Sell Lacerating Attack Nanochip , TEN Edition - Tier 6.4, TIR 164/200.
This chip was a great helper on my way to Intuition unlock and now it's time let it go
Chip is great for low/low mid players or someone who hunt quite small mobs.
It has low skill requirements and depending if you use amp or not, it works well for mobs ranging from 70hp to 400hp and with damage enhancers it can work well on mobs up to 600hp.
Base eff is 63.7%, paired with [NeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier 5 (L)] eff goes up to 70%.
Price - 5k PED.
Also chip is available for rent at 20ped/week rate with 5k ped collateral.
Contact on forum or in game - Vidmantas Vill Laukys

[Cryogenic Attack Nanochip 6] Tier 6.61, TIR 137/200.
Chip is great with Mayhem limited amps which are now almost at tt price and provide free life steal.
Works for mobs anything above Lacerating 5 TEN rage, so something from 400hp to 2k hp and with damage enhancers can handle even bigger mobs.
Price - 1.1k PED.

Sell Lacerating Attack Nanochip , TEN Edition - Tier 6.4, TIR 164/200.
This chip was a great helper on my way to Intuition unlock and now it's time let it go
Chip is great for low/low mid players or someone who hunt quite small mobs.
It has low skill requirements and depending if you use amp or not, it works well for mobs ranging from 70hp to 400hp and with damage enhancers it can work well on mobs up to 600hp.
Base eff is 63.7%, paired with [NeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier 5 (L)] eff goes up to 70%.
Price - 5k PED.
Also chip is available for rent at 20ped/week rate with 5k ped collateral.
Contact on forum or in game - Vidmantas Vill Laukys

[Cryogenic Attack Nanochip 6] Tier 6.61, TIR 137/200.
Chip is great with Mayhem limited amps which are now almost at tt price and provide free life steal.
Works for mobs anything above Lacerating 5 TEN rage, so something from 400hp to 2k hp and with damage enhancers can handle even bigger mobs.
Price - 1.1k PED.

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