News: Statement Regarding the Future of Mayhem

I think getting rid of the Token traders and putting all the items out in the loot pool for everyone having a chance to loot it by luck would be amazing and like the old days where everyone had a chance. With the token system and the traders you know there is only one way, hardcore grinding which almost feels like a job, sitting in the same instance all the time is uninspiring and out of spirit with the original vision of the game, which is exploration, endless possibilites (including the possebility of looting anything really) of course the rare loot might be sitting in the loot tables of high end mobs, so you need to work your way up to be in "the game" to get the good stuff.

A way to get the tokens used of which many have accumulated, the traders should offer only (L) and pills. That way they are still usefull without harming any new initiative to get more harmony in UL items and the feeling of being able to loot anything back.
agree, it's been this way for a long time - I realized if I want to "win" any item you are better off just buying it outright. gets you want you want, takes any fun out of it. Fine if that's an option for some, but when it feels like the only option... 98% rest of us don't find it fun. IMO
Could always have an entire team to make it worthwhile. 4-5 FTE worth.
mindark will never dedicate a sizeable team to just balance, they will end up giving them other tasks and then it becomes a project and priority issue again and we are right back at the dog
mindark will never dedicate a sizeable team to just balance, they will end up giving them other tasks and then it becomes a project and priority issue again and we are right back at the dog
I think it is worth a shot. It is a bit unfair to rush to judge an outcome without at least giving them a chance to fail at the attempt.
MindArk also benefits from having a balance team as it could mean new avenues of revenue for them.

It is literally just data when you get down to it and a team of Data Analysts could not easily
be repurposed for other things imo.
I think it is worth a shot. It is a bit unfair to rush to judge an outcome without at least giving them a chance to fail at the attempt.
MindArk also benefits from having a balance team as it could mean new avenues of revenue for them.

It is literally just data when you get down to it and a team of Data Analysts could not easily
be repurposed for other things imo.
i too think they need more then one person for the job, atleast 2 to have backup knowledge - but even then just data analyst wont do for balance you need to know the game and you dont learn really understand it overnight it takes time - mindark boardmeetings havent found a priority/budget for one balance mmanager and probably dont know how to meassure their productivity because the last one was a dog - this wont just suddendly scale to multiple without proof that such a job is worthwhile and someone in management willing to put their head on the line for the importance of such a job/team
be carefull what you wish for, i came from a game (everquest) where we had to raid everyday - waiting organising so 1 person could have a chance on something good from the work of 40+ people - at some point everyone is fed up with what feelse like 'no progress for endless effort' - it is good to have multiple roads to success and advancement - only raid, only team only events is not the way to go but variety and choice - so whenever someone shouts to shut something down instead of offering a solution i try to caution because this is an economy and as much as you may think to know the best way the final implementation is likely to have flaws. I came from a game (everquest) where raid was the way to go to get those top items and raids with 40+ people were needed with everyone buffed and synced on strategy to get an upgrade for 1 person - hours of waiting and prepping till we had the best chance to succeed - day after day - it grinds the fun out of everyone and leads you right back to the point were you look for something where you have more control yourself rather then watching that 1 person who didnt 'get it' waste everyones time for that evening. raids can be fun, team hunts can be fun, solo challeges can be fun - too much of one and the same stops being fun whichever way and ends you right back where you wanted to get away from

I second this. For some of us with a full professional life, multiple businesses I frigging talk to people all day some days and my kids and wife in the evening. I need just some "me" time and entropia is the perfect place. If this game becomes team only to reach end game then it really changes things.
I have refrained from publicly giving an opinion on this matter because, like I stated before, I don't have access to the information necessary to even begin to consider a solution for this problem. Yet again, I am adamant about the fact that the answer is in the data (statistics) that MindArk has.

There were several mentions of data analysts and how more than one would be necessary to work on this. I don't know how much the people who suggested data analysts know about data analysis but you absolutely don't need more than a single capable person whose sole purpose should be handling the data. I deal with data analysis on a daily basis and have been doing so for the past eleven years and the size and scope of the data in question is far greater than that of Entropia Universe. So I am positive that a single data analyst who knows what they're doing is enough for the job. However, without the guidance of an economist, they are highly unlikely to succeed. I have seen great analysts over the years, great in the technical sense but unless you have a clear goal in mind, any amount and quality of data is useless. This is where the economist jumps in. This is a team of two people who could do wonders.

This is doable, no doubt about it. As grim as things may seem today, this can be fixed and Entropia Universe could become better than it ever was as a result. This, however, leads to the next question, is MindArk truly capable to create the big picture plan? By "big picture", I mean a plan that spans at the very least a few years. In order for the aforementioned team to be able to do any good for Entropia, they would need this end goal.

To the point of the Mayhem vendor, I see that opinions are heavily divided. The bottom line, on the other hand, is very simple. The flooding needs to stop. Reading through the comments I wasn't convinced by either side given how the ideas were formulated. However, both sides had good suggestions. Take this with a grain of salt but if we are speaking about the Mayhem vendor, I would say that it must go in its current form. It's not doing any good for the game, yet I strongly believe that it doesn't need to go overnight. This can have a multi-phase solution which is fair and transparent, after all, the attempt is to repair a world of damage inflicted on the game so a bit of transparency would be a welcome change.

Bear in mind that this proposition comes from someone who has a LOT of tokens and I stand to lose more than most if this were to be implemented. Yet, I would accept that temporary loss if it means a brighter future for Entropia Universe.

