Memorial Feature + Rental Pads


Jan 23, 2013
i was dreaming. and this idea came to me.
when i die, i mean in real life. a memorial of sorts. like a statue.
one such already exists in game.

BUT with a twist.
even perhaps turn it into a investment venture.

How it works?
so we have bank loans, where the avatar places an item for a period of time for immediate cash flow.
my idea; in reversed.

a statue for memorial or investment with a shopkeeper type interface, limited slots, owners of the statue or share holders can place items into the statues for loan to other players.

- time limited loan,
*daily, hourly, with or without fees
*daily, weekly loan limits, so to allow players a chance to temporarily own a powerful equipment
*memorial statues - no fees etc

- feature to allow owners to enable disable loan,
*recollect item after expiry

- full TT for collateral,
*collateral returned upon loan cancel less full repair cost
*collateral returned upon loan time expiry less full repair cost

- real life deceased person's artifacts remains "playable" in game without losing ownership via leasing to other players for a optional benefit to either share holders or planet partners

- profit settings similar to banks

- shares can be purchased similar to crystal palace.
partnered holdings with planet partners
* 50 / 50 shares with planet partners or
* completely owned by share volume
* smaller share volume, maybe only 1000 shares per statue
@ this way the profits and price speculation rises over time

- as for memorial statues, planet partners or family inheritance own the shares or transferable to players, or perhaps ownership is decided later.

so in short,
- memorial for dead players
- with item loan features
- investment feature, property ownage, shares
- recycle items into game used by dead players
- allow other players time limit chance to own and use unique equipments
- can be use as a feature to test and deploy new equipment prototypes
- rental pad keeper, complete with loan voucher, time limit etc