News: New Space Features

TP token BP can be looted from crafting and purchased from the space terminal at the same time.
My two cents for what it’s worth: I really enjoyed space mining today. I did it for many many hours. My experience was like 200 ped worth of ores for that time. This won’t break the market imo. Even with higher lasers, I can mine 10x or more amped planet side. Even considering recycling with tailings isn’t going to affect the market much. I had fun and didn’t break the bank so I call that a win.
How did it take you “many many hours” to cycle 200 ped? I was working hardly paying attention and cycled 200ped in an hour with the tt mining weapon.

Either you cycled more than 200ped or you straight up killed an astroid mob every 10 minutes.

Even with the horrible space aiming and flying that they said would be fixed
Is aiming with the gunner lasers kinda weird, or is that just me missing something?
How did it take you “many many hours” to cycle 200 ped? I was working hardly paying attention and cycled 200ped in an hour with the tt mining weapon.

Either you cycled more than 200ped or you straight up killed an astroid mob every 10 minutes.

Even with the horrible space aiming and flying that they said would be fixed
I cycled more but ended up with around 200 ped ore. Aside from that I did get kicked multiple times with a “Hardware Device Removed” bug. When I got shrapnel I converted it on the spot. Loot from asteroids was 1-2 ped most of the time.
15 Teleportation Tokens

Are these tokens lootable?
How do you use an attached mining laser? Do you have to attach it to the ship like a weapon attachment on a weapon?
This will become available in the item info of all Mining Lasers in a patch next week:

Mounted mining laser apply a stacking Protection (Mining Laser Damage) debuff to asteroids.

Max 10 stacks, 5 second duration

Current mounted ML debuff stats:
  • Basic Mining Laser, Type M: 0.3 per stack
  • Kismet Chamrosh 1: 0.5 per stack
  • Kismet Chamrosh 2: 0.8 per stack
  • Kismet Chamrosh 3: 1.1 per stack
  • Kismet Chamrosh 4: 1.4 per stack
  • Kismet Chamrosh 5: 1.7 per stack
  • Genesis Star Eitri 1: 1.5 per stack
  • Genesis Star Eitri 2: 2 per stack
  • Genesis Star Sindri 1: 0.8 per stack
  • Genesis Star Sindri 2: 1.1 per stack
  • Genesis Star Sindri 3: 1.4 per stack
  • Genesis Star Sindri 4: 1.7 per stack
  • Genesis Star Sindri 5: 2 per stack
  • IMO Orion 1: 2.3 per stack
  • IMO Orion 2: 2.5 per stack
Anyone know how i mine asteroids greater than the c-type 1s? I get that reduced message. I have tried a higher power laser (Genesis star ivaldi I) but no luck still can only go after c-type 1s (im using Quad (L) )

Anyone know how i mine asteroids greater than the c-type 1s? I get that reduced message. I have tried a higher power laser (Genesis star ivaldi I) but no luck still can only go after c-type 1s (im using Quad (L) )

Use the M laser (out of the tt) from the gunner seat instead, after a few stacks the resistance goes away.
Use the M laser (out of the tt) from the gunner seat instead, after a few stacks the resistance goes away.
Thank you! I wasn't get past the first few, before giving up! You are a life saver
but the ability to change the A type laser while flying, when ?
it;s kind of counter productive too allways have to go to the space station to change a decayed one with a fresh one ...
but the ability to change the A type laser while flying, when ?
it;s kind of counter productive too allways have to go to the space station to change a decayed one with a fresh one ...
Yup worthy to solve so PPL can even repair their UL mining laser in space with their portable repair terminal.

As I bet Mayhem vendor will get special UL versions of high efficient M and A lasers, along with special Mayhem mining ship thatll be worth like 50 Rare Mayhem tokens :D

Theres the "potential" sink for tokens...
In RL pilots have a head tracking gun turret - this should be how the mining turret is guided... here's an example
Current mounted ML debuff stats:
Are all of those mounted? So far the terminology has been mounted and attached.

What does it mean anyway on 'mobs' (is what we are calling asteroids it seems, given the mechanics)? Are the extra costs taken into account for the loot, with the quality being negatively affected, however? This is something we are now used to in calculations!
Or, does the extra cost due to the debuff go towards the bonus loot pools that already come from unmaxed weapon use?
It would be good to know, I think... thanks :)
Bug Report -

I spawned my quad and tried to drag my A-laser out of inventory and drop it onto the quad.

I was informed that the fuel type was [Basic Mining Laser, Type A (L)].

How is that even a thing - like, I hope you have documentation in that code LOL.

And yes this is BETA TESTING!! Hello!
So, has anyone got the Pioneer mining ship yet? It seems to be pretty expensive to me and I really do not like the decay feature either. Movement AND time decay as well? Really??
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How do you get into CP now? I flew there from Calypso, landed in the hangar, de-shipped, got to the TP as I've always done. Then the TP asked for 15 Teleportation Tokens to let me in. Not having any of these I flew back to Caly but I'm stuffed if I can see anywhere to get these tokens. In any case I weigh much more than 150kg. Have I missed something here?
First there was free travel across the universe (hearsay) due to a 'settings error', now the claim is you cannot get in to the main area from the outer tp without tokens.
If you haven't missed something here (but you describe what happened very well - and I assume not), then it'll be another patch needed to roll the dice once again on the outcome this time round...
There are no tokens around because the 'scottie' mineral is very rare so far, so extremely few have been crafted - and the market price would be unviable anyway.
In amongst what looks like interesting balancing, so far there is also a lot that needs a better team working on it I feel.
How do you get into CP now? I flew there from Calypso, landed in the hangar, de-shipped, got to the TP as I've always done. Then the TP asked for 15 Teleportation Tokens to let me in. Not having any of these I flew back to Caly but I'm stuffed if I can see anywhere to get these tokens. In any case I weigh much more than 150kg. Have I missed something here?
The tokens are crafted. It should not have asked for TP tokens if you were just entering CP from the hanger. Only if you are Teleporting somewhere else. FYI you can TP to Calypso direct from the SS for free now.
Solved. The options on the TP have changed:
How do you get into CP now? I flew there from Calypso, landed in the hangar, de-shipped, got to the TP as I've always done. Then the TP asked for 15 Teleportation Tokens to let me in. Not having any of these I flew back to Caly but I'm stuffed if I can see anywhere to get these tokens. In any case I weigh much more than 150kg. Have I missed something here?
You can buy a teleportation token on the howling mine auction house for 100 peds. You'll need 15 of those though. 1500 peds to TP to CP seems reasonable!
WTF why here is now deep space, can`t fly to Next from Caly ...
Autocrafting on Calypso is broken, can't retrieve the stuff I had in there, can't start a new autocraft. Normal crafting works.
Would be nice to clearly know what goes on what ships.
Are the high power ones also carried by the avatar and equipped by them when in a ship mining seat?
Do we know the required skills for them yet?
Are all (L)? Are there any unl?
Autocrafting on Calypso is broken, can't retrieve the stuff I had in there, can't start a new autocraft. Normal crafting works.
Changing servers seems to have fixed this.