Question: So many Jester D-1 Blueprint Variations?


Jan 15, 2015
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Glenden Sassy Star

I am trying to figure out the jester BP. I understand the concept between L and UL bp but what's up with the variations of the Jester D-1 BP? They all produce the same item but the cost to make varies wildly.

Why would you spend 28 PED to create a Jester D-1, in the case of Jester D-1 Blueprint Modified (L), when you can do the same with 0.94 PED of raw mats using Jester D-1 Blueprint ?

Of course, EU itself is a gambling in a way.

What I am not able to understand is how does this blueprint work. Does every click give out let's say 'a chance to craft 0 to 30 Jester D-1' ?
Is there an advantage to craft using those modified and other BPs? (Better loot / etc ?)
You always get 1 item as a successful result no matter of cost or a result total value. Higher cost per click offers higher possible multipliers (hofs). Then there are "boosted" blueprints that produce more output value than the input one (no idea if these advanced jester bps are boosted but possible).

No one ever crafted jesters for the sake of jesters :)
You always get 1 item as a successful result no matter of cost or a result total value. Higher cost per click offers higher possible multipliers (hofs). Then there are "boosted" blueprints that produce more output value than the input one (no idea if these advanced jester bps are boosted but possible).

No one ever crafted jesters for the sake of jesters :)

Thank you for the information :) .. Think I will stay away from that BP.
Mindark should really redo the entire crafting system from scratch and/or figure out a way to integrate it all so that it makes more sense. Instead of 'all those jester' blueprints, make a system that would allow you to combine a bunch of small jesters in to a better one. Tier system did away with the 'remove an item from game ingredient' thing long ago. However, no one ever said Mindark could not recreate something a little different like say a certain number of adjusted can be combined by crafter to create a new one that's augmented or whatever that combines the tt of those ingredient guns, etc., and combine a few augmented to create a perfected... combine a few perfected D1s to create a better D2, etc.