Info: Mindark shares

Because they are on a no name stock market, and are a no name company. Who the fuck would invest in them?

The people who WOULD invest are investing in the game itself.

Not everyone, but that seems to be the general opinion of those I've asked.
January was the last time I checked the share price. It looked fairly healthy at 3.5. Surprised the price has 'crashed' by 23% to 1.52 in one day (assuming I am reading Yahoo! Finance's website correctly). I am not an active player anymore but I thought revenue was decent and Unreal engine was on the horizon, why is confidence so low in the company?
1. For outsiders, the few ones that have seen that stock, this is a risky unknown.
2. For insiders, we wonder why mindark has been trying to sell every single piece of the game they can for the last decade.

And by virtue of both Trust in this game has an ever decreasing stock value.

The sky isn't falling, we are just in a sad situation.
English is not my first language :) But I try my best! Its a long read but I believe that it is informative. The information is from Mindark´s homepage but I am to lazy to find links and do it properly. You as a reader can verify. This is my opinion.

Before I add my assessment of the stock I would like to highlight that I love the Entropia Universe, I somewhat understand the challanges Mindark is facing and that what they have done with TWEN was the best state of the game - FOR ME - that it has ever been. They have released alot of great content, with more to come, and the "oh so important" communication towards thier playerbase, or perhaps its investors (in and outside of the game), has atleast been improved. This is my assessment of why the stock is performing the way it is:

Even tho 2023 was a really strong year for Mindark, that was building on the covid hype, the biggest deal of them all was the move to Unreal 5.
Mindark is facing challanges when it comes to acquiring new customers and has matured as a company with needs to reinvent itself for further growth. The biggest vehicle for this reinvention is, in my oppinion, Unreal 5.

Around the time the stock was listed Mindark had revealed that they had signed a deal for Unreal 5 and that they had put almost everything on the backburner in order for that work to take priority. I tried to find the link where they said that they aimed to complete the work sometime 2024-2025 (correct me if im wrong, I dont remember the wording of what thier goal was or where it was communicated). There was a devblog made, instagrams setups and alot of activity regarding Unreal 5.

Then something happend. No updates on the blog or Instagram. A shift in focus from "everyone on board" to "We also need to focus on the current gamrelated activitys to create revenue bla bla". I think this was a good move. They cant just drop everything for Unreal 5.

But it also tells the story of that thier initial assesment of when Unreal 5 would be implimented was most likely miscalculated. I am not surprised. The amount of work that goes into this kind of move - and also the talent needed in order to pull it of - is not a small undertaking. And its a BIG change from maintaining the current engine, with limited new content, to learning a new language and taking old code and making it usuable in Unreal 5. I mean its a BIG leap.

So the stockprice started falling.

It gained some momentum with the AI-announcement that got alot of hype (and got tied to a big layoff of staff). That also got new investors onboard. However this was short lived when it was discoverd that the people that reported the news (not Mindark) overhyped the whole situation.

It started falling again but got momentum when it was communicated that MindArk's net sales and profit after financial items increase significantly in Q4 2023. This was however also quite short lived when investors that dont play the game understood that the TWEN event, that contributed to these numbers, was a onetime event. Something that the latest report reflected. So the price started to fall again.

That was a short and simple summery I believe.

A bigger question is if the stock is undervalued (?). Or if Mindark can pull of Unreal 5 in a somewhat timely fashion (?). Or what kind of content generation they will supply until then (?) and if this content will keep current "status quo" or create more revenue (?).

I am just a normal Entropia citizen with love for the game. I am not a big spender but I do contribute to the economy. People like JBK, Eve, Messi and the other BIG Ava´s, Traders and other BIG organisations (se what I did there ;) have much more insight into the game then I do and what makes it tick. I am sure they can give a more complete answer to state of game stuffs.

There is ALOT of room for growth. ALOT of room for improvment. If handled correctly Unreal 5 can take our beloved universe to a COMPLETLY new level and bring the stock, ingame assets and company with them. But in order for that to happen I believe that normal Swedish working culture needs to take a step back. I hope its less talking and alot more working. Less "company culture" and more late hours. Less focus on who is who and more focus on who CAN DO.

As always a big shoutout to the people at Mindark. Mindark fighting ~
1. For outsiders, the few ones that have seen that stock, this is a risky unknown.
2. For insiders, we wonder why mindark has been trying to sell every single piece of the game they can for the last decade.

And by virtue of both Trust in this game has an ever decreasing stock value.

The sky isn't falling, we are just in a sad situation.

