So I did a Beacon.... after 11 years

True Juan

Oct 6, 2006
Cz-Sk Crows
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True TJ Juan
Hey guys,

Ive been around this "game" for some time now, and around Two weeks ago, I finally went on the "new improved beacon" after doing the last one over 11 years ago. I've been warned it sucks compared to PE beacons, and thats why I was ignoring them, but gave it a go...

And what people told me is SOOOOOOOOOOO TRUE. Graphics are nice, but Project Entropia beacons were just EXTREMELY more fun.

Acquiring beacons in PE was adrenaline, since anyone could take it and it was guarded by robots (I remember my 1st one, I was sooo pumped and nervous :) )

When you died in PE beacons, you were DONE (Only someone with ressurection chip could revive you.)
Levels were more interesting. Especially "THE MAZE". Boxes were scattered all over, you had to know what you are doing, to pick them all up.
You had a timer, and had to run out of the beacon. Sometimes not all boxes were opened. (It really required team effort to get them all open in time)

This all made beacons challenging, and fun. What I experienced a while back is a completely boring failure. Im sorry, it is.

Such a shame. I really dont understand the need to destroy a system that was good.
Its not a matter of "good old days". Beacons were truly so much more fun because of the challange of getting all boxes opend up in time, staying alive because if you didnt, you had 1 person less in team searching and opening boxes.

There is no challange now. Boring experience.

I wish there was someone in MA that would understand gaming...

Anyways, sorry for the rant.

I dont even want to think about how many tens of thousands of complains on support cases they received from people that they died in beacons and lost peds, cases from people who looted 14/21 boxes, cases from people where their time ran out , etc etc etc.
Everything in this game is ruined by players because instead of accepting Mindark's rules they bring their own which is always different from what they propose.That being said their level of expectation is much higher than Mindark is suggesting which leads to disappointment therefore complain over and over in support cases.
You can't fight noobs.They have dictated , dictate and will always dictate the direction of this game because Mindark care about the amount of support cases not about their quality.At the end of the day when no one will ever run beacons , expect they will do something about it in about 2-5 years at best.
I suspect too many people gave them flak when they lost money because of not overcoming all of these challenges. Everybody seems to be blaming MindArk for taking the heart out of the game, I rather think it's RCE which attracts people who do that. Which in turn is again rooted in the design in the first place. Chicken or egg kind of problem...
I dont even want to think about how many tens of thousands of complains on support cases they received from people that they died in beacons and lost peds, cases from people who looted 14/21 boxes, cases from people where their time ran out , etc etc etc.
Everything in this game is ruined by players because instead of accepting Mindark's rules they bring their own which is always different from what they propose.That being said their level of expectation is much higher than Mindark is suggesting which leads to disappointment therefore complain over and over in support cases.
You can't fight noobs.They have dictated , dictate and will always dictate the direction of this game because Mindark care about the amount of support cases not about their quality.At the end of the day when no one will ever run beacons , expect they will do something about it in about 2-5 years at best.

I completely agree with your comment. Many things were changed due to players crying. Taking challenge out of the game, just makes it generic and boring. SAD :)

I suspect too many people gave them flak when they lost money because of not overcoming all of these challenges. Everybody seems to be blaming MindArk for taking the heart out of the game, I rather think it's RCE which attracts people who do that. Which in turn is again rooted in the design in the first place. Chicken or egg kind of problem...

Reason why MA can be blamed is that they make the decisions. If they decide to listen to crybabys, that is their choice. There are so many other things players cry about and they never change it - yet people still play. So ultimately, MA is to blame :) (But I completely understand what you are saying)
Those were the days, friend.
I wish there was someone in MA that would understand gaming... - so true, True :) I too get the impression that MA often follow the stupidest of complainers - maybe their numbers are the highest as well, I dunno. But then it's like parents listening to and acting on the whines of their baby children.
Maybe it is subjective. I have just (in another thread) criticised the difficulty of a new mission introduced on NI, but that criticism does take various things into account and it is hopefully clear what I think is so stupid.
I'm not the sort of person who complains something is bad just because I can't finish in 5 mins, or whatever. Quite the opposite, in fact. I have also been complaining about loot waves because it makes 'feeding time' too easy even (as long as you time it right), and takes away my drive to do other stuff in the 80% 'waiting to be fed' time.
Ultimately, there are no adults with proper knowledge and understanding of gaming and psychology in the room, it would seem. I too wish MA would understand gaming, or even accept that previous incarnations of MA did a lot of things right, as well as notoriously wrong things too.
Please return the mining spaceships and put beacon runs in the loot that are worthy of being run by teams! My first ever beacon was as a noob in a more experienced team that needed runners to be alive at the end for boxes. It was thus absolutely fine that I didn't engage the mobs much and spend peds, as long as I did my job at the end. THAT is the sort of thing we need to bring people together again, enjoying events and needing some strategic thinking instead of just pew pew is boring me through and through!
Back in those days 70 Agility points was uber.
I am glad I read this thread, was planning on doing a beacon again and was trying to remember where the boxes were to put team mates at them :laugh:
I am glad I read this thread, was planning on doing a beacon again and was trying to remember where the boxes were to put team mates at them :laugh:

No need to think at all with todays system. Even a vegetable can succesfully finish beacons.

Its sad that now people can solo it. Before, without a team you could not do it. Runners were important part of getting all the boxes looted in time.

This really does deserve "aaaah the good old days" :)
Where are the days of challenge? Why dont people understand that coming LAST and getting a "participation diploma" makes things just worse?
In Beacons, if you were not organized, you surely lost. But if you are not prepared for the challenge, why should you get the same as those who are?

Welcome to the World of Snowflakes :) (Not even sure I can use the term snowflakes anymore... BLM might not like that word :D )
I couldn't agree , the old beacons were a blast and not the faint hearted. They used be a regular soc event as brought everyone together to work as a team .