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- Inherent Marxus Legends
Sector A1 and Sector B1 seem very similar in design. The mobs are approximately 20% stronger in Sector B1.
Sample Room (Tezlapod):
To unlock the terminal that gives you 'free' buffs, your team will need 50 Triphased Wires. You will get 6 PED TT back as Shrapnel so the cost for this is just the mu of the Triphased Wires. Note that in order to unlock the terminal that gives the buffs, you need someone with >2500 Engineering skill.
For your "free" buffs you need Animal Eye Oil, Thyroid Oil and Muscle Oil, 10 ped of each. You will receive 10 ped of shrapnel back for each one, which is why it can be considered "free". You have to have these in order to continue to the next area so bring those oils with you.
The 3rd stage of Sampling TZ-xx has 2 bosses (level 691 for Sector A1, level 832 for Sector B1), so be careful not to aggro both of them at the same time. Your team can stand in the corner to avoid aggroing more than one at a time. These are believed to do 100% Electric damage. They have a ton of regen so make sure to have adequate DPS on your team. The Level 832 has 12k hp, but that hardly means anything because he regens ~15% every 5 seconds. What this means is that 360 of your dps is being absorbed by his regen so if you want to be able to kill him, you need more than that (12,000*0.15/5=360 hp/sec).
Coliseum (Calamusoid):
After the 3rd round of Tezlapod you go next door and enter your Profiled A1 key in order to enter the Coliseum (next area). Each member of the team has to have a key for this. In the next area there will be 3 rounds of Calamusoids:
The first round will be either 6 Middle weight Calamusoids with lots of hp regen, or 1 Super Heavyweight Formasoid (SH-10 for Sector A1 and SH-15 for Sector B1). Their damage types are assumed to be the same as the Calamusoids found outside in the swamps. Each 'Vulnerability' debuff increases the damage you take by 2%, this debuff accumulates over time (stacks), so the longer it takes to kill him, the more extra damage you take. For example if you have accumulated 25 of these, you will take 50% more damage.
The 2nd round will be Tezlasoids, either 10 Middle weight, or 1 Super Heavyweight Tezlasoid (SH-10 for Sector A1 and SH-15 for Sector B1). If the name means anything then these probably deal a certain amount of Electric damage. If this is the case it would appear that the Middle weight deals Electric in higher proportion than the Super Heavyweight does, probably because the Super Heavyweight has a clubbed hand which is believed to deal a combination of Impact/Cut damage.
If you are not adequately protected against these guys, chances are that you will die here against the Middle weight. It would be a very good idea that at least one member of your team has a Divine Intervention and/or Rakzum's pouch here. H-DNA works as well.
The 3rd round will be either a Super Heavyweight or the 10 minute Survival round. The Super Heavyweight could be a Strangler/Brawler, a Tezlasoid or a Dicer/Basher. These all 'function' differently. For example the Strangler/Brawler have shields which need to be disabled by killing all the regular Calamusoids that spawn in groups of 5 at a time. There will be 9 spawns in total, L24 Champions for Sector A1, L25 Clan Warlords for Sector B1. During the time that his Shields are active, nobody will be able to deal him any damage.
The Tezlasoid is vulnerable to the full damage from only 1 type of weapon at a time and this weapon type changes every 10 seconds. It cycles through Firearms, Mindforce and then Close damage, in that order, and then starts again at Firearms. As for the other 2 weapon types that the Tezlasoid is not weak to, it seems that at least 125 points of damage is mitigated and only the remainder of the damage hits him. For the most efficient kill here every team member should switch to the weapon type which the Tezlasoid boss has a weakness to.
Seems that the Dicer/Basher could appear in either round 2 or round 3. That guy gives you debuffs called 'Corroding' and 'Debilitated'. The Corroding debuff deals you 60 damage every 3 seconds but your armor can absorb some of this. This damage appears as white numbers above your health bar. The Debilitated debuff reduces the healing amount of your FAP by 90%. In addition to all that, the Basher hits pretty hard and you'll likely die if he crits you.
