Well... I have some days ago posted a thread about crafting ideas... and now i have other group of ideas that can be used by anyone...(inluing crafters) but one of the features is linked to the crafter and tailors 
Its marketing ideias... a long time ago i posted a thread about it, bbut its a bad post, and i like to creat a new, better poll, so i am sataring a new post, with some updated ideas... so, lets go
i will introduce 3 ideas here... the marks, the tickets and the merber cards... lets see each one in that order...
The marks are the more simpler of the 3 ideas...
The mark is a logo, or a text, a simbol that represents you or your soc, or store, or group or etc...
This same simbol can be applied on the tickets and cards, but well...
So, what is the marks afterall? like i said its like a stamp or something like that, that you can mark in your carfted,tailored items
Works in that way... you buy a stamper,marker or something like that and put as an attachement in your work tool
so when you craft,tailor(or maybe reffine, for more on this se my other post: https://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/forums/wishlist/127093-crafter-dreams.html#post1545524)
When a player see the item he will se your mark, and maybe this can be be on item description...
This "stamp" can be analized and registred by MA< for a monthly fee...
Ok... to the tickets... This are simple piece of paper, that can be buyed and the you use a printer machine to print what you whant, can be a text, a image, the both in the forn and in the verse... but, that is noth the core of that ideia...
The ticket will have some special stuff... first, if you have a registred mark, you can print it together (it will have a option, insert mark) this mark will be in watermark, in a way that no other player can reprouce, cause will be on the item description too...
Ok, the tickets have a watermark title and a number... the title, called series code, will be a text or number that will represent a group of ticktes, the unique number its unique for ticktes with that series... so lets give a ex:
you creat a tickt to a armor promo, so you call the series armpro01 and print 1000 tickets, when you do it will will pass that datas:
the number of digits and the first number, so lets suposse that you choose 4 digit starting in 0000 it will generate that range>>> from armpro01 0000 to armpro01 1000...
after that the printer will generate a log(an item) that will say the number of the tickets, the series name, a image of the ticket, your mark if, the first number printed and the last one that was printed...
If later you want to print more 1000 you can use that log and choose to continue from the last number, and then it will print fro 1001 to 2000...
And what is the use of tickets? Promotion!!!!! Like, for example, you say that every 1 PED that someone buy from you, you will give one promopolao01 ticket, and when they have 10 of it they win a new opalo... ok... SO a player comes with 10 tickets, you will chek the watermarks, will se if fits the series number and if fits, then you have a proof
Ok... the last idea... The more complex to...
The member card! the member card will be a card that will have unique rules, like a member card of a store...
First, you need to buy blank cards, then you have to create a data disk with the card rules...
First, the print rules, that its, the visual configuration, but must have a name on it, the name of the player and a code on it...
So, you can choose in a series of usages, the starting rules, like discounts in items, points... i really dont have the whole idea on it...
But when you have a master card(not the credit card) you can creat members cards for your store or wahtever...
When a player requisit one, you do the negociation and then creat the card, with the player name, then you will give it to him
And then the cards will follow the rules, and how its works?
You will have a card reader, you insert a card rules disk on it, and the it will be ready...
When you want use it, you have to put it on a surface, and hold(a way to do not let other player take it) the player then will use thecard on the machine
a window will pop up do the user of the card reader, then he will choose the right options using the card rules(like, if the players spend 10 PEDs will win 1 point or if he buy an opalo will ahve 10% discount) you can add extra points, discounts and other rules if you want...
Well, the card ideia is still a crude ideia, so any sugestions will be welcomed
and that is it
, say what you think about it, here and in the pool
Its marketing ideias... a long time ago i posted a thread about it, bbut its a bad post, and i like to creat a new, better poll, so i am sataring a new post, with some updated ideas... so, lets go
i will introduce 3 ideas here... the marks, the tickets and the merber cards... lets see each one in that order...
The marks are the more simpler of the 3 ideas...
The mark is a logo, or a text, a simbol that represents you or your soc, or store, or group or etc...
This same simbol can be applied on the tickets and cards, but well...
So, what is the marks afterall? like i said its like a stamp or something like that, that you can mark in your carfted,tailored items
Works in that way... you buy a stamper,marker or something like that and put as an attachement in your work tool
When a player see the item he will se your mark, and maybe this can be be on item description...
This "stamp" can be analized and registred by MA< for a monthly fee...
Ok... to the tickets... This are simple piece of paper, that can be buyed and the you use a printer machine to print what you whant, can be a text, a image, the both in the forn and in the verse... but, that is noth the core of that ideia...
The ticket will have some special stuff... first, if you have a registred mark, you can print it together (it will have a option, insert mark) this mark will be in watermark, in a way that no other player can reprouce, cause will be on the item description too...
Ok, the tickets have a watermark title and a number... the title, called series code, will be a text or number that will represent a group of ticktes, the unique number its unique for ticktes with that series... so lets give a ex:
you creat a tickt to a armor promo, so you call the series armpro01 and print 1000 tickets, when you do it will will pass that datas:
the number of digits and the first number, so lets suposse that you choose 4 digit starting in 0000 it will generate that range>>> from armpro01 0000 to armpro01 1000...
after that the printer will generate a log(an item) that will say the number of the tickets, the series name, a image of the ticket, your mark if, the first number printed and the last one that was printed...
If later you want to print more 1000 you can use that log and choose to continue from the last number, and then it will print fro 1001 to 2000...
And what is the use of tickets? Promotion!!!!! Like, for example, you say that every 1 PED that someone buy from you, you will give one promopolao01 ticket, and when they have 10 of it they win a new opalo... ok... SO a player comes with 10 tickets, you will chek the watermarks, will se if fits the series number and if fits, then you have a proof
Ok... the last idea... The more complex to...
The member card! the member card will be a card that will have unique rules, like a member card of a store...
First, you need to buy blank cards, then you have to create a data disk with the card rules...
First, the print rules, that its, the visual configuration, but must have a name on it, the name of the player and a code on it...
So, you can choose in a series of usages, the starting rules, like discounts in items, points... i really dont have the whole idea on it...
But when you have a master card(not the credit card) you can creat members cards for your store or wahtever...
When a player requisit one, you do the negociation and then creat the card, with the player name, then you will give it to him
And then the cards will follow the rules, and how its works?
You will have a card reader, you insert a card rules disk on it, and the it will be ready...
When you want use it, you have to put it on a surface, and hold(a way to do not let other player take it) the player then will use thecard on the machine
a window will pop up do the user of the card reader, then he will choose the right options using the card rules(like, if the players spend 10 PEDs will win 1 point or if he buy an opalo will ahve 10% discount) you can add extra points, discounts and other rules if you want...
Well, the card ideia is still a crude ideia, so any sugestions will be welcomed
and that is it