Question: PvP

First of all, it's not theft it's competition. Lootable pvp is 100% avoidable. Secondly, when someone says pvp they don't necessarily mean lootable pvp.

Yes, calling it "theft" is silly and has nothing to do with what I said.
Offcourse its theft if someone take something from another by force it sure is theft.
IF u 2 dont agree fine its ur choice it is still theft per definition.
It dont matter if u go in to PvP 4 willingly or to space unknowingly it is stealing still when u get looted and that MA suport this is nothing but a shame imo..

PVP died because it is no longer fun. It has become only about theft. Read the conversations in the space thread and you will see what I am talking about.

Out in the PVP areas on planet how fun is it when someone 50 levels above you and high end UL gear kills you with one shot out of range of any weapon you have? Not fun at all when you have zero chance. Again it is only about theft.

pirates are thieves. there is no game the way it is now. it's not fair. their victims are almost all unaware and others are unaware they were carrying lootable stuff. and i heard one story where a trusted friend flew my buddy into space and looted him for 1k PED. how is that even partly fair?

if pirates in space had a challenge from their victims ability to shoot back and the dirty pirates were unable to tell whether their sitting duck was going to be a challenge - then i would wholeheartedly support it. as it stands they are dooshes and MA is nasty for allowing it to be like this.

they wouldn't even answer my support case once when i discovered an empty pitbull in my inventory and asked them if i had been looted after i got shot down by a pirate.

pvp in the red areas is not that much different really. if some high end uber is sitting there with his 50k sniper rifle and some brave but ignorant nubee drops a probe in there, or does daily attackers(mob) for instance, and comes out empty because of that. to me that is also not fair.

what's fair is when people know they are going into pvp to fight other players like in the land grabs. they can gear up as best they can and fight hard for a nice prize. now that is fair, even if the winner is the same guy that wins them all because hes got the best gear.

pvp could be fun but now its dreadful to almost everyone. just another one of the everything that needs a redesign.

I agree with u 2 + REP