Pricecheck: Foeripper, Shadow M and Mod fap


Old Alpha
Feb 27, 2005
London, UK
BlackAngels HQ
Avatar Name
Epsilon "Eps" Vaz

Just wondering what the current market value for a Foeripper T3, Full Shadow M T0, and Mod fap T0 is?

Foe T3 - 60-70k, (read below..)
Shadow M - unknown
Modfap T0 - 165-180k

The fap has some recent sales in that area. It all depends on timing I guess and how much time you got to sell it. At some point it was as low as 140kish but recently both impfap and modfaps have gone up a bit in price again. I'm a bit biased on this one as I own a fap myself but putting the price based on recent sales.

I know a foe T7 traded hands for 90k not to long ago but I really struggle finding out why. There is a T7 on the market for 80k also but it's not selling either in ingame auction or on the forum. I would value it at around 50k but I think it will sell for more seeing the recent sale at 90k. My value is based on all the new L guns that can be bought for TT and that are higher dps and eco than the foe for everyday hunting without enhancers and that we now are seeing a "blp modmerc" dropping on arkadia that beats the dps of this gun (+slugstorm/macmahoon and so on). Basically a lot more of options than it was a few years ago when this gun sold for 80-100k. Unknown droprate of the blp modmerc tho ^^ Still I'm putting a bet at 60-70k for it since it will take time for it to fall and some will pay based on nostalgia or whatever :p
I think some Shadow (M) sets have sold for 60-70k recently depending on tier.
Shadow T0 should be around 50k, consider what others are asking for high tiered sets.
Foe T3 50-70k, hard to say...
Mod fap- I'm looking for one so I'll just say PM if you are interested to sell.
Thank you for taking the time to respond, I appreciate it!
T3 shadow aviable now for +65K but noone want it so I agree +50-60 K this january.
I personally feel buyers have more say in the market, than they might imagine.

Every time a new Mod Mayhem is issued (a few more shortly), it's an extra top end FAP in circulation. Sure it's not as eco as a Mod FAP, but it's more choice which puts pressure on the original Mod/Imp FAP prices. Every year moving forward it's fair to assume the numbers of these toys increase. Not to mention Spring MM as well.

With reference to guns, it was my impression that more ubers are keen to use top end limited stuff which is extremely eco and almost TT, this puts pressure on desire of unlimited weapons if the limited versions are plentiful.

You only need to take a peek at auction to see the amount of unlimited stuff people are attempting to sell.

With regard to armour, I'd watch the market a bit more closely. The recent changes to protection (or more how we receive damage to armour), has made the limited sets very popular, or maybe the intention is to make the limited sets more useful.

Limited armour aside, all the old school unlimited armour doesn't offer the protection it once did, so I would expect players to be cautious when thinking about trading into big ticket items. The emphasis recently appears to be further add-ons such as buffs to protect further, you only need to look at Stryker's MM stream to see where the trend is heading.

I don't take any pleasure in knocking players original investments, I merely view the market based on the changes that are introduced and base my opinion around an ever evolving universe, that has far reaching impacts on item values.

I personally feel buyers have more say in the market, than they might imagine.

Every time a new Mod Mayhem is issued (a few more shortly), it's an extra top end FAP in circulation. Sure it's not as eco as a Mod FAP, but it's more choice which puts pressure on the original Mod/Imp FAP prices. Every year moving forward it's fair to assume the numbers of these toys increase. Not to mention Spring MM as well.


You should take a peek into the auction and see how the MOD FAP sale is going ( yes those 1 ped SB auctions u say dictate market values better) ....

You view the market based on what u believe should be happening at time rather then facts in front of you and as such i would advice u to take ur shades off and see certain facts for what they are. :rolleyes:
You should take a peek into the auction and see how the MOD FAP sale is going ( yes those 1 ped SB auctions u say dictate market values better) ....

You view the market based on what u believe should be happening at time rather then facts in front of you and as such i would advice u to take ur shades off and see certain facts for what they are. :rolleyes:

I will simply say there're at least two top end resellers contributing to this thread. You guys do very well holding up the market, and are often rewarded by MA for either forcing bigger deposits, or moving more ped around.

So you have biased interest in price movements. I could list a huge amount of data that suggests the economy is not as robust as you suggest, not to mention that due to failed sales many top end items were "rented" this MM.

Regardless of how sales are performing (fake interested buyers or whatever underhanded tactics are used at times), the increased quantity and choice of items will undoubtedly have an impact on prices, if players do not let resellers control the market.

That fact resellers are so keen to keep control of the economy and what's posted on PCF, suggests they're nervous to adjustments within EU that they can not influence.


I will simply say there're at least two top end resellers contributing to this thread. You guys do very well holding up the market, and are often rewarded by MA for either forcing bigger deposits, or moving more ped around.

So you have biased interest in price movements. I could list a huge amount of data that suggests the economy is not as robust as you suggest, not to mention that due to failed sales many top end items were "rented" this MM.

