News: Statement Regarding the Future of Mayhem

I really appreciate and like that this statement have been released, communication can go a long way.

imho i think the loot balance need to be leveled more out, the Loot is very dynamic and the returns from one hunting session to the next can be repeatedly bad and cause a huge demotivation to continue, especially for newer players that might dismiss the game as a scam.

It used to be much more in balance, sure the HOF's werent so impressive in number, but people's wallets was in a lot better state than today. it feels like the masses are funding big HOF's.
It is not about the future of mayhem but about the future of the whole game!

Players are tired of this loot 2.0 crap. Game it is not fun as it was before, before there was a dream of hitting something big or get a really nice item, not anymore. Tokens, tokens and more tokens and constant TT losses is what you have to offer us at the moment.

For how long can you still tricking the players? I'm only even questioning deposit again when Unreal Engine is released.
I don't do mayhem mobs now, so I don't know the current volatility, but I would hope that people have understood that different mobs have different volatilities, even if the percentage payback is the same in the long run. [yes, I know players will get different returns based on the three skill types and six skills of 'looter', but that's an aside.]
Back when I did do mayhems, I found the volatility quite high, yes. If I managed to be up early on, it was by quite a lot, meaning the multi had been high. But ofc that multi was generally rare, so I usually started off well down until I'd done enough mobs to get one.
The point about losing the will to continue is valid for higher volatilities if players regulary take themselves out by having 2x 80% runs, or whatever threshold. That's not good for MA's earnings if players stop.
On the other hand, if players do mayhems knowing full well that the volatility is likely to be high, then that's what drives them in the first place.

MA should be able to track which is more common, and which drives the better turnovers.... but I get the feeling that actually, they don't. However, that is my impression from the general state of things, not my 'knowledge', so MA needs to make of this what it will - seeing as they've now said they'd like to know how we feel.
Couple of options.

Complelty do away with the mayhem format and introduce new fun big events in the class of the robot / big bulk / migration events and go back to having a fun and exciting loot pool. Amazing rare loot to be found, UL armors, UL weapons, UL tools, all waiting to be discovered for real and not sitting behind a silly vendor with 0 stock all the time.
**With this option you need to give M tokens holders to pull ONE more item of their choice based on how many tokens that actually own, no rug pulls, be fair, anything left over they can be allowed L item or a bunch of pills if needed**

If mayhem continues then:

1x Christmas mayhem + FFA maintained and rebalanced (no Easter or halloween)
1x Resource mayhem middle of year before Migration with 0 repeats. Everyone gets a once through if they want but the repeats are what caused us the problems!
-a far greater diversity of items in the mayhem vendor;
-blp amps, laser amps, a variety of high end mining tools and amps, warp ships of multiple types and a full variety of new and powerful weapons for all play classes with prices balanced to respect less events but not overboard
-there should always be gear in stock and as soon as an item sells out, it has to be replaced and restocked with a new, different item in the same class.

In the class of mayhems being ongoing, theres nothing more frustrating then having spend a lot of time, Money and effort on classic mayhem then never being able to get an item because of stock or being on the wrong planet and in that case, mayhem vendors should be found on ALL planets. Ultimately it's unfair for people to spend a fortune in the events and have no stock, if there's no stock then event shouldn't be run.
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For how long can you still tricking the players? I'm only even questioning deposit again when Unreal Engine is released.
It'll be the same thing, see how much trouble they are having even importanting the current map to UE5? There will be zero fundamental changes to the way professions work when UE5 happens.

With that said though. I think being cautious with deposits when you are unhappy with a game/product is a good idea.

