Some ideas for space


Oct 30, 2005
I'm a bit bored again atm so thought I could drop some suggetions.
Some (or) all of these might have been suggested already, but here they come anyway:

1. "SpaceShip list" and Vehicle Guest Interface
In this list we can see all ships that are available to request a flight with it.
Every owner decide if they want to be on this list or not.
Similar to add as friend in Friends list we can apply to be added to a certain ship via this list,
and the pilot can add players this way.
Multiple Guest lists should be another feature, with a Temp list where those who ends up
here only can fly with the ship, and VIP should be as today where we can set access to pilot
and gunner seat.
When summoning players to the ship there should be a textfield in top of GUI where the pilot can
put in a message e.g where they gonna fly, what it cost, if they have an event and so on.

2. Space instances, where to only Motherships, Privateers and similar can go via a huge
Different kind of targets inside of these instaces, e.g giant mobs or robot ships like the
Odysses probe.
Once the ship is inside the instance, smaller ships can be spawned and also used in attacks.

3. "Space Hussk". Maybe time to get a bit bigger mob in space?

Sign me up - been asking for space hussks for years :D
Yes please,
And to expand on this:

Being able to access guest list through spaceship deed

Ship manager role for accessing guest list and summons for an assigned crew member

improve controls, camera and add interact function for mob hunting

let us drop items and decorate interior of ship

Docking stations for quads or Sleipnirs to be spawned in hangar all the time even when offline for crew use

Mining attachments for Sleipnirs to be able to mine asteroids

Add an asteroid style space station similar to Howling Mines to each nesting grounds around planet servers

Add servers around each planet to expand on space and allow for 360degree landing

Wave events, bosses, instances, missions etc.