Maria's TT+HALF PED Pile


Apr 21, 2007
Auction room somewhere...
Avatar Name
Maria Mesh


Ranged Weapons (Guns):

Jester D-1 TT Value 1.99 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020​
Melee Weapons:
Weapon Attachments:
Mindforce Chips, Weapons and Supplies:
Mining Equipment:

Healing Equipment:
Gyro-Fap 2 (L) TT Value 5.00 Ped- still available os of 11/12/2020​
Gyro-Fap 2 (L) TT Value 5.00 Ped- still available os of 11/12/2020​
Gyro-Fap 2 (L) TT Value 5.00 Ped- still available os of 11/12/2020​
Gyro-Fap 2 (L) TT Value 5.00 Ped- still available os of 11/12/2020​
Gyro-Fap 2 (L) TT Value 5.00 Ped- still available os of 11/12/2020​
Gyro-Fap 2 (L) TT Value 5.00 Ped- still available os of 11/12/2020​
Gyro-Fap 2 (L) TT Value 5.00 Ped- still available os of 11/12/2020​
Gyro-Fap 2 (L) TT Value 5.00 Ped- still available os of 11/12/2020​
Gyro-Fap 2 (L) TT Value 5.00 Ped- still available os of 11/12/2020​
Gyro-Fap 2 (L) TT Value 5.00 Ped- still available os of 11/12/2020​
Gyro-Fap 2 (L) TT Value 5.00 Ped- still available os of 11/12/2020​
Gyro-Fap 2 (L) TT Value 5.00 Ped- still available os of 11/12/2020​

Armor Attachments:
Crafted/Looted Clothes:

Event/Holiday Clothes:


Skeleton Gloves Yellow (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/18/2020​
Skeleton Gloves Yellow (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020​
Skeleton Gloves Yellow (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020​
Skeleton Gloves Yellow (M) TT value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020​
Skeleton Gloves Yellow (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020:​
Skeleton Shirt Yellow (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020​
Skeleton Pants Yellow (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/18/2020​

Skeleton Gloves Purple (M) TT value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/18/2020​
Skeleton Shirt Purple (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020​
Skeleton Shirt Purple (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020:​
Skeleton Pants Purple (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/18/2020​
Skeleton Pants Purple (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020​

Skeleton Gloves Red (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/18/2020​
Skeleton Shirt Red (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020​
Skeleton Pants Red (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/18/2020​
Skeleton Pants Red (M) TT Vavlue 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020​
Skeleton Pants Red (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020​
Skeleton Pants Red (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/13/2020​

Skeleton Gloves White (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/18/2020​
Skeleton Pants White (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/18/2020​
Skeleton Pants White (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020​
Skeleton Pants White (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - Added 11/21/2020​

Skeleton Mask (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/18/2020​
Skeleton Mask (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/18/2020​
Skeleton Mask (F) TT value 10.00 Ped - added 11/13/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/18/2020​

Skeleton Gloves Yellow (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/18/2020​
Skeleton Gloves Yellow (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020​
Skeleton Shirt Yellow (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - Still available as of 11/13/2020​
Skeleton Shirt Yellow (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020:​

Skeleton Gloves Purple (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/18/2020​
Skeleton Gloves Purple (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020:​
Skeleton Shirt Purple (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020​
Skeleton Shirt Purple (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - Added 11/17/2020​
Skeleton Pants Purple (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/18/2020​
Skeleton Gloves Red (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/18/2020​
Skeleton Shirt Red (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - Added 11/22/2020​
Skeleton Shirt Red (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - Added 11/22/2020​
Skeleton Pants Red (F) TT value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/18/2020​
Skelton Pants Red (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020​
Skeleton Pants Red (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020​
Skeleton Pants Red (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020​

Skeleton Gloves White (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/18/2020​
Skeleton Shirt White (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020​
Skeleton Shirt White (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020​

Medium Tied Isignia Curtain (C) TT Value 20.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020​
Holiday/Event Items (tools, decorations, etc.):
Juklapp 2014 TT Value 1.00 Ped - Added 11/13/2020 - RESERVED​
Juklapp 2013 TT Value 1.00 Ped- Added 11/13/2020 - RESERVED​
Araneatrox Doll TT Value 1.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020: - RESERVED​
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/17/2020​
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020:​
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020:​
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020:​
Red Heart Firworks TT Value 2.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020:​
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/23/2020​
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/23/2020​
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/23/2020​
Red Heart Fieworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/23/2020​
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020:​
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020:​
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/22/2020​
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/22/2020​
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/21/2020​
Red Heart Fireworks TT Vale 2.00 Ped - Added 11/21/2020​
Blue Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/13/2020​
Blue Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/18/2020​
Blue Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/18/2020​
Blue Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020​
Blue Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/21/2020​
Blue Star Fireworks: TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/22/2020​
Blue Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/22/2020​
Blue Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/22/2020?​


(*as items are added they'll be added here before being sorted above*)

Killian Longsword G2 TT Value 35.00 Ped - Added 11/24/2020
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/24/2020

NOTE: TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks acquired prior to 11/25/2020. List will be updated later!...