I do hope people continue to hunt on Calypso though, it's such a beautiful planet with amazing loot.
just do away with the mayhems for holiday thing... Make it an ongoing mayhem instance that is open 24/7 all year long... Set up a monthly reset system where all scores in there get reset at end of month or something and a scoreboard... make it something that requires yearly effort all year long instead of taking time away from people that should be using their holiday to spend with friends and family outside of this game.
My initiial post was showing my frustrations obviously, and im glad i made it because the entire player base spoke up....I have spent 3 years accumlating my rares and tokens, and i SPENT time and ped to do so every mayhem...every second i could and i min/max'd my gear to be the best thing ever to gather tokens.... which cost thousands .....
Then MA "pulled the rug"
3 years of effort and time and monies = complete trash (and it was intentional....and just continued with swamping items, swamping tokens, devaluing everyting so they could deliquify the player base....

It was a pure slap in the face to all players....

Mod nano was the end game it was a PRIZE it was amazing! now theres 40 of them.... and not even enough players to use them...

i aimed for one weapon for 2 years ... the price increased 3 times and the vendor was never refilled during the price increases, and i just watched my 3 years goto waste... (I have never pulled a mayhem item ever.....and as i stated im the highest cycle/dps player in the game for the last 3 years kinda a huge example here of the effects of the last few implementations of MA.

If i want to even come close to breaking even... thats not even an option anymore i have to do more cycle in mayhem to even pull an item to get any of my 3 years of grinding out and paid back to me.....and i cant even do that - THEY DONT RESTOCK ....and i dont want another mod nano.....thats just plain flooded the market ...

I am a huge fan of alot of these ideas being thrown around...
planet side mayhems(not instanced), new items/discontinue items when the vendor emptys, Mining/crafting/new profession events with reward, new weapon types (why is there not a lvl 150 whip available.....), there needs to be an upgrade scernario also imo, weather it be combining weapons, or buying improvements, or something of the sort...even if it was a reroll of stats or something...the game hits a stagnant dead end...

If i cant afford to pull an item in 3years with one of the best setups in the entire game attending every single mayhem event every second possible......who would even attempt it if this is the new scenario...

The copy paste senario for the last 10 years has failed....
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I think getting rid of the Token traders and putting all the items out in the loot pool for everyone having a chance to loot it by luck would be amazing and like the old days where everyone had a chance. With the token system and the traders you know there is only one way, hardcore grinding which almost feels like a job, sitting in the same instance all the time is uninspiring and out of spirit with the original vision of the game, which is exploration, endless possibilites (including the possebility of looting anything really) of course the rare loot might be sitting in the loot tables of high end mobs, so you need to work your way up to be in "the game" to get the good stuff.

A way to get the tokens used of which many have accumulated, the traders should offer only (L) and pills. That way they are still usefull without harming any new initiative to get more harmony in UL items and the feeling of being able to loot anything back.
My initiial post was showing my frustrations obviously, and im glad i made it because the entire player base spoke up....I have spent 3 years accumlating my rares and tokens, and i SPENT time and ped to do so every mayhem...every second i could and i min/max'd my gear to be the best thing ever to gather tokens.... which cost thousands .....
Then MA "pulled the rug"
3 years of effort and time and monies = complete trash (and it was intentional....and just continued with swamping items, swamping tokens, devaluing everyting so they could deliquify the player base....

It was a pure slap in the face to all players....

Mod nano was the end game it was a PRIZE it was amazing! now theres 40 of them.... and not even enough players to use them...

i aimed for one weapon for 2 years ... the price increased 3 times and the vendor was never refilled during the price increases, and i just watched my 3 years goto waste... (I have never pulled a mayhem item ever.....and as i stated im the highest cycle/dps player in the game for the last 3 years kinda a huge example here of the effects of the last few implementations of MA.

If i want to even come close to breaking even... thats not even an option anymore i have to do more cycle in mayhem to even pull an item to get any of my 3 years of grinding out and paid back to me.....and i cant even do that - THEY DONT RESTOCK ....and i dont want another mod nano.....thats just plain flooded the market ...

