my last support case


Mar 31, 2006
Old Switzerland
Natural Born Killers
Avatar Name
hypnotica TRANCE blain
Hi everyone... i still did a support to inform MA about my futur depo.
This should be not a secret between MA and my person, so i will show the community what i wrote to this nice company. Im pretty sure im not alone in this case!

here the support case i did:
2010-06-19 17:24 Du schriebst:

Hello MA

I have a little information to you!

I still wait since VU10 to get back the Make Up system.(and a lot other things to get back) And im sure each of my well knowing customers do same.

Last Saturday i did last deposite (200usd) and after kill around 800 trox i be broke again... the last depo was not enought to play your game one month! It was ok for 6 days play on my knowing level.

The loot i/we get is more as a shame! a lot no looters, and a lot usless nova or guns(cb13) without any MU. Plus a lot Miss shots! I know, you are in mutch problems, if i read your anual report. But if you need that ppl doing more deposite, then you have to do more as just get us crap loot and take all our cash to fix your problems!

I know that a lot PPL dont doing any deposite , before we dont get all the missed things back like: Taming, Make Up, Beacons, etc... you still take the time to make new things, and dont focus wath we all need to see back.

My Make Up buiz was run very well, and all the cash i got from there i was cicle in the game.. never i did cash out the game. Now, since VU10 i still wait to get back the Make Up system. I depo a lot cash since vu10, but still no make up! My patiance is broke now.

Before we dont get back Make Up, Taming and Beacons, i dont do any more deposite to your company!!!
I know i be not alone doing this.. and each day it will have more PPL doing the same.

No wonder you stay in a financial crisis, if you never do what we all wish. No serius company ignore the own customers, like you do! Now, you can see in your anual report, what happens to companys, ignoring the customers wishes. Hopefully you got your skills in this now. Is time to aweake ! Bring back what we wish, before you do new contents! And i be sure most PPL start to depo again.

My doposite to you is still in a freez period now...
No problem for me to play other games while i wait you bring back the old missed systems. My friendlist is very smal now, about most leave the game or was selling out.

PLZ. bring back what we all wish, and maybe give us better loot, so we can play at our normal level.

I still wait to see the missed things back, and then maybe i be happy to support your campany with my cash.

My best wishes to you, and i still hope you got the point! (sry about my smal English)

Trance Make Up

Im sure some ppl will say is bad what i did... but im also sure a lot ppl are agree, that we need all the missed things back, and that we need a better lootsystem, so we are able to play longer as one week with 200 usd. And we need that MA do hear of us all, what we really wish. We are the ppl, support MA with our money. And i am tired now to say noting about all the bad things happens to the player base. Is time to aweak MA!
+ rep

nothing more to say
the answer will be : sry but we have to get the Money back we've invested in the Castle in Dresden and in CryEngine²

or in other words: the game is dynamic:rolleyes:
I wont how long that 2k ped would have lasted hunting argo youngs?

quiet long

but trox are indeed make or break. Iḿ doing moliks now and the peds do drain. Itś not like you can make a living with hunting. And OP had a nice business which MA nerfed. You can almost argue that MA needs to pay a compensation for those how had a business.

MA wanted a real life eco system. If you are out of business due to work on the road you can file a compensation.
quiet long

but trox are indeed make or break. Iḿ doing moliks now and the peds do drain. Itś not like you can make a living with hunting. And OP had a nice business which MA nerfed. You can almost argue that MA needs to pay a compensation for those how had a business.

MA wanted a real life eco system. If you are out of business due to work on the road you can file a compensation.

my buiz is out, about no make up ... that is not my fail i did... Ma did it! they never told us, that we get a small beta version of this we had before vu10. And we have to wait ages to get back what we had. No matter i kill trox or other mobs:laugh:
the answer will be : sry but we have to get the Money back we've invested in the Castle in Dresden and in CryEngine²

or in other words: the game is dynamic:rolleyes:


Since we did buy the castle we didnt have to pay 400k € in taxes. Now we can use that money to pay for CE2 ;)

OP: I don't see why you mention the anual report all the time. Business is business and an average dude won't understand much from reading such reports. As an example, the castle. People got all upset since they think that it is some kind of resort for the staff or something, while it actually (And a lot more likely) just is a way to get around our tax-laws.
trance said:
No wonder you stay in a financial crisis, if you never do what we all wish. No serius company ignore the own customers, like you do! Now, you can see in your anual report, what happens to companys, ignoring the customers wishes.

It does seem a good way to shoot yourself in the foot MA - ignoring the people who pay your bills and put the food on your table.
People spend their disposable income on recreational activities, whether that be extreme sports, a motorcycle, going out to pubs and restaurants, the cinema, or indeed, putting money into a video game. Sorry, a "Virtual Universe".

If the activity that they put money into is no longer felt to be recreational, will they still deposit or will they find something else enjoyable to do?

