Mining with profit : Monthly results

i wasn't having a good time mining either, returns were also very bad and i was not getting nearly enough of the rarer ores to sell at auction

i decided to read on it more, got on discord with someone who knew a lot more about mining and he taught me about LBML ( i highly recommend it!)

i sold my hunting gear and scraped about 1300 PED, bought a F-105 an extractor and about 1200ped worth of probes

i usually do between 250 and 350 drops per mining run, no overlapping. any stack of 100p or over i put at auction, rest goes in storage until its stacked big enough to sell

there is just no way you are sitting at 50% returns unless you are dropping way too few probes. it took me a cycle of about 3500 PED (all unamped planetside, it takes quite a while actually...) to really start seeing my returns "average" out, and for now that average is sitting at 97.68%

try to do some "larger" mining runs, see if it changes anything :)

Sending good vibes your way, try not to take the game and mining too seriously, it really is just a game after all :)
Currently I am sitting at 50% return... <Sarcasm ON> ABSOLUTELY AMAZING GAME AND GAMEPLAY <Sarcasm Off>

Seriously MA, you need to do better...
how much have you cycled? and at what cost per drop?
i wasn't having a good time mining either, returns were also very bad and i was not getting nearly enough of the rarer ores to sell at auction

i decided to read on it more, got on discord with someone who knew a lot more about mining and he taught me about LBML ( i highly recommend it!)

i sold my hunting gear and scraped about 1300 PED, bought a F-105 an extractor and about 1200ped worth of probes

i usually do between 250 and 350 drops per mining run, no overlapping. any stack of 100p or over i put at auction, rest goes in storage until its stacked big enough to sell

there is just no way you are sitting at 50% returns unless you are dropping way too few probes. it took me a cycle of about 3500 PED (all unamped planetside, it takes quite a while actually...) to really start seeing my returns "average" out, and for now that average is sitting at 97.68%

try to do some "larger" mining runs, see if it changes anything :)

Sending good vibes your way, try not to take the game and mining too seriously, it really is just a game after all :)

The big difference between hunting and mining is :

1-You can mine with a cheap UNL finder(s), so you don't lose MU

2-The MU of resources is higher than the % of hunting loot.

Especially point 2 is hugely important:
The zone in which you will mine should consist of resources with a reasonable MU.
I do never go for high MU, but mostly for mid-range ores + fillers.
Those sell a lot faster with a nice %. I can even keep cycling when selling fillers only.
Here is an example where you can practically never make a profit ... with enm but ores might be good ... TEST THIS

Totall ped3,0019,745,98
Totall %10,45%68,73%20,82%

This is one of the reasons why I never double drop.

As soon as you start selling big stacks at dumping prices, you're done for, so calculate everything!!!

If you start a run with the F-105, example : 100 drops ores, you should not earn back 100 ped but, 102.05 ped + extraction + refining !!!
And then there is the fee ...

And ofc you will have good and bad returns, but in the end it levels out when you take everything into account.
Never forget that your sales MU is the most important for profit, NOT globals/hofs.

If you need more info, feel free to contact me, I gladly help people that want to mine like I do and listen / learn. ;)
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the only difference for me is that i always double drop...the fear of "missing" a fat claim is just too much for me! :ROFLMAO: (y)
the only difference for me is that i always double drop...the fear of "missing" a fat claim is just too much for me! :ROFLMAO: (y)

Dual dropping is changing ground composition.

But you never know when you can hit a big oil claim I suppose ;)

That is where you loose MU ... same when mining between mobs and shooting them ... and then get a shrapnel global 😒

EDIT : Believe it or not, there is not 1 zone where I go for ore AND enm ... always for 1 of them cause 1 of them is always bad.
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November 2024

Another month has passed.

This month I mined less but the returns are and will remain the same/stable, including the profits.
I have never believed in cycling and never will.
As long as you are mining without amps, all multipliers/globals are extra because you don't have to fill a pit, which is why my TT return is higher.
Only mining with UNL gear gives even better results because you don't pay MU.
Paying MU always means a loss.

The returns ... yes it can already be seen that shifts have happened.
By this I mean much, even very much less mid resources which causes bigger fluctuations on auction or in other words more volatile mining.
Your returns contain more and more fillers and less and less mid-depth resources.
Mining with amps will give you even more fillers and less mid-depth resources.
Except for a few certain resources, mining with an F-101 or F-106 makes almost no difference anymore, so why pay more decay/drop.

Once again, it is more and more important to sell even your fillers at a higher % if they peak at auction, and because I made some price adjustments, my profits are more than ok.
Can only say ... count count count ALL costs to determine your sales price.

And now to the results for this month :


Ores : TT return 107,45% - After sales 122,45%
Enmatters : TT return 97,71% - After sales 111,85%


No mining done

No mining done

NEW from this month tracking what sold the best + what gave me most profit :

Sold most recources : Lyst and Melchi
Sold with most profit : Iron and Ares Powder

Global numbers on year basis

TT return 104,30% - After sales 118,79%

Year average is 25,65 ped profit / day
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A new year is approaching, and so I am making adjustments to my spreadsheet again.

