Saturday Scan Technology Fever Event Year 2


Mar 15, 2006
Saturday Scan Technology
Fever Event Year 2

A year ago, I was organising the first Scan Technology Event in the game,
which was a HUGE success as you can see on this link.

I was telling myself that this year nobody would come,
this is why I did not repeat the experience this year...
But after talking about it with people, I am doing it again finally.
Settings will be the same then as last year :

Let's meet this Saturday, November 17th, at Corinth East Hangars A.
Starting at 12.00 MA Time.

As we can only scan 1 vehicle each 5 minutes "now", we need to have 100 vehicles to be able to scan non-stop (non-AFK for sure) with a TT Scanner ES100.
So all of you who want to increase your Scan Technology skill are welcomed
to come to Corinth East Hangars A, with all vehicles you can spawn on the ground, especially cars or overcrafts for easier parking.

To make things easier to do, start to spawn your vehicles in line, from a turret to the left or right, to park the vehicles like i'm showing on the picture.

Let's scan & have fun !


This could look like this :


But we need 100 vehicles to be perfect.

Everybody is welcomed.!

Event Pic last year :

* I will for myself stop a bit before 20.00 as I am doing support for WoF,
but the event can continue without me.
Very nice event particularly after the scanner nerf!

Missed it last year and get very pissed after seeing what I had lost.

Count me in Akbar! 3 vehicles to spawn here.
Great idea, will be there with 8 vehicles.
awesome event!! :yay:
If i have time, i be there.. with a lot vehicles :)
I should be there, will bring 5 vehicles (will also have to leave for WoF support though).
I'll be there with "a few" vehicles :D

Has it been 1 year already :O
Remember being there just yesterday... damn you time, slow down.
will see if i drop by. got 2 cyrene vehicles and some caly ones to drop out there
Just in case some Authorithies would suddenly decide to cut my hands

Remember tomorrow's event made for The Community !!!!
Looks interesting... :yup:
+rep. There is one person @Nea's who spawns about 50 vehicles every now and then (forgot his name) perhaps let him know? Ask people at Neas. (I am on RT atm).
As an introduction, feel free to visit Camp Icarus right now for some vehicles to scan. We might have 30 or so out at the moment. ;)

Ak should repair himself.

Other random screenshots:

Cool screenshots,
thank you everyone for your participation.

I counted 68 vehicles in the South Side all owned by ddsurper, and over 60 in the N Side.

And yes, after the last Reballance, I'm not 125 agility anymore, but 2.96ped oil !

Fuel My Fire !!!

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This still going on...

come join us! :)
I missed this.. Whens the next one?

I missed this.. Whens the next one?

About 12 months from now :)

(Well, hopefully sooner, but for now it has been a yearly thing for... last year and this year :p)

Thank you Svarog for this cool video !
The event was a success this year again, with over 130 vehicles.

There was no disgusting ninja respawns, no disgusting MISS, and no exploits...
Some people should take lessons... but may be their goals are elsewhere ?...

Enjoy your experience in Akbar's Events !
Gratz to everyone who made it happen.

Hey, that's me taking off with my Sleipnir ;)
Too bad I have missed this event. Great Idea !
How did this work? Because you can't scan an empty vehicle, right? So just one dude scans and the rest sits and waits, and all take turns? Gonna be a hell of a waiting list if there's 100 people...