hi - at 78938 88365
there is a medim spawn of snarksnots - OA to Prowler
There are a couple plumattergus in the mix as well
It's already in the OP.
63400/75200 Young to Old
Closest TP is Camp Icarus
Yes, L4 are at Orthos west mould TP, like 100m away from to south I think. Can't check exactly as I'm not on caly, but they should be there.The north-west spawn of Camp Echidna has now been replaced by the Spina. Is there still a proper pure Snarksnot spawn somewhere where there aren't only lvl 3 and 4 mobs? The whole thing on neutral ground and not PVP areas.
Almost every mob in this game looks like a penis. Mindark has a fetishAm I the only one who thinks that this mob looks weird? Like NSFW kind of weird?
This is full of Spinas, no Snarksnots
Calypso 79008 88500 Young to Old, Alpha to Prowler Medium Mixed with Plumatergus
/wp [Calypso, 79008, 88500, 0, Snarksnot Young to Old, Alpha to Prowler]24-Apr-18