PC CB-24 ul Tier6

Cb24 is a nice gun, to bad it can only utilize 30 of the 31 dmg the Dante provides. Still its more eco using dante than using a beast. (2.857 vs. 2.850)

Without enhancers and with dante it almost matches the dmg of Calytrek spirit MKI (54 dps) that sells for avg. 18k ped.

But when it comes to eco, the Spirit MKI beats the cb24 with 2.947 dmg/pec.
The range of the Spirit MKI is also 72m compared to the 55m of the cb24.

I would value the CB24 @ 12-13k looking away from tiers. At tier 6, maybe 14-15k.

This is my opinion. Not everyone cares about eco tho :)
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