In the Survival round you have to survive for 10 minutes while wave after wave of Middle weight Formasoids spawn. They give a 'Nerve Gas' debuff which is handed out to every team member every 5 seconds and deals you 3 points of damage every 3 seconds. These 'Nerve Gas' debuffs accumulate (stack) over time which means that after 30 seconds for example, you will have 6 of these, effectively dealing you 18 points of damage every 3 seconds. The maximum stack is 40, which is 120 points of damage every 3 seconds. You can get rid of these 'Nerve Gas' debuffs by operating the panel that will appear in the center of the room from time to time. Operating the panel eliminates all the 'Nerve Gas' debuffs for everyone on your team. But of all possible spawns in the 3rd round I'd say this one is probably the easiest as these don't aggro until you shoot them which means you can pick at them one by one at your own pace.
Just from looking at these numbers, I would venture a guess that if your team doesn't have at least 400 dps (~65 dps per team member for a team of 6) there's no point even trying, it will be just too difficult.
For Sector B1, I would guess that anything less than at least 500 dps would just be practically impossible, so at least 80 dps per team member for a 6 men team. It will probably take a long time to kill some of these Super Heavyweights but it should be doable if you have adequate armor protection, a good FAP and some H-DNA. The hardest boss here is the Basher with his 'Corroding' and 'Debilitated' debuffs which can make it very hard to recover at times when your health is low. So a few MediStim in case you encounter that one would probably be advisable if your team is on the weak side.
The Loot:
The loot you get from the mobs in the instance is pretty standard: Shrapnel, Animal Oils (all of them except Brain Oil), Components, Calamusoid parts... The most interesting drops I've seen so far would be Calamusoid Cyst, Strengthened Metal Plating and Highly Volatile Fluid. There is a chance of getting a Safe Key which seems to be where the payoff is.
In addition to the standard loot you got from all the previous mob kills, you now enter the lab and loot the Data Storage Units using the Private Lab Keys you looted during the Calamusoid wave. These Data Storage Units give you RDI Designs which can be turned in for Universal Ammo back at Fort Medusa.
If you got a Safe Key, unlock the Control Panel with 50 Triphased Wires and go into the other room and from the Personal Storage Units there you will get:
Sector A1: 100 PED of Emeralds, 100 PED Shrapnel, 3k Blazar Fragments, RDI Designs and a Profiled B1 key.
Sector B1: 125 PED of Emeralds, Rubies or Diamonds, 125 PED Shrapnel, 5k Blazar Fragments, RDI Designs and a Profiled B1 key (should probably be a C1 key).
In addition to the Safe Key which you will have likely looted during the Calamusoid wave, you will also need 375 Triphased Wires (45 PED TT) and 400 Garcent Lubricant (80 PED TT) for this so bring that with you. (Note that a certain amount of Engineering skills is required to be able to unlock the Control Panel and open the door, it is unknown exactly how much but in Sector B1, it's more than 2700.)
RDI Backpack:
To get the new RDI backpack you need 500 Contract to Kill. This is a daily mission you can take at Fort Medusa. You can only get 2 such contracts per day and only Sector A1 counts for now. Therefore it will take at least 250 days to gather 500 of these and before anyone can discover the new Backpack.
Other things you should know:
- If you die during a wave and hit 'revive', you cannot re-enter the area until everyone is dead and has been revived outside or the round is cleared.
- Once everyone has died, you will all be able to re-enter the area.
- You start the stage you were on over again. So if you completed stage 1 or stage 2 already, you won't have to re-do it again.
- You won't need another key to continue.
- Do not leave the Secret Lab through the exit after you have given the key or you will have to give a new key again.
- There are some bugs in the RDI Lab and Evey has created a comprehensive list which you can see here.
- Max team size is 6! So choose your team members wisely.
Best of luck to all,
Sample Room (Tezlapod):
To unlock the terminal that gives you 'free' buffs, your team will need 50 Triphased Wires. You will get 6 PED TT back as Shrapnel so the cost for this is just the mu of the Triphased Wires. Note that in order to unlock the terminal that gives the buffs, you need someone with >2500 Engineering skill.
For your "free" buffs you need Animal Eye Oil, Thyroid Oil and Muscle Oil, 10 ped of each. You will receive 10 ped of shrapnel back for each one, which is why it can be considered "free". You have to have these in order to continue to the next area so bring those oils with you.