Skeleton Gloves Yellow (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - Added 11/25/2020
Skeletong Gloves Red (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - Added 11/25/2020
Skeletong Gloves Yellow (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - Added 11/25/2020
Skeleton Gloves Purple (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - Added 11/25/2020
Skeleton Shirt Yellow (F) TT value 10.00 Ped - Added 11/25/2020
Skeleton Shirt Yellow (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - Added 11/25/2020
Skeletong Shirt Red (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - Added 11/25/2020
Skeleton Shirt Yellow (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - Added 11/25/2020
Skeelton Pants Purple (M) TT VAlue 10.00 Ped - Added 11/25/2020
Skeleton Pants Yellow (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - Added 11/25/2020
Skeleton Mask (F) TT VAlue 10.00 Ped - Added 11/25/2020
Skeleton Pants White (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - Added 11/25/2020
Skeleton Shirt Yellow (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped - Added 11/25/2020
Skelton Pants Yellow (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - Added 11/25/2020
Skeleton Pants Red (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped - Added 11/25/2020

Skeleton Shirt Purple (F) TT VAlue 1.00 Ped - Added 11/25/2020
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/25/2020
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/25/2020

This is going to be an ongoing service.
Send a Private Message here in Planet Calypso Forum or in game if interested in trading.
Prices are:
TT+half ped (i.e. 50 pec) for one item in the list

TT+One Ped for 2 or More items in the stack WITH LIMIT OF 10 ITEMS
(you get all items in the deal for price of TT value of items being purchased + 1 ped only, not tt +1 ped each...)
(mainly limiting this to 10 to allow multiple avatars to join the trades, and also to make managing the list a little easier)

TT+Negotiable price if total purchase is only stackable items or L items
(Max of 10 items per trade still stands)

(this option is mainly available for items with low markup value where tt+50 Pec may be more than auction historic prices)


If items are not sold to someone eventually they'll be placed in shop 22 up on FOMA
where prices there will be TT+1.02 each
(lowest markup shops allow in game ie TT+1+2 pec tax)
Last edited:
If you want to set up a trade send a Private Message on Planet Calypso Forum and/or do a friend request, etc. in game and we can chat in game when we are both online in game, etc. Most of the time currently when in game I'm probably going to be on Calypso (typically in Port Atlantis Mall Floor 1 Auction Room) or FOMA as I own FOMA SHOP 22. (I do venture out to other planets sometimes, but for now base of operations are on Calypso and FOMA, at least til all remaining pets in the zoo reach level 7 so they can be spawned on other planets, etc.)

I don't log in for a whole bunch of hours at a time, but do log in frequently a few times a week. I'll update list as things get moved in to my shop, etc. In the shop all items moved out of this list to the shop will be listed at TT+1 (well technically TT+1.02 as the way shops work there's a minimum markup of +1 and the system takes out 2 pec of taxes as well). I'll dedicate one corner of the shop just for this activity. More than likely it'll be in the shop's basement either on a table or under the stairs.

Items in the above list are in my avatar's inventory or storage of planet I'm currently on, and available in P2P trades in game. As items are removed from the list above they'll either be sold to other avatars or put in to my shop.

Goal here is to cycle as much of this stuff as possible to other avatars that can actually use it as I can without having to sell any of it to the trade terminal. However, when I get to a point where no sales happen and I'm out of peds to put on auction stuff WILL be sold to the Trade Terminal to start this stilly game all over.

It's always interesting to see what stuff ends up in this type of low level trading. If anyone is interested in just doing a weekly delivery of all items in the list at tt+1 or something let me know in private message and we'll talk.

