Oratan Daily Secret Camp


Apr 13, 2006
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Forgo Forgorth Lundain
Hey all,

Did a quick run through tutorial of the oratan daily secret camp.
Added a lil commentary along the way going over why the secret camp is best, as I show where to find it.
Time to give back a little for the game that gave me so much. More to come.

You mention hunting the 2 hour window , but you actually have an unlimited window.

As long as you don't kill the entire 100 prospectors , you can enter back into the instance after it times out.
There are two instances Secret Camp X & Secret Camp XVII
Secret Camp XVII will cost you 950 Arkoins to enter to hunt 100 Level 31 Dominants. You dont have to be a smuggler to do that.
I cannot remember what Secret Camp X allows. It costs 5000 arkoins to enter and I dont think you need to be a smuggler to be able to enter that one
The arkoin instance increases 50 arkoins each level you progress , it might be costly to some but the time it saves can be far worth it.
Does anyone know what is in Secret Camp X
There are two instances Secret Camp X & Secret Camp XVII
Secret Camp XVII will cost you 950 Arkoins to enter to hunt 100 Level 31 Dominants. You dont have to be a smuggler to do that.
I cannot remember what Secret Camp X allows. It costs 5000 arkoins to enter and I dont think you need to be a smuggler to be able to enter that one

So how do you access them?
I was refused access to the terminal since I wasn't a smuggler. And when I spoke to the NPC, he said "you are not a smuggler, go away before something bad happens to you", or something along those lines.
Following the video in forgo's post above, did you arrive at the Secret Camp & speak to the NPC? That should how you get access. (after paying the arkoins that is)
Following the video in forgo's post above, did you arrive at the Secret Camp & speak to the NPC? That should how you get access. (after paying the arkoins that is)

Yes I did. Last time I was there, the NPC told me "You're not a smuggler, go away before something bad happens".
Now, the second time, I tried speaking to the NPC again and now nothing happens at all. Maybe its bugged. Or they changed it?
I don't know.
I can add and confirm that you need to be a smuggler in order to enter this instance. You cannot use the terminal without having
completed the first smuggler quest.
I never achieved smuggler and I was able to use this cave instance all the way through to the end of payback mission , which was stage 17 I believe.
I am no longer able to access it since there are no stages available in the mission.