The 3rd stage of Sampling TZ-xx has 2 bosses (level 691 for Sector A1, level 832 for Sector B1), so be careful not to aggro both of them at the same time. Your team can stand in the corner to avoid aggroing more than one at a time. These are believed to do 100% Electric damage. They have a ton of regen so make sure to have adequate DPS on your team. The Level 832 has 12k hp, but that hardly means anything because he regens ~15% every 5 seconds. What this means is that 360 of your dps is being absorbed by his regen so if you want to be able to kill him, you need more than that (12,000*0.15/5=360 hp/sec).
Sector | Boss | Total hp | Special Characteristics |
A1 | L691 Sampling TZ-15 | ~10k hp | Very high health regeneration: ~300 hp/second |
B1 | L832 Sampling TZ-25 | 12k hp | Very high health regeneration: ~360 hp/second |
Coliseum (Calamusoid):
After the 3rd round of Tezlapod you go next door and enter your Profiled A1 key in order to enter the Coliseum (next area). Each member of the team has to have a key for this. In the next area there will be 3 rounds of Calamusoids:
The first round will be either 6 Middle weight Calamusoids with lots of hp regen, or 1 Super Heavyweight Formasoid (SH-10 for Sector A1 and SH-15 for Sector B1). Their damage types are assumed to be the same as the Calamusoids found outside in the swamps. Each 'Vulnerability' debuff increases the damage you take by 2%, this debuff accumulates over time (stacks), so the longer it takes to kill him, the more extra damage you take. For example if you have accumulated 25 of these, you will take 50% more damage.
The 2nd round will be Tezlasoids, either 10 Middle weight, or 1 Super Heavyweight Tezlasoid (SH-10 for Sector A1 and SH-15 for Sector B1). If the name means anything then these probably deal a certain amount of Electric damage. If this is the case it would appear that the Middle weight deals Electric in higher proportion than the Super Heavyweight does, probably because the Super Heavyweight has a clubbed hand which is believed to deal a combination of Impact/Cut damage.
If you are not adequately protected against these guys, chances are that you will die here against the Middle weight. It would be a very good idea that at least one member of your team has a Divine Intervention and/or Rakzum's pouch here. H-DNA works as well.
The 3rd round will be either a Super Heavyweight or the 10 minute Survival round. The Super Heavyweight could be a Strangler/Brawler, a Tezlasoid or a Dicer/Basher. These all 'function' differently. For example the Strangler/Brawler have shields which need to be disabled by killing all the regular Calamusoids that spawn in groups of 5 at a time. There will be 9 spawns in total, L24 Champions for Sector A1, L25 Clan Warlords for Sector B1. During the time that his Shields are active, nobody will be able to deal him any damage.
The Tezlasoid is vulnerable to the full damage from only 1 type of weapon at a time and this weapon type changes every 10 seconds. It cycles through Firearms, Mindforce and then Close damage, in that order, and then starts again at Firearms. As for the other 2 weapon types that the Tezlasoid is not weak to, it seems that at least 125 points of damage is mitigated and only the remainder of the damage hits him. For the most efficient kill here every team member should switch to the weapon type which the Tezlasoid boss has a weakness to.
Seems that the Dicer/Basher could appear in either round 2 or round 3. That guy gives you debuffs called 'Corroding' and 'Debilitated'. The Corroding debuff deals you 60 damage every 3 seconds but your armor can absorb some of this. This damage appears as white numbers above your health bar. The Debilitated debuff reduces the healing amount of your FAP by 90%. In addition to all that, the Basher hits pretty hard and you'll likely die if he crits you.
In the Survival round you have to survive for 10 minutes while wave after wave of Middle weight Formasoids spawn. They give a 'Nerve Gas' debuff which is handed out to every team member every 5 seconds and deals you 3 points of damage every 3 seconds. These 'Nerve Gas' debuffs accumulate (stack) over time which means that after 30 seconds for example, you will have 6 of these, effectively dealing you 18 points of damage every 3 seconds. The maximum stack is 40, which is 120 points of damage every 3 seconds. You can get rid of these 'Nerve Gas' debuffs by operating the panel that will appear in the center of the room from time to time. Operating the panel eliminates all the 'Nerve Gas' debuffs for everyone on your team. But of all possible spawns in the 3rd round I'd say this one is probably the easiest as these don't aggro until you shoot them which means you can pick at them one by one at your own pace.