(yes, this is sort of a way for me to keep peds in game and not risk gambling it all away as I usually do, lol)

Other stuff my avatar is selling as well is listed below (note these are a lot higher markup than stuff listed above):
Herman Ark-65 (L) - make an offer
Arkadia: Celeste South: Building 8, Floor 5 - 5K firm (possible trades - see link to the left for info)
Also see link to shop on FOMA in signature below! :)

(Reserved for when items are moved from the inventory list to the shop.)
ARMatrix Extender P10(L) TT Value 100.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
ArMatrix L-Amplifier 23B (L) TT value 46.00 Ped - added 11/13/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Basic Pattern Pants (F,C) TT Value 7.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Basic Pattern Pants (M,C) TT Value 7.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Basic Pattern Pants (M,C) TT Value 7.00 Ped - Added 11/23/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Blue Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/13/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Chikara Ashvin HR1 (L) TT Value 4.00 Ped - Still availiable as of 11/17/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Chikara Ashvin HR1 (L) TT Value 4.00 Ped - Added 11/17/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Electric Attack Nanochip 5 (L) TT Value 37.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Electric Attach Nanochip 7 (L) TT Value 59.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Electric Attack Nanochip 8 (L) TT Value 87.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
FENtropia Gold T-Shirt (M) TT Value 15.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020: - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Finder F-101 TT Value 5.28 - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Gyro-Fap 2 (L) TT Value 5.00 Ped- still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Heran Armor Thigh Guards (M, L) TT value 4.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Hoplite Gloves (M,C) TT Value 2.99 Ped - added 11/13/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Hoplite Greaves (M,C) tt vALUE 2.99 Ped - added 11/13/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Wildman's Fury (L) TT Value 66.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020- MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Isis BL100 (L) TT Value: 18.00 PED - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Isis LBP 25(L) TT Value 83 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020- MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Isis LLP 3 (L) TT Value 14.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020- MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Isis LLP 3 (L) TT Value 14.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020- MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Isis LLP 3 (L) TT Value 14.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020:- MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Jester D-1 TT Value 1.99 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Katsuichi Slendor Retro (L) TT Value 270.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Isis LSB 6 (L) TT Value 121.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Kilic Rex (L) TT Value 146.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
MarCorp Kallous-3 (L) TT Value 37.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Shriek Basic TT Value 13.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Shriek Covert Ops TT Value 15.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Synchronization Chip 11 (L) TT Value: 35.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Synchronization Chip 11 (L) TT Value 35.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Synchronization Chip 14 (L) TT Value: 42.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Electric Attack Nanochip 5 (L) TT Value 37.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Electric Attach Nanochip 7 (L) TT Value 59.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Electric Attack Nanochip 8 (L) TT Value 87.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Lacerating Attach Nanochip 4 (L) TT Value 16.00 Ped - Added 11/18/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Regeneration Chip 1 (L) TT Value 7.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
NeoPsion 30 Mindforce Implant TT Value 65.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
NeoPsion 55 Mindeforce Implant TT Value 131.99 Ped- Added 11/21/2020: - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Level 2 Finder Amplifier Light (L) TT Value 50.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Level 2 Finder Amplifier Light (L) TT Value 50.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Level 2 Finder Amplifier Light (L) TT Value 50.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Level 2 Finder Amplifier (L) TT Value 95.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Level 3 Finder Amplifier (L) TT Value 114.00 - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Level 3 Finder Amplifier (L) TT Value 114.00 - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Chikara Ashvin HR1 (L) TT Value 4.00 Ped - Still availiable as of 11/17/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Chikara Ashvin HR1 (L) TT Value 4.00 Ped - Added 11/17/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Trojan Breastplate (M) TT Value 7.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Sada Armor Arm Guards (M, L) TT Value 5.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Sada Armor Arm Guards (M, L) TT Value 5.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Musca Gloves (M,L) TT value 4.00 Ped - Added 11/14/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Zombie Arm Guards (M,L) TT Value 40.00 Peds - Added 11/17/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Zombie Shin Guards (M,L) TT VAlue 38.00 Peds - Added 11/17/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Zombie Gloves (M,L) TT Value 39.00 Peds - Added 11/17/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Zombie Face Guard (M,L) TT Value 40.00 - Added 11/17/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Martial Gloves (F, L) TT Value 66.00 Ped - Added 11/18/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Martial Foot Guards (M,L) TT Value 66.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020: - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Ozpyn Cold Protector (L) TT Value 8.00 Ped - still available os of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Striped Sport Shirt (M,C): TT Value 17.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Mannell Shoes (M,C): TT Value 9.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Mannell Shoes (M, C) TT Value 9.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020: - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Mannell Shoes (F,C) TT Value 9.00 Ped - Added 11/22/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Babouche Shoes (F, C) TT Value 15.00 Ped - still available as of 11/12/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020
Work Pattern Pants (F,C) TT Value 38.00 Ped - Added 11/23/2020 - MOVED TO SHOP 11/28/2020