Regardless of how sales are performing (fake interested buyers or whatever underhanded tactics are used at times), the increased quantity and choice of items will undoubtedly have an impact on prices, if players do not let resellers control the market.

That fact resellers are so keen to keep control of the economy and what's posted on PCF, suggests they're nervous to adjustments within EU that they can not influence.



I will simply say there're at least two top end resellers contributing to this thread. You guys do very well holding up the market, and are often rewarded by MA for either forcing bigger deposits, or moving more ped around.

So you have biased interest in price movements. I could list a huge amount of data that suggests the economy is not as robust as you suggest, not to mention that due to failed sales many top end items were "rented" this MM.

Regardless of how sales are performing (fake interested buyers or whatever underhanded tactics are used at times), the increased quantity and choice of items will undoubtedly have an impact on prices, if players do not let resellers control the market.

That fact resellers are so keen to keep control of the economy and what's posted on PCF, suggests they're nervous to adjustments within EU that they can not influence.



Again, as usual u are into conspiracies and refuse to see facts. You mentioned mod fap and i told u to go and see whats happening. From what i can see there aren't any resellers bidding at 150k ( with 5 days remaining) but no am sure u have a theory for that too. Please do entertain us with it :)

Now for some facts. As a trader does it matter that prices of items falls. Yes, to an extent but not much because a trader moves his items quick enough to not be affected by market prices too much. So whom does it really affect?? It affects the end users who kept an item and used it for a long time and realize that when they go to sell the item, the value is 50% of what they paid.

I say it loud and openly that i try to not let MU's drop suddenly because noone wants to buy something ( it does happen) and at times its at my own expense just so that those who have these items don't have to suffer. I rarely have stuff on me for long enough for a drop to make a difference to me so i assure you its not for self preservation.

On another note, you remind me of the pedestrian walking by a Ferrari and hoping he can either talk the company into giving it to him for cheap or winning a lottery to be able to buy one. Does that work, I would say in 99% cases it doesn't . ;)

I have no intentions of controlling whats said on PCF but in that lieu I can call out any BS opinion people try to pass off as Facts. Last i checked i am allowed to do that, am i not? :)

So, here's ur to-do list for today. Check auction for mod fap and see the top bidders and tell me who is the reseller there?? Please dont write a long reply without addressing this and hence i am bolding it out.

Am glad u got the spelling of that right. Whats next in ur dictionary?
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On another note, you remind me of the pedestrian walking by a Ferrari and hoping he can either talk the company into giving it to him for cheap or winning a lottery to be able to buy one.

So, here's ur to-do list for today. Check auction for mod fap and see the top bidders and tell me who is the reseller there?? Please dont write a long reply without addressing this and hence i am bolding it out.

ok lets look at the facts.

Bear in mind I have not quoted any prices in this price check thread, only suggested that prices are under pressure for various reasons, yet you was quick to jump on my back first against my fair and valid contribution.

Here is the Mod Fap in question

The market data points to an 'average' price for previous sales in auction for a Tier-0 near 260K with one sale recorded at 290K. So I would say the current bid is considerably less than that, would you not agree?

Here is a Foeripper in auction

This Tier-7 gun is listed at 80K SB and buyout.
There is only auction data for Tier-0 with 2006 prices going over 120K on the chart (and 99K average)
There is 4 days left on this gun, why hasn't is sold instantly if it's such a bargain?

I've often attempted myself to compare certain items with the purchase of a Ferrari, however there is big difference Div. Mainly that much of world population is not aware Mod Fap exists, nor have they heard of EU. In addition most of the people wanting a Mod Fap or high end one have already got one. So the market is very slow for such items, against the pressure of new wonder faps coming onto the market.

You explain something to me, why don't you believe that extra Mayhem faps entering the market each year will not have an impact on prices, whilst at the same time, all other item prices appear to be falling?

Happy reading


ps: ok I'll be a bit more fair here. I'm aware the current bid on the Mod Fap is around the recently traded values, but the fact remains that long term prices have dropped and continue to be under pressure in my opinion (especially weapons due to huge supply of top end items).
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Dint quote the entire block but i gotta ask WTF! You are seriously comparing 4-5 year old data and think thats a fair analysis? :D

I only have quoted ur mod fap evaluations and here's my view on it. I dont own one and with the way the auction seems to be going i might not be able to own one anytime soon either :). Jury is still out on that tho ;)

Anyways back to the point, with the new mod hedocs/imp hedocs MA has addressed the heal/sec issue of the faps to a big extent. However, what MA has not done is addressed the heal/pec issue at all... 3-4 mod faps sold for 140-150k ( that too with tiers) about 9 months back as there were quite a few sellers on the market... Suddenly there were no sellers and only buyers.. I will tell that 3-4 months back i bought joda's tier 3 for 180k pure peds ( i had bought it for a friend ) and i know last 3 mod faps have sold in 170-180k range. Eventually u gotta realise that in items which are so expensive and quite a few in EU , its demand/supply that regulates there price rather then a reseller. Yes, every owner wants to keep value of items constant but then i am sure if u owned something pricey u would too.