Super Heavyweight | Total hp (estimated) | Special Characteristics |
L300 Formasoid SH-10 | ~130k hp | 'Vulnerability' and 'Debilitated' debuffs |
L??? Tezlasoid SH-10 | ~135k hp | Weakness to only 1 weapon type, i.e.: firearms, close, mindforce (changes every 10 seconds) |
L270 Subject SH-12 Strangler | ~115k hp | Shields need to be disabled by eliminating the L24 Calamusoid Champions (9 spawns in total) |
L??? Subject SH-30 Dicer | ~125k hp | 'Corroding' and 'Debilitated' debuffs ??? |
Just from looking at these numbers, I would venture a guess that if your team doesn't have at least 400 dps (~65 dps per team member for a team of 6) there's no point even trying, it will be just too difficult.
Super Heavyweight | Total hp (from scan) | Special Characteristics |
L362 Formasoid SH-15 | 162k hp | 'Vulnerability' and 'Debilitated' debuffs |
L527 Tezlasoid SH-15 | 168k hp | Weakness to only 1 weapon type, i.e.: firearms, close, mindforce (changes every 10 seconds) |
L328 Subject SH-14 Brawler | 144k hp | Shields need to be disabled by eliminating the L25 Calamusoid Clan Warlords (9 spawns total) |
L476 Subject SH-40 Basher | 156k hp | 'Corroding' and 'Debilitated' debuffs |
For Sector B1, I would guess that anything less than at least 500 dps would just be practically impossible, so at least 80 dps per team member for a 6 men team. It will probably take a long time to kill some of these Super Heavyweights but it should be doable if you have adequate armor protection, a good FAP and some H-DNA. The hardest boss here is the Basher with his 'Corroding' and 'Debilitated' debuffs which can make it very hard to recover at times when your health is low. So a few MediStim in case you encounter that one would probably be advisable if your team is on the weak side.
The Loot:
The loot you get from the mobs in the instance is pretty standard: Shrapnel, Animal Oils (all of them except Brain Oil), Components, Calamusoid parts... The most interesting drops I've seen so far would be Calamusoid Cyst, Strengthened Metal Plating and Highly Volatile Fluid. There is a chance of getting a Safe Key which seems to be where the payoff is.
In addition to the standard loot you got from all the previous mob kills, you now enter the lab and loot the Data Storage Units using the Private Lab Keys you looted during the Calamusoid wave. These Data Storage Units give you RDI Designs which can be turned in for Universal Ammo back at Fort Medusa.
If you got a Safe Key, unlock the Control Panel with 50 Triphased Wires and go into the other room and from the Personal Storage Units there you will get:
Sector A1: 100 PED of Emeralds, 100 PED Shrapnel, 3k Blazar Fragments, RDI Designs and a Profiled B1 key.
Sector B1: 125 PED of Emeralds, Rubies or Diamonds, 125 PED Shrapnel, 5k Blazar Fragments, RDI Designs and a Profiled B1 key (should probably be a C1 key).
In addition to the Safe Key which you will have likely looted during the Calamusoid wave, you will also need 375 Triphased Wires (45 PED TT) and 400 Garcent Lubricant (80 PED TT) for this so bring that with you. (Note that a certain amount of Engineering skills is required to be able to unlock the Control Panel and open the door, it is unknown exactly how much but in Sector B1, it's more than 2700.)
RDI Backpack:
To get the new RDI backpack you need 500 Contract to Kill. This is a daily mission you can take at Fort Medusa. You can only get 2 such contracts per day and only Sector A1 counts for now. Therefore it will take at least 250 days to gather 500 of these and before anyone can discover the new Backpack.
Other things you should know:
- If you die during a wave and hit 'revive', you cannot re-enter the area until everyone is dead and has been revived outside or the round is cleared.
- Once everyone has died, you will all be able to re-enter the area.
- You start the stage you were on over again. So if you completed stage 1 or stage 2 already, you won't have to re-do it again.
- You won't need another key to continue.
- Do not leave the Secret Lab through the exit after you have given the key or you will have to give a new key again.
- There are some bugs in the RDI Lab and Evey has created a comprehensive list which you can see here.
- Max team size is 6! So choose your team members wisely.
Best of luck to all,
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