YOUR AVATAR... the prioposition
is not "make money to pay a vacation off game"... maybe you saw some friends recalling money off game
that is the 5% that due to randomness make money over ammo in some point and recall.....

i game for skills.... if ESI were free i would take all mayehm participatns and probabaly be level 500....
i am a skill junkie... skill HJAVE VALUE

the value that you are ready to sue MA to receive.... is in your avatar...... MU is MU... you have choosen
to pay for it... MA gave you a free Pixie adjusted and a free TT weapon... YOU want a bigger one....

i am really sad for your returns, i dont know your game astyle, i can only tell my story
let's hear the story of someone else... i know for sure F2P gamers that have 100k skill points
(free means slow) but maybe some F2p have 500k ped of items on account.... i know few ppl...)

thank you ARM for reading my story, please count the skill that you have and spot their value.....
maybe you gambled a biut too much (kill mosnter over level 15) and average is bad for you...

i am not a whale neither an uber, just a miserable 60 level... i got fun and avatar vbalue off game
o love to lament of my bad drops as everyone else, but MA offer me exactly what she proposes....
fun, avatar improvement and zero markup gaming (TT tools)

the rest is up to us... we can hurt ourselves very much...
You added maybe 10 messages about legal responsibility of MA for "your losses" against the "Investment" proposal.
i work since 1994 in financial markets,. i do not have all the answers, i can just share with you my experience and in
the light of it you can decide if this is a contract that was filled or not.
you start with some assumptions that probabalya re just YOURS
1. i can have aces to whatever, paying whatever MU and have fun for free... FALSE. MA five you some TOOLS that are
specifically MU-less (TT Weappons)... all the rest is OVERPRICED by an amount generated by supply and demand
2. MA give you a powerful healing tool in term of Mission galactica
3. MA give you a free base range weapon (Bukin) and 2 quest to "refine" A-3 and EWE41 pistols
with enough time and effort you can do all by yourself MA is not responsible for yhour will to have "everything now".
it is nowhere in terms of contract. (I UNDERLINE THAT I WOULD HAVE 101% RETURN ON AMMO buit its not the case)

Now i need to pass to personal experience, due i dont know the lifes of everyone so i can only base the reality
on what i lived in game.
i put inside game a nice bunch of money for my wallet, about 7.000 USD, a small used car or a new XMAX that is
in MA garage :) ... my Beloved does not game here due she thinks that ransomness is too high .
i started believing that EU is a random return game, then i understood that its is just UNDER AMMO, so it is in fact
a TRADING SIMULATOR with gfx. you can not beat game in long term, you can beat gamers.

I coem off many games (i am 54) so i know what Critical rate (here is called gocus bloa) means and as a trader
of financial marjkets i understood MU in first hour.

to make a long story short i threw in 7000 usd, i got atm about 55.000 Ped of items on me (i played 15 months)
i levelled on MU riuch mobs, all low level duie to the fact that i hate fluctuatiosn and moreover i am UNDER by
16.000 PEd

BUT... wait... INVEST IN YOUR AVATAR.... lets look at my avatar..... 216.000 Skill points

i just converted 14.44 ped skill bonus (level 16 mayhem codex( iunto 25.36 handgun skills.... UHM... so ....
they are priced at 0.57 ped per skill.... 216.000 skill....16.000 ped....13.5 pec per point is my cost
i got 2 profession sword and pistol that are 7500 ped..... and they are 7400 skill point each and the skills
are worth 56 pec each......

rising the level PECD value per skill point rise......

YOU ARE SAVING VALUE..... the value is into the AVATAR.. INVEST INTO YOUR AVATAR... the prioposition
is not "make money to pay a vacation off game"... maybe you saw some friends recalling money off game
that is the 5% that due to randomness make money over ammo in some point and recall.....

i game for skills.... if ESI were free i would take all mayehm participatns and probabaly be level 500....
i am a skill junkie... skill HJAVE VALUE

the value that you are ready to sue MA to receive.... is in your avatar...... MU is MU... you have choosen
to pay for it... MA gave you a free Pixie adjusted and a free TT weapon... YOU want a bigger one....

i am really sad for your returns, i dont know your game astyle, i can only tell my story
let's hear the story of someone else... i know for sure F2P gamers that have 100k skill points
(free means slow) but maybe some F2p have 500k ped of items on account.... i know few ppl...)

thank you ARM for reading my story, please count the skill that you have and spot their value.....
maybe you gambled a biut too much (kill mosnter over level 15) and average is bad for you...

i am not a whale neither an uber, just a miserable 60 level... i got fun and avatar vbalue off game
o love to lament of my bad drops as everyone else, but MA offer me exactly what she proposes....
fun, avatar improvement and zero markup gaming (TT tools)

the rest is up to us... we can hurt ourselves very much...

You: "to make a long story short i threw in 7000 usd, i got atm about 55.000 Ped of items on me (i played 15 months)
i levelled on MU riuch mobs, all low level duie to the fact that i hate fluctuatiosn and moreover i am UNDER by
16.000 PEd "

Thanks. I had 100% ROI in the first two years (it would return back given all the MU etc. with similar habits). Better ROI than yours. Now it is 5 percent ROI. And 20k USD paid means I should get better returns, tools, missions and service, and fairness is overdue. We have not subscribed to gambling. It is not about understanding the service MA provides, it is about a reasonable, responsible and sustainable service they should provide.

Regardless of the stories and small prints and etc., according to the umbrella legislation, A BUSINESS MUST BE REASONABLE WHEN THEY GET 20K USD OF YOURS and specially when it CLAIMS INVESTMENT.

If it does not keep track of investment and a reasonable return (90 to 95 percent ROI given the gaming habits), it should claim gambling not investment (specially when we see ROIs such as 5 percent and 10 percent).
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The word "invest" has a ton of legal meaning the small prints can't hide and MA can't evade. It gives rise to ROI concept and how much one has paid in and how much one's avatar is worth. A game costs few tens of dollars (server load etc. is also not much, reasonable overhead does not justify this way of greedy/unfair business).
It always hurts to loose such a big amount in a short time. Not sure what you wanna do legal-wise from now on, but, as far as the game goes, don't do these at low level: hunt levi stalker, hunt big prot, on LA, hunt on Arkadia Underground, hutn any big mobs in general; they may seem fun but if you are to loose, that is the perfect recipe. If you want to have fun on big and very big mobs, don't look at the PED card. Chasing HOFs on big mobs is really a bad strategy and that is not investment.
I hope you'll HOF big soon!
Good luck.