Mentoring: an issue that needs to be addressed ....


Old Alpha
Sep 26, 2008
Tucson, Arizona, United States
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Benjamin 'Ben' Coyote
Howdy, Ben Coyote here, and I would like to tank about an issue a lot of mentors are having, and this is really detrimental to the issue when you have to get rid of disciples .. and I'll pont this out in the a minute...But I'll go over a little history about the mentoring system first..

Pre-VU 10 days (2003-2009)

In the Pre-VU 0 days Mentoring was always an issue and it really didn't help the disciple at all. It Only helped the Mentor. And while the Mentor got a gift for having is disciple graduate. But the disciple got nothing for it. As in Zip, nada, Zero.. and this kind of was not a good incentive for the disciple.. This is why a lot of disciples quit... And even though the disciple lists got quite long, a lot of disciples left, leaving a long cumbersome list for the mentors.. and worst of all the mentors couldn't kick their disciples.. They were locked in until they graduated or not.. Very bad Idea if you ask me... which then brings us to the next Generation

VU10.0- VU 17.0 (2009-2023-2024)

Now with the advent of the Cry engine 2 update (and when Mentoring was added). This I feel was a fair system.. for both parties.. The Mentor could kick people if he thought they were slacking or if they never returned.. And considering that the list could only be 20 disciples long, this made things easier to manage and to keep a fresh roster of new disciples in.. But what the real plus was , was the fact that now the disciples got a reward..As well as the mentor receiving his reward, now the disciple got a choice of armor and a vehicle.. And that was all for their effort.. Very fair... and very good for all of us both mentor and disciple alike (And personally I liked this method as it made things easier to control for both Mentor and Disciple.. If a disciple didn't like his mentor, he/she could leave with no questions asked.. and fi the mentor thought someone wasn't pulling their wait or expected things to be given to them, well he could kick them and free up his list to take on new disciples.. ones who were interested in Playing the game. So a very fair system at that point, and you would think it would remain that way , right .. well..

Pre Unreal 5 Engine days (2023-2020 to Present)

At this point things were going good, for everyone, then when the first update on the Unreal 5 update came out, there came a snag and this is the problem...

First off the list I am guessing is still set to 20 players.. (Okay good short list is manageable..) and the disciple and mentor though would have an issue and this is where the problem lies..

Now form the mentoring side of things, we have NO way to kick players who aren't doing their job at learning this game, and I'm guessing (and I'd like to have any active disciple out there o confirm this), that they can't leave either... and thus we are back to the old Pres-VU 10 days again.

First off , let's say you're a mentor, and you want to clean up your 20 person roster, and you can't kick anyone.. what happens when you finally get that list filled and you finally get someone who want to really learn the nuts and bolts of this game.. What is a mentor to do? Say "I'm sorry I would love to help, bu my list is full... That's a lot of wasted mentor potential for those who want to teach, and what's worse is that what happens when a lot of mentors have their lists full and they have to say the same thing? What then? Then the disciple would be forced to pick a lesser qualified mentor, and in the end, they might get the enjoyment they want for working so hard.. (I'm a good example of this as my mentor just lured me in , and then didn't even give me a tip or a trick to speak of.. Very poor teacher, and if I was in the Cry engine 2 days, He would have gotten a 1 star rating..

But there are a lot of GOOD mentors if not Great ones and we're the ones that do try to keep the player intersted.. and well if they want to leave they should be able to leave with or without an explanation.. But it's always good to have a disciple tell you why they don't like your mentoring style.. It then gives you feed back on what not to do the next time.. and thus you become a better mentor.. (And yes Mentors, and Disciples, you have a say in this system.. Right now the mentoring system is broken and really needs to be addressed to be fixed.. why? Because if it remains like this, there will be a smaller turn out when the entire Unreal 5 game releases.. and it would be a crime against thee parties. The mentor (For not being allowed to each) , the disciple (For not being able to learn) and most of all to Min dark themselves? (Right now MA officials are probably not caring , but it will come back to haunt them, as this happens: It will cause fewer players to want to play this game..
After all, in order to build a good player base, and get the game to grow, you will need a good reason to keep people in here. But if you can't have mentors kick or manage their disciple lists, and disciples can't leave, then you will have a lot of players who won't have mentors/teachers... adn thus MindArk would be doing a diservice to itself for losing potential paying customers the right to play a game..

And like I said, I'm one of the older players, 16 years in the business, and 8 of them teaching players on how to enjoy this game..

So stop fooling aroudn MA, fix the damn Mentoring system, else you will have new potential players leaving before they even get started, and remember this.. If this is a game business, then it should happen that you want to have your play base grow and not shrink... and the less Players you have workig on anything, the less money you make.. Even as a company..

That's really all I'm trying to say here... Just get it back to the Pre-Unreal 5 upgrade on the user interface, and fix it, that's all any mentor/disciple would ask of you.. and you'll be glad that when you do fix it, you'll have more players coming in , not less. (Think about it tonight when you read this post.. A lot of players = A lot of income potential.) and a loss of that will make anyone wonder.. "What went wrong.." And I'll leave it at that..

(SSgt) Benjamin "Ben" Coyote , IFN Marines
A.K.A."The blind Sniper, and his pets..
:lolup::lolup: So the system is more than broke ... it's not possible to add any new disciples either ... so it seems (been away for years, and thought it worked now ... )

And you're so right in all you say. People will leave. Having a mentoring system that works will ensure that a lot of new people are not just drifting around alone in the Universe and quit before even getting started,. EU is somehow a complexed game to start playing - and you can very quickly feel very lonely and on your own and just tossing out your money, if you don't know what to do / are being guided.