I have also adjusted my way of mining.
In 2025, I will only mine with UNL finder to save MU.
Paying MU is always a loss.
Furthermore, I work as cheaply as possible with the [Transformer T-105] as refiner and the [Rookie Rock Ripper] as extractor, both available from time to time at a price any miner can afford and absolutely no big investment.
And of course other costs such as pets, pills, pre-amped, taxed area's ... are beyond me, but since I noticed I cannot keep up my filler stocks, I might try to experiment with some amps.
At least for now, because even though I sell in smaller stacks for higher MU, I've found this year that I can't keep certain fillers in stock enough in my stash and since amps give a much larger amount of fillers, I may try an amp from time to time. This will largely depend on the results.
To reach certain resources, I may sometimes use depth enhancers, but this is more of a rarity.
Here again, paying MU is a loss so I avoid this as much as possible only if the numbers are worth it.
It makes no sense to drive up your cost and then find a tiny/small % of rare resources or less in your return.

Meanwhile, my stock is mostly up to date, so my first goal now is to keep it that way and only mine what keeps my stock up.
My stock list is 0.10% / year of all resources sold on Caly, not counting Ark and NI yet.

My moto for 2025 : less is more, and by that I mean what doesn't sell I don't need to mine and especially low sales = less mining.
Of course there are resources that will come into my stock anyway that you don't really want, but that cannot always be avoided.

So I focus mainly on mining with certain finders in some area's, possibly with or without depth enhancers AND on resources on MU.
BTW : I'm still looking for more UNL finders but only @ a decend price, tiered is not neccesary.
Taking devaluation into account, I am never going to pay high prices, for a miner this is really not a must.

My results from January are therefore going to look completely different.
I cannot say it enough, but since the announcement of space mining, my results have been very different from the years before and it is very noticeable at auction. Selling for higher MU is where your profits come from and not from bulk sales.

Here's what to expect as an example and yes, you will see peds spend and %.
This way you can see you do not need to cycle huge numbers of peds and still make a nice profit.

TotallsProbesFindersT-105RRREnhTotall pedsTT returnTT+SalesTT returnTT+Sales

TotallsProbesFindersT-105RRREnhTotall pedsTT returnTT+SalesTT returnTT+Sales
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I've been mining exactly like you for couple of years now (on and off since I'm busy IRL and mining is really boring for longer period of time), I don't keep detailed logs, but I'm pretty sure I'm not even close to such TT returns. I wonder though how many mining strongboxes you looted ? Today I got 2 after probably like 10k probes dropped lol so I'm curious how common they are.
I've been mining exactly like you for couple of years now (on and off since I'm busy IRL and mining is really boring for longer period of time), I don't keep detailed logs, but I'm pretty sure I'm not even close to such TT returns. I wonder though how many mining strongboxes you looted ? Today I got 2 after probably like 10k probes dropped lol so I'm curious how common they are.

I loot them from time to time, mostly from ore mining but I'm really not interested in them and sell them to those that ask for them... cause you get like 99% crap out of them.
I do not even count the sales in my spreadsheet I'm getting from them, same for fruits, stones etc ...

EDIT : with detailed spreadsheets, it's easy to find the zones that are worth mining ;) and BTW I find hunting very boring :LOL:
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Today I am closing the 2024 financial year and starting next year with a completely new system so to see all the results with all different finders I use.

Also, my way of mining is going to be different and I am mainly talking about :

1 - Saving even more on MU. I will only mine with UL finders.
2 - For ores, I will occasionally mine with amp 1 in certain areas because my fillers still sell faster than I can mine ... even when selling above 108%-110% net ;)
3 - Depth enhancers are used only where it is really an advantage and that is very exceptional, again ... MU saving.

Other than that, I use the same material :

Finders : MD-10 and F-101 - F-102 - F-103 - F-104 - F-105 - F-106 - TM6
Refiner : T-105 to refine
Extractor : 3x Rookie Rock Ripper UNL

Forgot to mention my skills ... skills do not mean a thing ... only to use deeper finders for a tiny % of rare ores or another target you want.
Prospector : LVL 38
Surveyor : LVL 33
Treasure hunter : LVL 18


Ores : TT return 106,68% - After sales 121,68%
Enmatters : TT return 97,81% - After sales 113,83%

No mining done

No mining done

As you can still see, the TT return for enm is below 100% ... and by mining with UNL finders this year only, I hope to raise this number.

For ores, you are always going to see 2 tables, 1 with and 1 without amp1 so I can make clear comparisons.

Again ... amps 1 are only used if needed like with the depth enhancers, so most MU is avoided but to keep my fillers stock up to date.

Tracking what sold the best + what gave me most profit :

Sold most recources : Lyst and Oil
Sold with most profit : Lyst and Ares Powder

Global numbers on year basis

TT return 104,30% - After sales 118,79%

Year average is 25,04 ped profit / day

And beyond that, I wish everyone a very healthy 2025 with lots of fun and lots of profits

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1/2 of januari 2025

Results of a complete fresh start after resetting all data, and with that, as always, a poor start in January in terms of returns and sales

This time just after 2 weeks of mining for 2 reasons.

The first reason is that a friendly UNamped miner got a vast claim worth +2300 ped.
Glad this happened because it shows that it is still possible to get these claims even if you go unamped mining.
Huge gz :)

The 2nd reason is in response to a question/discussion about the difference in costs (decay/refining) of ores/ enm because these costs double with enmatter

Less mining was done, due to bad results and slow sales.

Here we go

TotallsProbesFindersT-105RRREnhTotall pedsTT returnTT+SalesTT returnTT+Sales
TM 6

TotallsProbesFindersT-105RRREnhTotall pedsTT returnTT+SalesTT returnTT+Sales
TM 6200,005,32160,45000,88220,00206,6538170,0500198,762882,29%96,18%

TotallsProbesFindersAmp 1T-105RRREnhTotall pedsTT returnTT+SalesTT returnTT+Sales

All costsTT returnTT return + %Win/Loss
Ores + Amp 11280,701292,001457,12176,42
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