Info: Merlin's Planet Ratings


Old Alpha
Sep 13, 2021
Avatar Name
Francis Merlinfire Sureshot
Here's my basic impressions of the planets as they stand as of Feb 2024. I rate them by 2 main criteria. Bankroll-Friendliness and Themepark-Quality. These will be BR and TQ.

  • Calypso
    • BR: B+. Caly has two major things going for it here. One is the easy of access to the auction and calytrade channels. If you are good at buying low and selling high, and have the patience for it, there's no better place to be. For those that don't, the daily missions for tokens can be a good way to get weapons. Other than that, the MU is poor or non-existence on much of the readily-available mobs to hunt.
    • TQ: B-. Caly has a story but there is no overriding mission chain and there's not really any ladder to climb. Boring and lacking in aspirational goals. Some landowners have made some interesting leaderboards/contests on their land.
  • Monria
    • BR: C+. Most loot reachable by everyone is about the same quality as Caly except you don't get access to the beneficial market advantages of Caly. One benefit they get is that they share daily token opportunities with Caly. There's also a cheap warp from here to Caly using the map.
    • TQ: A. There are some interesting long term goals you can set for yourself based off of rare loot and sets. That would put it into B+ but there are quite a few live events that happen on Monria which I think bumps it up to A-.
  • Cyrene
    • BR: A. Wide variety of loot reachable by everyone that has some MU. Most of this loot will always have stable MU because they feed into daily crafting missions or other long chains. Some nice lowbie-support dailies, and a tremendous once-per-2-week mission to trade robot or animal residue for a gun. A socmate of mine designed the mission and the npc bears part of his name. I did some math on it, and iirc, if you did it every time you could, it would return something like 186p/yr. IMO one of the best quests in the game on one of the best planets in the game.
    • TQ: A+. Tons of dailies. Lots of big, long-term ladders to climb. Good variety. My favorite planet, and I expect the place to continue to improve.
  • Arkadia + Moon
    • BR: C. Most loot (and most treasures in mining) have no markup. This has gotten a little better lately due to the revamp but it still has a ways to go. You will be cubing a lot of this junk and shipping the rest back to Caly. Moon is taxed significantly.
    • TQ: B. Some nice missions and the dailies are ok. Good mob design and variety. Some landowners have made some interesting leaderboards/contests on their land.
  • Next Island
    • BR: B+. Some of the best dailies in the game in terms of TT return. A lot of the crystals are still cube food but there is more MU than there used to be. There are some decent mid-level mobs with good loot. Distance from the galactic core (Caly) is annoying.
    • TQ: A-. Factions are interesting. Lots of missions and some nice upgrade chains. Obviously Ancient Greece is a cool theme park to add to overall variety. I look forward to NI continuing to improve its overall quality in coming years.
  • Toulan
    • BR: B. A bit of MU in loot if you know where to find it, accessible to low-level players. Guardian Village's giant blob of mobs is really easy to demolish and frequently drops low-level guns appropriate to kill more of the same.
    • TQ: A-. CUHOF, nawacores, citizenship path, etc. Missions here are not just daily, some are hourly, and give skills. Some interesting story and events (since it is run by the Monria people). In my opinion, the most aesthetically pleasing planet in the game.
  • Rocktropia
    • BR: D. Many of the crafting recipes have not been kept up to snuff in the changing nature of the game. Many recipes are not useful, and there is little demand for anything. A handful of items have some off-world demand (vixen gears, alternative ingot). If it weren't for that smidgen of off-world demand I would rate this F.
    • TQ: C. There are a lot of cool ideas on RT. Some of them are not quite finished, or not quite working. Some quests are bugged or broken. What is there is often not well explained or understood. RT leans way more into the theme park atmosphere than any other planet, almost partitioning itself into its own set of theme parks, like the zombie areas, the king kong stuff, The Thing, Hell, Harlem, etc. The overall theme is really unique and in my mind the best thing about the planet.
    • Everyone knows this planet has seen a level of neglect, and is effectively abandoned. The ratings below reflect that reality. None of these problems are unfixable with the right attention from its owner. It's beyond the scope here but I would just say that if all the bugs got fixed, the crafting got a balance pass, and the mining and hunting loot for the planet were carefully considered as inputs into a range of new dailies and weeklies following in the style of what Cyrene and Arkadia have done in the past couple years, RT could be revived from the ashes.
    • Update: I noticed that recently a bunch of events keep popping up on Rocktropia. I don't know what if any relationship thisEUPlayer has with ND but he's been running a bunch of events. this is a good way to get player engagement for sure. an example of how ambitious players can improve things.

What do you think? Did I get some of these rankings wildly wrong? Did I miss something that makes the difference?
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A very interesting Idea , well done.

For Calypso I believe it could be quite good on the TQ rating if MA would follow some of the suggestion , made by Owners/players , such as allow land owners the ability to drop items into their loot. Not my idea , I believe I first saw it suggested by $5.

Great guide though , maybe others will follow suit.
agree on most. Cyrene is by far best lore in game.
going a notch above level 10 shooters...