I am a huge fan of alot of these ideas being thrown around...
planet side mayhems(not instanced), new items/discontinue items when the vendor emptys, Mining/crafting/new profession events with reward, new weapon types (why is there not a lvl 150 whip available.....), there needs to be an upgrade scernario also imo, weather it be combining weapons, or buying improvements, or something of the sort...even if it was a reroll of stats or something...the game hits a stagnant dead end...

If i cant afford to pull an item in 3years with one of the best setups in the entire game attending every single mayhem event every second possible......who would even attempt it if this is the new scenario...

The copy paste senario for the last 10 years has failed....

(This is not even a troll either, I genuinely feel this is their loot balancer or lack there of's disposition. This is how I envisioned every price increase.)
If you can pull 80k tokens a mayhem and in the last 3 years you did not pull? What the fuck?
The vendor shouldn't even need stock. If a player has invested and put the work in, you have the tokens in hand, you got lucky enough to get all your rares, you should simply be able to walk up to an NPC and claim the item you want. You bloody well earned it!!

Proper bullshit the current vendor system, especially when your changing prices when someone's farmed the exact tokens they need and never seen a restock.

Years of work for many of us then your left hanging at the very end?
I don't have many ideas, but one of them is a cool down timer on vendor pulls. Stock the vendor and if an avatar pulls an item, that avatar can't pull another item for a set time. Could be a day for L item, a year for UL? Idk but it would give people more opportunity to get something good once they've acquired the tokens.
The vendor shouldn't even need stock. If a player has invested and put the work in, you have the tokens in hand, you got lucky enough to get all your rares, you should simply be able to walk up to an NPC and claim the item you want. You bloody well earned it!!

Proper bullshit the current vendor system, especially when your changing prices when someone's farmed the exact tokens they need and never seen a restock.

Years of work for many of us then your left hanging at the very end?
Here comes even lower prices. People would be even madder.
Will say this is the best statement of the year, hell I'll include it's the best statement during the last year even.
However good this statement is, it all comes down to following through on it and how it's executed.

Really looking forward to see how you progress from here - Talk with multiple players from different levels and get input from the users, it's worth so much and so easy to get. :)
it's 5 years late and you'll have a hard time getting players back.
Having a few ubers complaining, who profit but not enough is nothing compared to players that get 70%tt over 20k cycled and stopped playing (while keeping items and skills wich are now both worthless)
Feel free to contact me and I'll tell you why I stopped playing.
I'll even do this for free. Just realize that you won't get this players back with a 1 week good loot event.

PS : Some will call me a whiner again.
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just delete the vendor and mayhem ? and start dropping items from actual world loot again ? like it used to be in the first place ... just saying
I don't have many ideas, but one of them is a cool down timer on vendor pulls. Stock the vendor and if an avatar pulls an item, that avatar can't pull another item for a set time. Could be a day for L item, a year for UL? Idk but it would give people more opportunity to get something good once they've acquired the tokens.
Defo agree here. I'd say 1 week on L items (gives others a decent chance at pulls) and 1 month on UL items due to the variety, you might pull an UL gun that you planned on pulling your UL amp for, or sight. Or do we have a 1 year lockout on UL weapons, 1 month timer on UL attachments and 1 week on L?
Instead of instances for Mayhem , all events should be held on player land areas.
Also , allow player owners the ability to drop items into their land area loot spawn.
I don't have many ideas, but one of them is a cool down timer on vendor pulls. Stock the vendor and if an avatar pulls an item, that avatar can't pull another item for a set time. Could be a day for L item, a year for UL? Idk but it would give people more opportunity to get something good once they've acquired the tokens.
Cooldown between pulls is probably the best way to go.
I agree somewhat to what you are saying - However, it won't be fair for the people who actually invested in RM to get those tokens.
And just to make it clear, I didn't get a single token from RM, rare or regular - Not in either of the RMs which have been.

TBH - I believe the Mayhem vendor as we know it, needs to die. Replenish a few things to source out the tokens which are already ingame - And then after that only pills will be there.