Since we did buy the castle we didnt have to pay 400k € in taxes. Now we can use that money to pay for CE2 ;)

OP: I don't see why you mention the anual report all the time. Business is business and an average dude won't understand much from reading such reports. As an example, the castle. People got all upset since they think that it is some kind of resort for the staff or something, while it actually (And a lot more likely) just is a way to get around our tax-laws.

business is to not ingnore what the customers wish! or the buiz going broke!

In german we say : der kunde ist könig!
translate: the customer is the king!
business is to not ingnore what the customers wish! or the buiz going broke!

In german we say : der kunde ist könig!
translate: the customer is the king!

Didnt say anthing about that. That is right.
My last depo was in december last year. I used to depo several hundred usd's almost each month.

Loot's have been very disappointing indeed. Even on big mobs like prots, leviathan and such. Some people seem lucky though, but the returns now are like when sga started (u know when we wasted 10's of k ped hunting to find out after half a year items were not in the lootpools from day 1 at all, kind of a scam). Way too bad. A hof received is paid for at least 3 times, either before or after. It's not motivating me to ever depo again. And I don't believe in the bs that mindark only takes profit from decay. My ass. I'm convinced they take what they want.

I'm glad mindforce is back after a year though. That's very positive, yet not enough to keep financing this company, without getting a chance to nearly break even even (lol).
2k PEDs only lasted for 800 Troxis ?
Either those were high maturity or the return was mazingly bad.
2k last me a month with at least 3k killed.
2k PEDs only lasted for 800 Troxis ?
Either those were high maturity or the return was mazingly bad.
2k last me a month with at least 3k killed.

just killed baby trox young-guard and only one round on pro-old alpha:rolleyes:

but more importand is the waiting of all the missed things!
just killed baby trox young-guard and only one round on pro-old alpha:rolleyes:

but more importand is the waiting of all the missed things!
2k for just 800 small troxis does not sound right.
Even when I had around 15 evader and hunted them in Ghost+5B using HL11+A104 I did around double than that. Was the return so bad or the decay ?

As for waiting...after a certain age one either gets the things one expects or not, absolutely a waste of time to wait, because there is allways something to wait for :D
Sooner or later it either happens or not :D
It can be a bug or something weird is going on. I suspect something is going on with the loot system.
My record often shows very strange result very near or just after a new VU is lauched.
There will be a lot of buggs and rarely loot, or super good loot.
The bug part I only start to record since I had 250 nerf probes...
It does get more regular in time
But not sure if it was the system or I complained a lot about the buggs.
There are still there, but seems much less frequent.

Proably there is a connection between buggs and loot. hmm not sure l;()
After 6 month with no time to play (new work IRL :)) I came back 2 weeks ago.
I done 3 deposits, 3 times 200 USD in 3 days.
I craft only MA-101 just for fun because my BP was used to be magic :).
And you know what?
My BP was not magic anymore, and transformed itself to become a blackhole :eek:
Some globals at the end of each run, just enough to give you the idea "ok HOF is on his way".
Than I deposit one more time, 100 or 200 USD if I remember well and I get at least my HoF, around 800 PED.......
So I lost around 700 USD so fast, fortunatly, Goteborg Casino give me some money back, just enough to invite some nice swedish girls to the restaurant (I found a french one really great ;) )

Entropia is dynamic, swedish girls are too :)
Im sure some ppl will say is bad what i did... but im also sure a lot ppl are agree, that we need all the missed things back, and that we need a better lootsystem, so we are able to play longer as one week with 200 usd. And we need that MA do hear of us all, what we really wish. We are the ppl, support MA with our money. And i am tired now to say noting about all the bad things happens to the player base. Is time to aweak MA!

I agree 100%! :) MA is breaking new things in and we still need the old things back! :(
2k for just 800 small troxis does not sound right.
Even when I had around 15 evader and hunted them in Ghost+5B using HL11+A104 I did around double than that. Was the return so bad or the decay ?

As for waiting...after a certain age one either gets the things one expects or not, absolutely a waste of time to wait, because there is allways something to wait for :D
Sooner or later it either happens or not :D

i used cb24 + beast and boar +5b ...

1 run use 40 ped of decay gun (without MU), 40 ped on beast, around 16 ped armor decay and 200 ped ammo, thats around 300 ped each round... payback around 170 peds in average. so each round i lost 130 peds.

in one round i kill around 70 trox maybe a bit less, if it was a lot pro and guards.