Cyrene is by far TOP with turrella, duster courier, 2 armor sets, craftable HUB tier sets, dropped beetle set, 2 different armor plates, a special planet bound L150 weapon, Neff Stim pack FAP, Zorra UL Rifle, Six4 pistol obtainable via questing
Second best is probably NI with serpent scale and incision plates (upgradable), sadly the whole planet is based on annoying crystals that lead to useless tailoring craft (no one buy the manufactured items), the concept to pay you to grind (OIL is nanofood all in all) is like a "cashback" that extend ped card on daily.
an amazing analysis rewarding daily is hidden behind a "pure sufference" mining quest that requires burning tons of L3 amps.
Monria and Toulan/Dsec need some level more to e appreciated, but Mawlood Graduate is an 80% eff 11 MADps item, best (L) easy to loot in game, Sahar crown, horn of zagol, lotus armor and plates allow a player many hours of grind
Arkadia offers IFN Dropship grind, warehouse plates (need 1k ped for vanity items to obtain smuggler status), Lunar upgradable plates, ul Boiga in NUSL loot table,
RT has another set of items apart the ones mentioned, the grindhouse series BP, few more huntloot to craft them, but all in all RT MU is limited to D-Class amp manufacturing, ea gears and alternative. i tried to hunt there and was depressing. most of the zones are taxed, no market for loot, colors of the planet offend my eyes :) but has incredible ideas... need a revamp bad.

Calypso has no story, just bukin rifle quest and north cove chain, apart bukin rifle just RDI Backpack are there (the latter need a big dedication due to the "executed cotnract" cooldown, 500 days to grind an item (or have a full squad of calamus killers as logistic support.
it is totally clear that the game is rigged to have jsut calypso as marketplace and space lootable barrier are made to have people remain on caly too as well as the lack of an interplanetary auction. for these reasons outer planet are there just as "fillers" between one calypso event and the other.

so.. mayhem, robot spring attack, migration, gold rush, snow base are now the mandatory events for hunters,
in the "relax" moments between one and the other.... magical forest, cyrene caves and moloch cave are popular, alongside codexing here and there and doing quest lines....

as a last note i found my ped card lasting long on toulan, mostly because of low level monster limiting the ped per hour shootable
Some nice lowbie-support dailies, and a tremendous once-per-2-week mission to trade robot or animal residue for a gun. A socmate of mine designed the mission and the npc bears part of his name.
I liked your writeup! Cyrene is the only planet that I havent explored yet. What is the name of this biweekly mission you are refering to?
Very interesting rating of the planets. I've recently gone on the "grand tour" of planets and I agree a lot with the ratings. Calypso will always hold my interest and that is probably due to 20 years of familiarity. Monria is probably more in line with my personal interests in terms of design but it is hard on the bankroll at times.

My favorite places in order would be Calypso (includes CP and Monria), Cyrene, Arkadia (Ark Moon), Next Island (Ancient Greece), Toulan, RT, and then some space hunting areas. Each planet has its own set of carrots but it can be somewhat harder to stay afloat long enough to get them if the economies aren't vibrant.

I terms of proximity and missions Cyrene and Arkadia seem more in line with Calypso and their aesthetics make EU more cohesive in my opinion. If space was improved it might make traveling to the other planets a more engaging experience. Space hunting is rather clunky as it is and there is no space mining, salvage, bounty hunting, or cargo hauling which would give it more depth and a planet like experience itself. Ships are rather limited in terms of styles and customization as well.
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Very interesting rating of the planets. I've recently gone on the "grand tour" of planets and I agree a lot with the ratings. Calypso will always hold my interest and that is probably due to 20 years of familiarity. Monria is probably more in line with my personal interests in terms of design but it is hard on the bankroll at times.

My favorite places in order would be Calypso (includes CP and Monria), Cyrene, Arkadia (Ark Moon), Next Island (Ancient Greece), Toulan, RT, and then some space hunting areas. Each planet has its own set of carrots but it can be somewhat harder to stay afloat long enough to get them if the economies aren't vibrant.

I terms of proximity and missions Cyrene and Arkadia seem more in line with Calypso and their esthetics make EU more cohesive in my opinion. If space was improved it might make traveling to the other planets a more engaging experience. Space hunting is rather clunky as it is and there is no space mining, salvage, bounty hunting, or cargo hauling which would give it more depth and a planet like experience itself. Ships are rather limited in terms of styles and customization as well.
yes i would say the biggest outliers in terms of theme are going to be RT, Ancient Greece in NI, and maybe Monria. But on the other hand, sometimes what you really want is a change of pace, and a swap in theme can do that. I would love to have a late 90's cyberpunk planet that was as close to The Matrix as you could get without infringing on copyright. RT doesn't quite do that but thematically it's the closest.
Update: I noticed that recently a bunch of events keep popping up on Rocktropia. I don't know what if any relationship thisEUPlayer has with ND but he's been running a bunch of events. this is a good way to get player engagement for sure. an example of how ambitious players can improve things.
I don't know what if any relationship thisEUPlayer has with ND but he's been running a bunch of events.
can confirm i have zero relationship with ND and/or ND Studios and/or RT

can also confirm that while i heavily promote those events, i only do it for the fun of it and to promote what i genuinely think is the most fun place in all of EU

or as i like to put it... only doing it to put the ROCK back into ROCKtropia ;-)

shameless plugs:

- i usually stream my RT gameplay on twitch, zero commentary just good music and zombie sounds from the game
- RT radio sucks ass, see spotify for a decent-er ROCKtropia Radio playlist ;)