*** NOTED DOWN TO Skeleton Pants Yellow (M) IN EDITING THIS LIST... SORTING THIS VIA LIST OVER AT F.O.M.A. Shop # 22 - Maria's Muse | Page 4 | PlanetCalypsoForum


Root Acid TT Value 640.00 Ped - TTed on 11/10/2020
a heck of a lot of stackables were TTed on 11/11/2020
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/13/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/13/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/13/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/13/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/13/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/14/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/14/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/14/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT VAlue 2.00 Ped - Added 11/16/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/16/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/14/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/17/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/17/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/16/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/16/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/16/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/16/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/17/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/17/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/17/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/17/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworkst TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/17/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/17/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/18/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/18/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/18/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020:- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT VAlue 2.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/22/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks

Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/13/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/13/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/13/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Fireworks: TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/16/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/14/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/16/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Frieworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/16/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/17/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/17/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Firworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/17/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/17/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/18/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/18/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/18/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/18/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/21/2020:- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020:- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/23/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/23/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped- Added 11/21/2020:- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/22/2020- 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - Added 11/22/2020 - 11/25/2020 TTed all Yellow Star Fireworks and all Yellow Heart Fireworks

(As Items in above list are sold they'll be listed here.)
Synchronization Chip 14 (L) TT Value 42.00 Ped - SOLD 10/11/2020 (Buyer P., Thank your for the 50 pec tip)

Tuning Nano Adjuster W04: TT Value 1.00 Ped - SOLD 11/1/2020 (Buyer R., Thank you for the 2 Ped Tip)
Hardening Nano Adjuster TT Value 1.00 Ped - sold 11/1/2020

Snowball TT Value 1.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Snowball TT Value 1.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value: 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Blue Star Fireworks TT Value: 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Gingnir Mk.1 (C,L) TT Value 25.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Yellow Heart Fireworks: TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Yellow Star Fireworks: TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020

Yellow Star Fireworks TT value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020

Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Blue Star Fireworks TT value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020

Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020

Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Red Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020

Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Blue Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Yellow Star Fireworks TT value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020

Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Heart This Trucker Hat (F,C) TT Value 40.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020

Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Yellow Star Fireworks TT value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Yellow Heart Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Yellow Star Fireworks TT Value 2.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Animal Muscle Oil TT Value 60.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Iolite Ingot TT Value 3.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Rad Conveor TT Value 85.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Gold Stone TT Value 7.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Dianum Ore TT Value 35.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
Ares Powder TT Value 16.12 - SOLD 11/11/2020
Valurite Ingot TT Value (108.00 Ped) + (72.00 Ped) + (90.00 Ped) = 270 Ped TT Total - SOLD 11/11/2020
Azzurdite Ingot TT Value (108.00 Ped )+ ( 36.00 ped )=144.00 Ped Total - SOLD 11/11/2020
Oil TT Value 10.00 Ped - SOLD 11/11/2020
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Added to the Pile:
Synchronization Chip 11 (L) TT Value: 35.00 Ped - STILL AVAILABLE AS OF 11/3/2020

Synchronization Chip 14 (L) TT Value 42.00 Ped - SOLD 10/11/2020. (Buyer P., Thank your for the 50 pec tip)


Back to List at the start of this thread.
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Added to the Pile:
Inferior Cloth Extractor TT Value 10.00 Ped
Note: Price on this one is actually probably TT+what is offered, assuming offer is not so bad. (as tt+.50 may potentially be a bit high until more tt value is added over time)

Back to List at the start of this thread.
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Added to the Pile:
Skeleton Shirt White (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped
Skeleton Pants Purple (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped
Skeleton Pants Purple (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped
Skeleton Mask (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped
Skeleton Mask (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped
Skeleton Gloves White (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped
Skeleton Gloves Yellow (F) TT Value 10.00 Ped
Animal Muscle Oil TT Value 30.00 Ped









Back to main list at the beginning of this thread...
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Added to the Pile:
Foundation (Peach) TT Value 5.00 Ped
Animal Thyroid Oil TT Value 100.00 Ped



Back to list up top.
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Added to Pile:
Animal Adrenal Oil TT Value 10.00 Ped

Added to Pile:
Creature Control Capsule - Droka I3-TF TT Value 25.00 Ped
Animal Eye Oil TT Value 2.00 Ped
Skeleton Shirt Yellow (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped



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Added to the Pile:
Combustor TT Value 9.00 Ped
Added to the Pile:
Shriek Basic TT Value 13.00 Ped
Shriek Covert Ops TT Value 15.00 Ped
Isis LSB 6 (L) TT Value 121.00 Ped



Added to the Pile:
Animal Pancreas Oil TT Value 30.00 Ped
Added to the Pile:
Animal Muscle Oil TT Value 30.00 Ped (combined this with the other 30 ped pile to create a 60 ped pile)
Gold Stone TT Value 7.00 Ped


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Back to List up top
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Added to the Pile:
Dianum Ore TT Value 35.00 Ped


For those looking for me, when I'm online I'm typically at Port Atlantis Mall in Floor 1 Auction room, or just outside of the walls near the mall taming bristlehogs these days.