Remake the token system, make it include other things than just hunting - But potentially make Mining Mayhem with mining tokens which primarily gives access to new cool mining gear. Hunting Mayhem with Hunting tokens for the hunters, resource Mayhem can then give resource tokens which gives other cool things, ships, vehicles, maybe even Landareas, DNA and other things.
No more tokens! No more vendors! Make the tokens craftable materials (NOT HAVING THE NAME OF 'TOKEN' or a PICTURE RESEMBLING ANYTHING THAT COULD BE SEEN AS A TOKEN) and then have the UL weapon, armor, etc... be replaced by rare Blueprint(L) drops through crafting in Resource mayhem!

The vendors should die and instead be turned into (L) blueprints crafting UL items!
Make the (L) blueprints crafting UL weapons have a huge material cost and skill requirement.

End Tokens! End Vendors! The prizes should be CRAFTED from what is looted from the Mayhem INCLUDING what can be found on EACH planet.

(L)Blueprints are a perfect replacement for UL DROPS!!!

Everything in this process has MU from the mats, to the BPs, to the UL guns, armor, acessories, etc... themselves.
Anyone can sell out at any point in the process also!

The intrinsic value of the guns could also be set via the cost in mats which means the guns tt value will be determined by the tt cost of mats..

On top of this Mindark can control how many guns are successfully crafted.
Even failure or partial successes at crafting the guns still have a return and a possibility to HoF!

This should be the way with WORLD drops also!!!

Even better yet...more people get to loot things that are valuable, profit, and have some FUN.


If not this...then bring back world drops and get rid of all mayhems.
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Suggesting a cooldown period when the restock time has averaged ... how long? - reminds me of Ben Elton's fridge. Can be found on the popular video site, even though it's from 1989 (<5 mins long).
Ofc if there were regular restocks and a timer, then maybe I guess. I'm more inclined to think everyone has earned something if they have the required hand-ins, but I understand MA probably never intended it and those with pulls already may be severely against this.
Cool downs only impact those who didn't have alt armies (and bought accounts). Such a surface level idea. It is bad.

The answer is only going to be to restore a consumable oriented economy where all professions matter, especially crafting and specializations. Then it is the grind and materials that have markup, they can create excitement by dropping UL loot (that isn't OP like they used tk), and they can stop these huge carrot grinds that they have to supply lock behind multiple time gates.

This game will not work going forward if they don't focus on the first part. It doesn't take a genius to understand that.
How does deleting the current program benefit the people who've been saving to pull something. That part doesn't make sense.
If you're gonna make a new program this one doesn't simply just die, then you'll just get more heated players and rage quitters. It would have to steadily diminish over a long period of time. I think it should still be restocked but with potential new items worth pulling. If they were to diminish the program, they reduce the token drops and the rare drop chance over time, meanwhile steadily implementing a new program if that program is discovering rare items in loot or introducing a new random vendor location with new creative items.
How does deleting the current program benefit the people who've been saving to pull something. That part doesn't make sense.
If you're gonna make a new program this one doesn't simply just die, then you'll just get more heated players and rage quitters. It would have to steadily diminish over a long period of time. I think it should still be restocked but with potential new items worth pulling. If they were to diminish the program, they reduce the token drops and the rare drop chance over time, meanwhile steadily implementing a new program if that program is discovering rare items in loot or introducing a new random vendor location with new creative items.
Did MA give some kind of guarantee that everyone that grinded tokens was going to get a pull?
Where did the expectation that you would get what you wanted from the vendor come from?

Was pretty obvious the vendor was the bottle neck from the get go.

Reality is that the vast majority will not. That is the biggest issue with tokens/vendors there will be few winners and many losers.

If there is not a change there will just be more of the same.
Tokens/Vendors need to go they are terrible for the game.

Anyone who grinded Mayhem did so at a risk that they accepted just like any other risk in the game.
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