Question: MM - R you among the lucky 10% or the sad 90%

I did 2 runs in S4. One on spiders and one on the other mob. In both i killed the yule.

For sure I'm among the sad 90%.

On spiders I used Perseus and need to fap pretty much with ur200 and ended up with 74 points. And a great loss

On the other mob it was pretty easygoing with gremlin and no or rare combat fapping and ended up with 84 points. Was close to break even.

Got to candy sticks rest was just tt. So no need for me to spend more pedis here. Might return later to do 2 more runs when loot pool is more filled. Good luck to the rest of you that think you can be among the lucky 10% :)
I am from the happy that will participate knowining that can't win. Not sure how % is that.
I will even use MF knowing that my laser proffesions are higher.
btw you can be sad and lucky if to be happy you need to win MM.
I'll be in the lucky 10% because i have a blessed avatar that always profits. :eyecrazy:
Im neither since im not participating :) Maybe 10% of the smart ones
aren't the lucky ones the ones that mine pyrite atm? craft big amps, enhancers and cold plates?
Luck is partly your own part. ;)

I don't know if I'm lucky in the event itself; I concider luck looting some 1ped weapons and killing kerbies without armor at all. I might not win in a long shot, truth be told, if I get a prize it will be because the event was a failure on MA's part.

I don't know if I even should participate, I still need to wack down alot of ambu in akoz event and the daily missions tokens are more opportune to me atm.

On the other hand, more peds are cycled in the snow, so a few biggies might drop. So why not take my chance on some merry mobs.

ahh, the choices, I'm feeling sad already :D
im deffinately amongst the 90%.

Actually i cant see how its worth compeeting, even if u win some of the top prices. With the return as it is, loosing 300+ ped an hour is not something that can be covered with some of the prices MU.

So unless your in that 10% MA pet Group. This is just a another big ped sucking shit event from MA. :wtg:

Have fun :lolup:
im deffinately amongst the 90%.

Actually i cant see how its worth compeeting, even if u win some of the top prices. With the return as it is, loosing 300+ ped an hour is not something that can be covered with some of the prices MU.

So unless your in that 10% MA pet Group. This is just a another big ped sucking shit event from MA. :wtg:

Have fun :lolup:

Still the new format is a huge improvement over the halloween one. It seems a bit more luck and a bit less cc competition tho either way u look at it it will cost money to play just a lot less than before if u wanted to win anything. Level restricted instances with their own prizes are far better than one pool for everyone. Now it seems a far higher % of the player pop actually has a chance to win something now and thats a good thing. I made one run and looted a calytrek mk1 and 2 in the first fifteen minutes in the #1 instance so I was pretty pleased with that.
I'll be in the lucky 10% because i have a blessed avatar that always profits. :eyecrazy:

I've already won so many of these things that I don't even bother with it anymore.

In the spirit of Christmas, I'll let others have a chance by not participating in any more of these.