Smith's store - the best a player can get

Summer SALE!!!!!! Mind Essence with as low markup as 129% each, come grab them, lot of new stuff added in the shops.
MORE ME added in the shop, very low markup, if you like trading this is the place for you, check it out
MORE ME added in the shop, very low markup, if you like trading this is the place for you, check it out ME for 129%
END OF SUMMER SALE, MORE weapon choices and ME added for huge selection, with lowest price bargain, come check it out at Smith's Store today.
END OF SUMMER SALE, MORE weapon choices and ME added for huge selection, with lowest price bargain, come check it out at Smith's Store today. QUICK QUICK
Currently expriencing some technical problem on downloading, but shops still open for business, all are welcome
more mind essence and sweat below market price open for sale, with all the essential tools for all profession, welcome everyone:)
bump for a neighbor.

I noticed that Smith's booth now has 30 slots at Omegaton! Nice little upgrade there. ;)
thank you maria

Thank you for the neighbouring BUMB

And you have a very pleassent shop and booth in omegaton too, BUMB for the lovely neighbour:)

For Customer Info, MORE ME and weapon armour added to all the shop, fell free to drop by.