Now with the new mod/imp hedocs i am not saying that there cannot be pressure on mod/imp fap but it will be limited due to the fact that the hedocs cannot really be used for fapping service and as such that value of imp/mod faps cannot be competed by the hedocs. The one thing that can happen is that those who own mod faps realise they would rather have the heals/sec of the hedoc and switch over but that doesn't seem to be happening so far. Once mod hedocs price goes real low i guess some might switch over freeing up the mod faps for sale. However right now as it is, it is pretty much a much sought after items which resellers have very little control over.

PS : You added the ps after i had started replying it seems and so the WTF in my starting becomes unnecessary as u realised it urself ;)
I only have quoted ur mod fap evaluations and here's my view on it. I dont own one and with the way the auction seems to be going i might not be able to own one anytime soon either :). Jury is still out on that tho ;)

Anyways back to the point, with the new mod hedocs/imp hedocs MA has addressed the heal/sec issue of the faps to a big extent. However, what MA has not done is addressed the heal/pec issue at all... 3-4 mod faps sold for 140-150k ( that too with tiers) about 9 months back as there were quite a few sellers on the market... Suddenly there were no sellers and only buyers.. I will tell that 3-4 months back i bought joda's tier 3 for 180k pure peds ( i had bought it for a friend ) and i know last 3 mod faps have sold in 170-180k range. Eventually u gotta realise that in items which are so expensive and quite a few in EU , its demand/supply that regulates there price rather then a reseller. Yes, every owner wants to keep value of items constant but then i am sure if u owned something pricey u would too.

Now with the new mod/imp hedocs i am not saying that there cannot be pressure on mod/imp fap but it will be limited due to the fact that the hedocs cannot really be used for fapping service and as such that value of imp/mod faps cannot be competed by the hedocs. The one thing that can happen is that those who own mod faps realise they would rather have the heals/sec of the hedoc and switch over but that doesn't seem to be happening so far. Once mod hedocs price goes real low i guess some might switch over freeing up the mod faps for sale. However right now as it is, it is pretty much a much sought after items which resellers have very little control over.

PS : You added the ps after i had started replying it seems and so the WTF in my starting becomes unnecessary as u realised it urself ;)

Now I'm happy as you've added your own opinion on the faps....good stuff.

If I add to your view, I'll expand a little further too. I believe long term MM Fap prices will reduce as more become available especially if the universe fails to grow fast enough to develop players to use the faps for their hunting.

When this happens, they will become more desirable than owning a mod fap because the price difference will expand to the point mod faps will appear too expensive in comparison. This might take years.

However this is why I believe it is fair to look at 2006 prices in the long run. Because 8 years of real world price inflation still hasn't had an effect of levelling off those old prices (i.e. increasing prices). You can't ignore data just because it's old data, otherwise we'll have the same argument in 2020 if a mod fap has sold for 50K over a 2 years time period. All data should be relevant, and if you accept that, then it's fair to state these superman FAPS, have in fact LOST value from their peak.

It's the guns that really need to be debated as that's where the current price impacts are really taking effect. But hey I'm tired.

Look have a nice day, I'm done.



*grabs some more popcorn
At the end of the day, this is a price check thread. OP is not asking anyone to predict future trends. The market value of these items can clearly be seen by the recent sales. That's what it's going to cost you to get one TODAY. Plain and simple.

Knowing that all the top players have a vested interest in keeping the prices of these items as high as possible, I wouldn't trust anything except your own gut and common sense economics. Don't trust what anyone tells you these items are "worth". The market can and always will be manipulated. Think for yourself. Do the math.
Regardless of how sales are performing (fake interested buyers or whatever underhanded tactics are used at times), the increased quantity and choice of items will undoubtedly have an impact on prices, if players do not let resellers control the market.

I am in total agreement, and we are seeing the price of most items coming down: such as the ML-35 and the vast majority of SIB weapons. I know you wrote much more on the subject, but it's late now so I haven't read it all. But, in my opinion the imp/mod fap and imk2 won't be effected by the above because there are no items that compete with them - in economy - and apart from the 3 items released recently no increase in quantity.
Note to self totally disregard any input from dumbass resellers hijacking price check threads. :smash:
the main thing about mod fap and imp fap that will separate them from the imp/mod hedoc is the eco. If you put in the time and effort, owning one of these can be very profitable. Running a successful fap service can make the owner a lot of money
Note to self totally disregard any input from dumbass resellers hijacking price check threads. :smash:

Yeah don't listen to someone that knows the prices, listen to those that want it cheap ^^

Note to self, modfap sold for tt+170k. My Guesstimate was T0 - 165-180k depending on timing. This was a Auction with TT+0 as SB so it should show the market value pretty good.
I think that even if so called " reseller" is biding his bid is same valid as anyone else ,as each reseler is active part of market we like it or not.