Help: Request for Sweat/Force Nexus


Jul 19, 2006
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John Teacher Capital
Attn: Sweat gatherers and enmatter miners!

We are preparing for the latest Oil Rig Field trip. It will happen Saturday July 18th, 2009 - 18:00 Calypso Time.

Much of the transportation will be done via wormholes.
Every wormhole requires 678 Mind Essence. :eek:
We are expecting to use around 15-25 wormholes :jawdrop: In short, we are in need of a LOT of Mind Essence.

If you would like to donate some sweat and/or Force Nexus to the cause, it will be appreciated.

Simply contact me, or any member of The Chosen Few society. Let them know you are donating for the field trip, and they'll get your donations to me.

100% of your donations will be put toward this latest trip.

Thank you for your help, and enjoy the rig.
Thanks to my soc mate Gazza for his donation of 2k FN. :)
Very cool. Thanks Rotrap. :)
I have 5k ME I can spare John. Come see me.

here's sweat for 3 holes:

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
Very cool. Thanks folks. :)

I've responded to PMs, and other donations seem to have found my soc mates.

Drave, I'm usually ingame around midnight MA time, so if that's too late for you, we can meet up on the weekend.
And my thanks to Drave Robber for his donation of 2,034 sweat.
Thanks to Suu Miles' donation of 2k FN.

My soc mate Sledge refined it w/ his donation of 2k sweat and handed it over to me.

And thanks to Dirk DR Rand for another 2k ME.
this will be utter war, will try to be near rig waiting :yay:
I can spare 2k of sweat for sure, you can pm and tell me where to bring it;)
Thanks to Rotrap for his 2k sweat donation.
I knew that a useful thing would come up for the sweat that I have in my storage.

Send me a PM with your online times JC, and Ill donate around 3k sweat.
Sounds like fun, 2k sweat from me, I'm starting to play less, but hopefully we can hook up sometime before 18 July. :)
I have some left-over Sweat you can use :)
I'll PM you as soon as I'm awake :)
I have 5k ME I can spare John. Come see me.


Collected and placed with the rest of the donation stash. Thanks much.

If anyone wants to verify that I'm not using any of the donations for personal use, feel free to check the count. I keep the donations in my apt on the floor to the right (Sakura Yuujou 1H)

Total count so far is:

  • 2k FN
  • 4,034 sweat
  • 9k ME

If any's left over after the event, I'm sure we can think of something to do with it. :)
I can give you 5k ME or help with making as wormholes as you may need.
The old chip could need a dusting of :)
Thanks to my soc mate Tee for her donation of 1k ME.

For those who have pledged and I haven't gotten in touch with you yet, please PM me with what times you can make it ingame during this Fri-Sat and I'll try to hook up with you. :)

And La, could always use another WH maker, so thanks.
Thanks to Lela La Tatiki for his donation of 5k ME. Hope you can make it that day for some WHing. If not, we'll put this to good use.
For those who have pledged and I haven't gotten in touch with you yet, please PM me with what times you can make it ingame during this Fri-Sat and I'll try to hook up with you. :)

Hope to meet up with you at some time. It is difficult with warm weather / time zones etc. :)
Thanks to Staffas and Mega for their donations of 3k and 2k sweat.
I 've been wondering what a PED-poor soc like -TAO- can do to support this event, and I think I've come up with an answer:


We'll be meeting at TI Castle, today and Thursday at 20.00 (MA time)to swunt Bristlehogs, get ourselves some Dodge, hopefully get a bit of decent loot, and donate all the sweat to the Cause :)

That's the idea anyway. To be honest, what with it being the heart of the "inactive" season, so far, i've only found one other member who can be available tonight :( so it might not go ahead. But if anybody else would like to join us, you'll be more than welcome. You might even save the day! :laugh:

Rules: TT weapons only, please. Amps OK. Any looted item worth 50 PED or more to be evenly split. And don't forget to give me yer sweat at the end of the day! (unless ya'd rather hand it to John, personally)

Oh! And do feel free to steal this idea and organise your own Swunt-Aid meetings

Thanks to my soc mate Nova who donated 1k sweat.

And thanks for the idea, Jaywalker. Sounds cool (sweating bristles is dangerous, but fun. :D). Although I admit we're fine on sweat, but lacking in FN at this point.
Thanks to my soc mate Nova who donated 1k sweat.

And thanks for the idea, Jaywalker. Sounds cool (sweating bristles is dangerous, but fun. :D). Although I admit we're fine on sweat, but lacking in FN at this point.

Ah, I feared that might be the case :D but we're going ahead with the Thursday meet , anyway :nana:

Seriously, I shouldn't think anyone will mind, if ya sell the surplus sweat to make up the FN long as u don't sell it to re-seller :grumble: I certainly wouldn't mind, so far as my portion goes. Maybe some miner can offer an FN-for-sweat trade?

And...well alright, *sigh* ya twisted my arm. I'll rummage through storage and see if i can find a bit of FN for you too. But it won't be enough to match all the sweat .

Not that we got that much sweat yet, but I'm hopeful of doing much better next time, since all ,er, four of us are happy to repeat the experience, and we got two whole days to spread the word.

And I can tell you that four opalos are perfectly good against a young 'un, but prior to the shooting part we got a lot more fapping practice than we really wanted :laugh:. BUt with more peeps in the team , that shouldn't be such a problem.

...I don't suppose any of you healers wanna skill up a bit before saturday? *bats eyelids*

Slight change of rules (after consultation):

opalos only, no amps (cos amps would make it far too easy, especially when we get LOADS of peeps joining in)

I'll donate 2k nexus if you like, just need to organize a time to meet up

Not that we got that much sweat yet, but I'm hopeful of doing much better next time, since all ,er, four of us are happy to repeat the experience, and we got two whole days to spread the word.
well, eh, people are pretty suspicious of everyone and everything on this planet. :(

most people I called had different excuses, most of which were probably true, and only one said "I'm not going to give MY SWEAT to anyone". ...although we were talking of bristlehog sweat. :D
Swunt-Aid meetings completed :)
Hope ya can still use the sweat , John. cos i wouldn't like to have to redistribute lol.

Suggest you keep towards the next event, if you're overwhlmed by now

I have:2434 sweat to give you , including
567 from Drave
250 from Solcar
227 from Rayne Rausky Saka
507 from Optimus Tobius Primortal
Stelios ANALYPTOS also took part (posted in the other thread) :)
Also Volo and Zyloc joined us for a while, but i didn't collect any sweat from them cos it got pretty chaotic towards the end. ( a spaceship was detected, but signal lost, so we all ran around helping to look for the spaceship :laugh:. Never quite regrouped properly)

Thanks to everybody who took part . Was a lot of fun :) Hope to see you all on Saturday :)


PS. Eek! that sig is far too pink! what the heck made me choose THAT one. Sorry for hurting your eyes, folk.
Oy, today is so hectic. To make things easy, I'll be at swamp camp at 17:30 right before the activities. If you have any last minute donations to offer, I'll take them there.

Thanks for all your help folks. :)

Happy hoffing
I will come to swamp camp to donate 1k sweat ;)