Insert WC3 cheat code:

Insert WC3 cheat code:

Dont stop there. Here are some additional codes.

WarpTen - Speeds construction of buildings and units
TierTen - Speeds up your gameplay

WhosYourDaddy - God mode
WhosYourMentor - God mode

PointBreak - Removes food limit
TokenBreak - Removes token cost

ThereIsNoSpoon - Unlimited Mana
ThereIsNoPersonalLootPool - Unlimited Loot

StrengthAndHonor - No defeat
StrengthAndStamina - No defeat

AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs - Instant victory
AllYourPedsAreBelongToUs - Instant victory

IseeDeadPeople - Remove fog of war
IseeExploiters - Remove fog of war
At a high of 2.00 SEK per share compared to original offering of 5.00 SEK, MA devs must be wondering about their wages.
Does this mean it is the time to buy all the MA shares now?

Mindark shares price down 23.81% today?
What matters is what is the intrinsic value of the company, not the share price.

Looks like MA is profitable for now. So it's okay. Most IPOs start off like this.
1. For outsiders, the few ones that have seen that stock, this is a risky unknown.
2. For insiders, we wonder why mindark has been trying to sell every single piece of the game they can for the last decade.

And by virtue of both Trust in this game has an ever decreasing stock value.

The sky isn't falling, we are just in a sad situation.
And now we got "immersive NPCs"

Maybe they don't know what to do.
The value of Mindark should be 1SEK per share atm. Perhaps later on the stock will increase with larger servers and population.

Looking bearish with short term reversal possibility but will likely see resistance at 1.50 and 2.00
Because they are on a no name stock market, and are a no name company. Who the fuck would invest in them?

The people who WOULD invest are investing in the game itself.

Not everyone, but that seems to be the general opinion of those I've asked.
Seems obvious to me these players should BUY the game lock stock and barrel
The lock, stock and barrel aren't for sale it would seem; the freefloat is below 50% I believe, but don't know exactly. If there were a majority takeover, then the stock could have more potential in my opinion, but the current chart isn't very encouraging.
Mindark greed

Less player rettetion

Its not sustaible bussines and its reflect in profit / shares values
Mindarks shares value, @Mindarks own website

What are your toughts on this? Is Mindark running towards the forest or why is the share so low compared to Orgininal share price at launch @ 5 SEK/Share.

Has Mindark lost it?
1 That shares are not real stock market, but NGO based company to support as they mentioned 10% of scandinavian brands that need help.
Thats like quazi kickstarter.
2 That company also didint go well and was buyed by German one.
3 If U go deep to all documents, then U will not buy.
4 Shares, deeds etc. create pasive income that reflects on game economy.
If You want to buy and dont play, and U got cash to dig deep for 15-211years :ROFLMAO:, and not much other understanding of market then yeah do it.
If You play, then U will understand that shares, deeds etc need to be payed off in %, Thats all players % on return.

I love RCE systems, but thats only way that I never would go.

P.S. First day of this shares I told it will not take a year to go under 2kr. As real value only for some players is 0.50kr.
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1 That shares are not real stock market, but NGO based company to support as they mentioned 10% of scandinavian brands that need help.
Thats like quazi kickstarter.
2 That company also didint go well and was buyed by German one.
3 If U go deep to all documents, then U will not buy.
4 Shares, deeds etc. create pasive income that reflects on game economy.
If You want to buy and dont play, and U got cash to dig deep for 15-211years :ROFLMAO:, and not much other understanding of market then yeah do it.
If You play, then U will understand that shares, deeds etc need to be payed off in %, Thats all players % on return.

I love RCE systems, but thats only way that I never would go.

P.S. First day of this shares I told it will not take a year to go under 2kr. As real value only for some players is 0.50kr.
Based on assets only Mindark share is valued at 1.1kr/share roughly. Then you can speculate all you want to add to the share but if have cash in the stockmarket, there are plenty of other smelly fishes to invest in than this.

Invest in Mindark if you belive and want to support it, but for an investment, you are better of investing ingame.
Based on assets only Mindark share is valued at 1.1kr/share roughly. Then you can speculate all you want to add to the share but if have cash in the stockmarket, there are plenty of other smelly fishes to invest in than this.

Invest in Mindark if you belive and want to support it, but for an investment, you are better of investing ingame.
I invest by playing and regular depo even when dont need. I just play with "Monthly sub".
But with current situation I will not put more, then my fair limit for them.

I hope they will repair reputation.
Price nearly went below 1.00 today, ended 1.2, continuing slow downward trend.