800 trox : 70 per round = 11.428571 rounds
11.428571 x 130 peds lost per round = 1485.7142 peds lost
not calculate the super bad run on the big troxis in this case

my ped cart shows 300 peds left(last night), after a week.... but with that i cant buy a new cb24 so i be back on mining.... so i did last night a mining round. 100 bombs and 100 probs plus decay and some ammo for prodect. payback 80 ped tt worth.

was this helpfull to get the point?

but plz dont focus now the bad runs i had,,, i was more talking about missed things like make up etc. and that MA not focus this. And that they dont hear what we all wish to have back. And that they maybe change the lootsystem so we can play a month with 200 Usd. And is still to say also 200 usd for a month playing a game is a bit to high. in my old days, 4-5 years back, i could play longer as 1 month with the same investment. Also i was able to buy some items.

oh, and my skills are not beginner skills, just to say;)
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I've said this before and i'll say it again. The loot system is way too unbalanced. I don't care about getting an ATH because I know I probably won't. I want to get a better return even if it isn't all in one heap which may not ever come.
Trance - you and much other Player`s know it - in this "Problems" i thin 100% same :/

I have really the idiotical Idea, he learn it with the last re-implement the ME. It was really one of the best Ideas after VU 10:
But - :poke::loco: next step......implement Cars. New things with new Bugs.

Please bring us all the old, missed things back. Fix the Bugs by the re-implent things BEFORE you bring new things.

Könnte ich besser englisch, wärs weniger freundlich *g*
i used cb24 + beast and boar +5b ...

1 run use 40 ped of decay gun (without MU), 40 ped on beast, around 16 ped armor decay and 200 ped ammo, thats around 300 ped each round... payback around 170 peds in average. so each round i lost 130 peds.

Would call that rather overkill for young-old.
For about 55 killed I would spent around 15 PEDs decay on a P5, 40 PEDs on A104, 8 PEDs on armour decay (Goblin+5B) and 190 PED ammo. Does not sound much saved, but you only kill roughly 50% more than me with 100% more decay on gun and armour and you pay quite a bit more MU for the gun which only last about 1/3 of the shots the P5 does.
If the average return including decay and MU really is below 90%, then one must analyze the errors. 56% return is not normal even for a bad run.

No offense, just want to point out where you should look to cut your losses and make the PEDs last longer. For me those fast decaying guns where only nice for some short fun hunts were I did not look at the decay and returns, but surely not suitable for the daily grind.

+ rep

Your peds and mine served to paint in yellow the Castle in Dresden :D

You wait enough time.
MA need give back your job.
Would call that rather overkill for young-old.
For about 55 killed I would spent around 15 PEDs decay on a P5, 40 PEDs on A104, 8 PEDs on armour decay (Goblin+5B) and 190 PED ammo. Does not sound much saved, but you only kill roughly 50% more than me with 100% more decay on gun and armour and you pay quite a bit more MU for the gun which only last about 1/3 of the shots the P5 does.
If the average return including decay and MU really is below 90%, then one must analyze the errors. 56% return is not normal even for a bad run.

No offense, just want to point out where you should look to cut your losses and make the PEDs last longer. For me those fast decaying guns where only nice for some short fun hunts were I did not look at the decay and returns, but surely not suitable for the daily grind.

plz dont focus my bad hunt... the thread is about missed things, and just maybe change the lootsystem to a better balanced system.... i dont talke more about is better to use this gun or a other gun... this is not the sence of this threade. i had my opinion to use cb24 and i dont like to have 5 minuts to kill a trox young. Maybe in yours eyes, is it a overkill;) and i more focus old to guard as young to old.
To say the truth ... I didn't read all posts. It is not necessary. MA/FPC failed in bringing back that makeup in a tolerable frame of time. Me and Trance invested a lot of money. But I don't care for the money. My face tribal was my brand label ... important for my appearance here at Calypso. They took it away and destroyed my role play ... conclusion: I stopped depositing. No more money for no fun. It's simple, isn't it? Bring back makeup and I start to think about deposit money again.
And yes, all this so called new content is total bullshit until the things we payed serious amounts of money for are back for use.

MA/FPC ... you are at a wrong way ... hmmmm ... or I am a stupid customer ...
Slightly off topic, I used to loot make up quite often, but havent in months.

I dont know what to make of this, but it may be a good sign and that Make up will be back with us shortly.

I hope so for all the patient players waiting for all the missing features.

Personally I want beacons back, it'll encourage me to drop a few bombs and probes around the place. :)
Try an apis/beast with no armor for young to old

but i know thats not thre point, wheres are old features?!?!?

i miss beacons :((
and please stop dropping novas from Leviathan and Proterons!!! :mad:

really...our team chat becomes heavily involved with FPC's loot balancing manager's relatives and himself :rolleyes:
And yes, all this so called new content is total bullshit until the things we payed serious amounts of money for are back for use.

This I agree 100% with.

Sorry for being rude MA, but why the FUCK do you implement new shit when you havent even finished the all new stuff everyone is waiting for?
plz dont focus my bad hunt... the thread is about missed things, and just maybe change the lootsystem to a better balanced system.... i dont talke more about is better to use this gun or a other gun... this is not the sence of this threade. i had my opinion to use cb24 and i dont like to have 5 minuts to kill a trox young. Maybe in yours eyes, is it a overkill;) and i more focus old to guard as young to old.

Then maybe you should have focussed your support case way more on the missing things without putting pressure on them. The way you worded it it got filed directly under "whining".