EU is all about the community, and new comers need to feel welcome, helped and tucked into a nice group of people. Often that happens through a mentor.

And before having a working mentoring system, we can't get The School of Lootius and The Adopt a Newbie Foundation back up running again ... :wise:
Well, IIRC I was kicked twice from mentors for no reason. I was shooting along happily, logged in the next day and had no mentor. No warning, no message, no compensation. I think I was around 15% and 20% of progress when that happened.

Therefore, what really should be fixed is that while mentors should be able to kick disciples, a disciple should have the opportunity to veto or defend themselves. I mean it's very annoying and frustrating to start over. Not that a dedicated player will graduate eventually anyway, but it's just super bad for motivation and display of how the community may work. One would think a mentor in a way is a representative of the player base.
Well, IIRC I was kicked twice from mentors for no reason. I was shooting along happily, logged in the next day and had no mentor. No warning, no message, no compensation. I think I was around 15% and 20% of progress when that happened.

Therefore, what really should be fixed is that while mentors should be able to kick disciples, a disciple should have the opportunity to veto or defend themselves.
Or allow disciples to keep the progress they already achieved in case they change mentors, but the ability to progress must be tied to having a mentor.
Get rid of mentor system.

It doesn’t work in a game where people’s understanding and interpretation of topics such as, DPP/DPS/Eff is so heavily miss communicated/understood.

They need two things. Which I’m going to over simplify

1) Clear reward system to recruit and help retain players
2) Clear basic information on, for example why DPS can sometimes be king.
1) Clear reward system to recruit and help retain players
2) Clear basic information on, for example why DPS can sometimes be king.
Not sure about removing Mentor system is a good idea. 🤔

Source for basic info would be nice tho. 👍
remove the mentor system and convert it to a new addition to the Entropia Creator's Club Initiative... a series of tutorials from mentors both readable and perhaps video/audio might be useful. ;)
@Lykke Guess you will need to graduate in the "new" mentor system before make anyone your disciple. And for that I had to kick all my old disciples. Yeah it sucks even if I had really low hope in them. Also the mentor need to have higher profession level than you. GL and welcome back!

Edit: I didn't knew you could not kick disciples anymore. My last graduated ones was more than a year ago. Did it even came out in the VU release list or is one more bug that MA is not aware simple because no one really try to play this game in their office?
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list can be 20 people long? my disciplines never returned to game and so much time passed for them being inactive that "Kick" button disappeared for them. what to do?
list can be 20 people long? my disciplines never returned to game and so much time passed for them being inactive that "Kick" button disappeared for them. what to do?
If none of them return to the game, don't take disciples anymore, let others who can inspire someone to stay/return. The answer is there.
I think mentoring should be locked behind a minimum skill level of say, 75. So many new players mentoring new players. Kinda silly.
list can be 20 people long? my disciplines never returned to game and so much time passed for them being inactive that "Kick" button disappeared for them. what to do?
Currently the kick is broken, yes. When we reach our limit on disciple list, we can choose to retire and then "un-retire" we will keep our rating. All disciples will be gone from our list. Make sure all your disciples are in-active before retiring.
I think mentoring should be locked behind a minimum skill level of say, 75. So many new players mentoring new players. Kinda silly.
Only issue with this is there might not be enough Mentors around.

In all honesty if one Mentor has 20 Disciples, does he really have time for all of them. 🤔
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I mentored a few people, but tbh stopped mentoring.
For the free time it takes up (although satisfying at times watching people progress), isn't worth my time/expense to do so for rewards from 2008.
Although if i meet someone new i click with then maybe i would.

Edit: I didn't knew you could not kick disciples anymore. My last graduated ones was more than a year ago. Did it even came out in the VU release list or is one more bug that MA is not aware simple because no one really try to play this game in their office?

Yeah, the whole mentoring system is broke. And even if I do understand the mentoring system's importance regarding newcomers, there are still other ways to mentor newcomers without using the system, if you are creative.

When we had the Adopt a Newbie Foundation, we matched mentors with disciples. These days, after returning and reading this thread I realise, we will have to rethink the whole service - and the form will be without the need of the mentoring system.

It does require dedication for both a mentor and disciple if they use the in-game system. Unfortunately some mentors do it to get the item and rep but forget to give the disciple the needed attention, and disciples do it for the same reason - but often, the disciple quit again because nothing was as easy as they thought it would be OR they didn't get the free stuff from the mentor, they hoped for =) There can be many reasons, not necessary being the mentors OR the disciples fault.

An easy way to help newcomers are to accept them into the society for a limited period of time until they get the hang of it, and set them free again when they got more in game friends and know if they wish to stay in game or not. It will also give them more than one person to learn from, and also give them the experience of how it is to be a part of the Entropian community = bigger chance of them to stay. It's up to the society if they wish to welcome the disciple into the soc as a 'real member' afterwards.

Dunno, there are plenty of ways to help out, still ... just my two pec ... :girl:
Did they ever fix any of these issues?

A newbie wanted me to adopt them cause their first mentor went MIA but we can't figure out how to navigate the new UI for them to leave their current discipleship.
Not everyone should be a mentor, thats a fact. Myself i consider a very bad mentor for new players since i dont know any meta. To be honest i would look for someone that is playing free to play at low level and have consistency (like hunting or mining non stop without sweating).