Buying: McGrangus Logs


May 20, 2007
Avatar Name
George Ace Skywalker
Tried to buy these on this thread:

However, not all that successful. Managed to buy one and someone donated/gifted one. Problem seems to be people want to keep the recipe secret for now.

So a bit of a balancing act for me I'm willing to buy these (can keep recipe secret if that's what you want), as I don't want to spend too much on something that could be quite common in future and worthless.

I'll display a record of which one's I have and which one's I'm looking for here. Hopefully by keeping it all transparent other trade possibilities can be explored, e.g. Since I have duplicate log 12 I'd quite like to swap with another that I don't have.

Log name...........................................Status................................................Recipe status
McGrangus Lost Log, Entry 1-------------Bought & on display in museum.....Public knowledge
McGrangus Lost Log, Entry 2-------------Bought & in storage for now.................unknown
McGrangus Lost Log, Entry 3-------------Bought & on display in museum.............Public knowledge
McGrangus Lost Log, Entry 4-------------Bought & in storage for now..................unknown
McGrangus Lost Log, Entry 5-------------Bought & in storage for now..................unknown
McGrangus Lost Log, Entry 6-------------Bought & in storage for now..................unknown
McGrangus Lost Log, Entry 7-------------Bought & in storage for now..................unknown
McGrangus Lost Log, Entry 8-------------Bought & in storage for now..................unknown
McGrangus Lost Log, Entry 9-------------swapped for 12 & in storage for now....unknown
McGrangus Lost Log, Entry 10-----------Bought & in storage for now.................unknown
McGrangus Lost Log, Entry 11-----------Bought & in storage for now..................unknown
McGrangus Lost Log, Entry 12-----------Bought & on display in museum................Public knowledge
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Recipes for known logs:

Log 1 recipe (Cobaltium ingot):
-Basic stone extractors
-Durulium stones
-Cobalt stones
-Nova fragments

Log 3 recipe (Galvesperdite Ingot):
- Nova Fragments (less than 1k)
- 3x Zinc Stones
- 2x Henren Steams
- 3x Adomasite Stones
- 3x Vesperdite stones
- Vibrant Sweat (less than 1k )

Log 12 recipe (Aurilinin Gel):
-Aurli shock flesh
-Alien blood
-Lumis leach
-Gold stone
-Diluted sweat

Following recipes from this thread:!

Distilled Sweat Crystal
-Nova Fragment
- Force Nexus
- Melchi water
- Diluted Sweat
- Vibrant Sweat

Frigulerian Dust
- Nova Fragment
- Magerian Mist
- Acid Root
- Typonolic Steam
- Frigulite Stone

Chalinum Alloy
- Nova Fragment 92423
- Crude Oil
- Melchi Water
- Animal Thyroid Oil
- Dianum Ore

Aumorphite Ingot (Not tested myself yet)
- Blazar Fragment
- Gold Stone
- Vibrant Sweat
- Angelic Grit
- Alien resin Fluid
- Lanorium Stone
- Morpheus Stone
- Thyriod oil
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Log 3 acquired and no longer needed..(table updated accordingly)
Log 10 acquired and no longer needed...(table updated accordingly)
Log 5 acquired and no longer needed...(table updated accordingly)
:drool: Cobaltium is soooo pretty :drool:

I want to Cobaltium texture my coat
Logs 6, 8 and 9 acquired and no longer needed...(table updated accordingly)
Logs 4 acquired and no longer needed...(table updated accordingly)
Log 11 acquired and no longer needed...(table updated accordingly)
Aumorphite Ingot Recipe

Aumorphite Ingot Recipe

  • [*]5 Animal Thyroid Oil
    [*]100 Blazar Frags
    [*]100 Vibrant Sweat
    [*]12 Alien Resin Fluid
    [*]2 Gold Stones
    [*]2 Angelic Grit
    [*]2 Lanorium Stone
    [*]3 Morpheus Stone
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And what do you do with these things after you create them?