Loot Tracker Tool

I have a peculiar problem and wondering if someone can help. Globals come out fine in screenshots taken by this program with swirlie clearly visible. However, hof screenshots don't show any swirlie. The loot from mob is clearly visible in top left corner of screenshot, as is the hof text with value of hof. I back up log file when it reaches 4MB. The last time I had a hof log file size was no more than 1MB as I recently backed it up. Although I had set screenshot delay to either 100msec or 2000msec for testing purposes. When it first happened I think my screenshot delay setting was around 700 to 850 msec.

At 100msec or 2000msec and 700 to 850 msec the problem remains. As those are the screenshot delay settings I have tested so far.

Firstly what could be causing this? and how can it be fixed?

In the meantime in case its the screenshot delay that needs to be adjusted what value should I test it at next? if it is this then why do globals appear fine but hofs do not?
btw [Castorian Combat EnBlade-10, TWEN Edition] is not in list of weapons.
I have experience same issue with lootnanny 0.11 recently. Used up as much as 15gb of ram before I killed it
I have this too, my game lags and I close lootnanny, but the process keeps running and used RAM gets up over 90%, slowly ticking up for several minutes before it finally shuts down. Today it used over 20gb of memory on an 8gb chat file
An approach to RAM issues

What i observed:
LootNanny will take more and more RAM while tracking. If you run out of RAM, then your system starts to use the swap file and things are getting slow. When you try to close LootNanny while your RAM is already full, it might take a very long time but it will finish eventually.

My solution:
Get a feeling on how much you can track before running out of memory. Start a new run in LootNanny depending on your observations. If you still have issues, try to also restart LootNanny after each run. So if you hunt for 5 hours but your system can handle only 1 hour of tracking, then track in 1 hour chunks.
its a long shot but...

....any chance of a linux version?
Is windows 11 supported yet?
Is there anyway of adding a amp to this that's not currently on the list?
You can crrate custom loadouts
Is there a way to use multiple weapons (tagger and finisher) during a tracked session?
No you just put in the total cost per shot of your weapon+attachment combination.
Making it universal. You can't add own items to the database so they're available in the drop down menu. The item database on nanny is imported from wiki some time ago and hardcoded into nanny, guess you could manually add entry's to it if you know what you're doing the source code is on github.
getting this error while trying to launch loot nanny -- I am using windows 11 and tried downloading version .0011

Had this multiple times myself lately, after having it working for a few days 🤔🫤
Had this multiple times myself lately, after having it working for a few days 🤔🫤
I had a error something like this. The fix that worked for me was to find the settings folder called EULogger and delete (AppData\Roaming\Local). Hopefully this fixes the error for you.
I had a error something like this. The fix that worked for me was to find the settings folder called EULogger and delete (AppData\Roaming\Local). Hopefully this fixes the error for you.
Will have to give this a try then... It works perfect in the lap top, which is windows 11... Just not on the PC.
by chnce has this been updated with the new c-80 & c-120 weapons?
Seems like this tool has been abandoned.
But you can add weapons on your own: Tab "Config", button "Create weapon". Enter values from wiki or your own decay tests. You will find your weapon named "!CUSTOM - <name>".
Hi is omegaton C-80 BGH added to the list of weapons? i cant seem to find i?

Is there info on this thread on how to configure the streamer UI with ALL the stats available?
If i missed it I apologize.
I attempted to add DPP and the rest of the features but I'm not that smart ☻

Can't remember where I got it, but found this in my notes:



Original layout:

  "layout": [
        "font-size: 20pt;"
        "Total Loots: {}",
        "Total Spend: {} PED",
        "Total Return: {} PED",
  "style": "font-size: 12pt;"

My current layout:

  "layout": [
        "font-size: 20pt;"
        "DPP {}",
        "Total Loots: {}",
        "Total Spend: {} PED",
        "Total Return: {} PED",
        "TT Profit: {} PED",
  "style": "font-size: 12pt;"

Play around a bit with it and compare the results in the window to the layout code and you will figure out how it works.
Loot Nanny is brilliant.
Thank you very much for creating it! :)