Phantom Mob-Herding - w/pics!


Self-Requested Deactivation
Jun 15, 2005
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For an armor to be good, it has to withstand mob-herding JSA-Style, and after recently acquiring my Phantom armor, I knew I'd be taking it out for a test run eventually. Saturday night was as good a night as any when my brother and I signed ingame.

Our friend Asti was ingame mining, so we invited her to come along with us since no one else was around. Even though she's primarily a miner, she can hold her own in the hunting trenches for sure. We all met up and headed out to the Thorifoid Temple first to see what the changes were, and while we had our go at the mobs, the spawn wasn't that great where we were, and BD was havin' himself a good time takin' 2 and 3 on at once, so we decided to head out to Fury and do some Feffin' ... all the while thinking in the back of my mind that I'll spring a mob-herding run on them.

Asti was havin' herself a good ol' time West of us, and since the mobs had dwindled where Jet and I were, I decided it was as good a time as any to round a few up. I took off runnin' and told Jet to stay put, and that I would be right back. It didn't take me long before I told him to get ready for a show-down. When he saw the line of red following me, all he did was laugh, and here's why ...


My brother is off to the left of the above pic, but I could barely be seen ... so I decided to go for a closeup, and this was the result ...


We were on Skype, and all we did was continue to laugh while we were polishing off the mobs. It was just too much fun, and we killed them all without dying ... afterall, they're not tough mobs, and I kept getting hit for 1.0 most of the time, so I wasn't even fapping. Eventually, the mobs split between us depending on which ones we were shooting. If you shoot each one while they're in front of you, they'll stay with you and won't go off to any other green dot. I discovered that a long time ago.

I don't loot until I have them all down, and I haven't lost a mob loot yet. I even try to get artistic in where I drop the mobs. Here's an attempt at completing a ring of Feffs, but didn't quite have enough ...


Eventually, after killing enough of those boogers, a global jumps in there now and then. I got one for 99 ped, which was wrapped up in a Korss H400, and Jet got one as well, which also included a Korss H400 ... here's my little ditty ... how appropriate with the 9's ...


I did several mob-herding runs, and after all the abuse the Phantom took from the Thorifoids, Feffs, Faucers, and Frogs (Tripudions), the decay was 25.46 ... so I don't think that was too bad, right? Hey, it was worth it for the fun that was had, and I'll do it again. :laugh:

LOL I'm still laughing :yay:
That is definite straight LULZ!