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Added to the Pile:
Animal Thyroid Oil TT Value 100.00 Ped (added to the 100 Peds in the Pile for a total of 200 Ped)
Animal Eye Oil TT value 140.00 Ped (added to 2 Peds in the Pile already for total of 142.00 Ped


More peds will be going towards this service soon. (I have an Explosive Projectiles Blueprint 4 on auction for sale if you want to bid on it and increae the value going in to this project. :) I may be liquidating some other high markup items eventually as well to increase value of ped in this project too... )

Eventually if stacks are large enough may start keeping them seperate, but for now I'll just keep adding to each stackable's stack to increase tt value of each stack's size... as I do so the TT+half ped per item for one item or TT+1 Ped for 2 or more items still stands as the current deal available. ... so in theory if you buy bigger TT value stack you are getting a better deal as markup goes down per each item in the stack, etc. If you are buying stackable please bring enough peds to the table to buy the full stack as I don't want to be stuck with a lot of little stacks of each item... Take it all if you are buying it so I can free up more peds to cycle in to more buying, and free up more room in the storage boxes to carry this stuff without being heavily weighted down too blasted much. :)

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Added to the Pile:
Level 2 Finder Amplifier Light (L) TT Value 50.00 Ped
Level 2 Finder Amplifier Light (L) TT Value 50.00 Ped
Level 2 Finder Amplifier Light (L) TT Value 50.00 Ped


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Since the pile is starting to grow I've now started organizing the Pile in to seperate boxes and containers in inventory. I'm going to be using 7 resettlement containers, 2 basic storage boxes, and 7 different types of vehicles. I'm trying to put the items together that are similar, so ores in one resettlement continer, clothes in another and so on... This is to make it easier to find something if someone wants to buy or for my own purposes of organization as things continue forward. Just be aware with this many containers if it takes me a moment to find what you are wanting it may take me a moment if you want to buy but should not take too long.

Once again when online I'm typically in Part Atlantis mall, floor 1 auction room at the moment unless I decide to go hunting or taming nearby right outside of the city. Eventually I will move the stack over to the shop on FOMA but that will be a little while. Want to get a sizeable amount of ped and items in stack before then, and want to stay available on Calypso for those that want to buy items from the stack before I head upstairs to organize the shop.... (also I'm a bit of a procrastinator at times and the shop organization is a bit time consuming so I put it off as long as I can until I have quite a few hours on some weekend to work on it down the road).

If you send PM to reserve something please try to meet in game to buy the item as soon as possible so you aren't holding up others interested in buying items, etc. I really don't know when I'm going to be online but typically when I do log in it's around the same time of day for a few minutes here and there on most days of the week. unless insomnia gets me up at random times during the night to log in, etc.... Also, remember I'm on Calypso currently most of the time, so don't make a reserve unless you plan to be on Calypso to meet up to trade as I am not typically going to move my avatar to other planets to trade with you... You'll have to come to me. If you are already on Calypso and/or are on friend list already it makes trading a little easier since we can then see when one another are online, etc.

I'd love to team up with some folks to trade on a regular basis... so if you craft and want the stackables, or hunt and want the weapons, or are a shop owner that just wants a lot of stuff with low markup or a variety of items you can swap out of your shop for filler items when you don't have other things to go in your shop, , etc. lets make a deal. :)

Many, many years ago I was an active member of STTS. I more or less think of this entire project as something similar to that, but with less confusing overhead and roi payback system...
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Added to the Pile:
Medium Tied Insignia Curtain (C) TT Value 20.00 Ped

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added to the pile:
Skeleton Shirt Red (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped
Skeleton Pants Yellow (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped
Skeleton Pants Red (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped
Skeleton Gloves Yellow (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped
Skeleton Gloves Red (M) TT Value 10.00 Ped
Ares Powder TT Value 16.12


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Added to the Pile:
ARMatrix Extender P10(L) TT Value 100.00 Ped
Eyeshadow (Medium Purple) TT Value 14.00 Ped


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