Phase 1 (after the current Merry Mayhem):

- Make all Mayhem Tokens and Rare Mayhem Tokens tradable;
- Announce the date but not items of one final restock in the form of an auction for that restock (not through the vendor, create a separate system for this purpose);
- Try your best to balance this restock with between 5 and 10 items total (no duplicate items eg. 2 Mod-Nanos);
- Announce the items and start the auction that would run for X days.

Phase 2 (after the auction has ran its course):

- Keep the current vendor in-game until the end of the year with pills only;
- Make an announcement that on 31st December 2025th the vendor will be removed and all outstanding tokens will become useless.

Phase 3 (removal of Mayhems as we know them for the time being - in parallel with Phase 2):

- Make an announcement that Easter Mayhem and Halloween Mayhem will not be coming back;
- Hite a team that will be in charge of working on the long-term plan.

Phase 4:

-This is the time when the new direction can begin to take point and this can mean anything that was already mentioned in this thread (a completely new Mayhem (once a year, not event after event after event) system that would have a different vendor with a variant of L bps that were discussed in this thread at length) or something entirely different, as long as it's sustainable in the long term;

- The emphasis must be on the economy, healthy markups can only become a possibility when all three major professions have a place in the universe and this can be achieved by stimulating the economy with new blueprints for both UL and L items;

- This will be the challenge for the data analyst and the economist. They need to create a system that would stimulate the economy without flooding / oversupplying it. One that can exist for a very long time with clear progression paths planned in advance that can be introduced over-time (over the course of years, not months or weeks as MindArk has been doing recently).

Phase 5:

- Once the above has been achieved (not after 10 years but as soon as the new direction has been decided and things have started to move in the said direction), MindArk can begin planning great events that would cater to the people who want UL items as a result of those events and most importantly, balance the rewards, balance the amount of rewards, keep track of the economy. A person who knows what they're doing can do this, once again, I have no doubt in my mind about this.

I know it's a wall of text and I am sorry for that. The reality is, what I said above is just scratching the surface but I think it puts things in perspective and gives a certain order of how things should be changing. I am not saying that the proposed changes are the alpha and the omega but the same principle would apply to any other model:

1. Stop everything that you're doing that you know is wrong;
2. Take a step back, deeply consider everything;
3. Make a plan and hire the appropriate people to execute the plan;
4. Stick to the plan but make minor modifications along the way, it's unrealistic that a 5 years plan can be followed to a T and it doesn't need to be as long as there are no huge messes along the way so tread carefully. Once again, no need to be overly ambitious and try to make an overnight change of EVERYTHING in the game, do it one step at a time. It's amazing how far one can get not by making a thousand steps per day but making a single step in the right direction every day.
I have refrained from publicly giving an opinion on this matter because, like I stated before, I don't have access to the information necessary to even begin to consider a solution for this problem. Yet again, I am adamant about the fact that the answer is in the data (statistics) that MindArk has.

There were several mentions of data analysts and how more than one would be necessary to work on this. I don't know how much the people who suggested data analysts know about data analysis but you absolutely don't need more than a single capable person whose sole purpose should be handling the data. I deal with data analysis on a daily basis and have been doing so for the past eleven years and the size and scope of the data in question is far greater than that of Entropia Universe. So I am positive that a single data analyst who knows what they're doing is enough for the job. However, without the guidance of an economist, they are highly unlikely to succeed. I have seen great analysts over the years, great in the technical sense but unless you have a clear goal in mind, any amount and quality of data is useless. This is where the economist jumps in. This is a team of two people who could do wonders.

This is doable, no doubt about it. As grim as things may seem today, this can be fixed and Entropia Universe could become better than it ever was as a result. This, however, leads to the next question, is MindArk truly capable to create the big picture plan? By "big picture", I mean a plan that spans at the very least a few years. In order for the aforementioned team to be able to do any good for Entropia, they would need this end goal.

To the point of the Mayhem vendor, I see that opinions are heavily divided. The bottom line, on the other hand, is very simple. The flooding needs to stop. Reading through the comments I wasn't convinced by either side given how the ideas were formulated. However, both sides had good suggestions. Take this with a grain of salt but if we are speaking about the Mayhem vendor, I would say that it must go in its current form. It's not doing any good for the game, yet I strongly believe that it doesn't need to go overnight. This can have a multi-phase solution which is fair and transparent, after all, the attempt is to repair a world of damage inflicted on the game so a bit of transparency would be a welcome change.

Bear in mind that this proposition comes from someone who has a LOT of tokens and I stand to lose more than most if this were to be implemented. Yet, I would accept that temporary loss if it means a brighter future for Entropia Universe.

Phase 1 (after the current Merry Mayhem):

- Make all Mayhem Tokens and Rare Mayhem Tokens tradable;
- Announce the date but not items of one final restock in the form of an auction for that restock (not through the vendor, create a separate system for this purpose);
- Try your best to balance this restock with between 5 and 10 items total (no duplicate items eg. 2 Mod-Nanos);
- Announce the items and start the auction that would run for X days.

Phase 2 (after the auction has ran its course):

- Keep the current vendor in-game until the end of the year with pills only;
- Make an announcement that on 31st December 2025th the vendor will be removed and all outstanding tokens will become useless.

Phase 3 (removal of Mayhems as we know them for the time being - in parallel with Phase 2):

- Make an announcement that Easter Mayhem and Halloween Mayhem will not be coming back;
- Hite a team that will be in charge of working on the long-term plan.

Phase 4:

-This is the time when the new direction can begin to take point and this can mean anything that was already mentioned in this thread (a completely new Mayhem (once a year, not event after event after event) system that would have a different vendor with a variant of L bps that were discussed in this thread at length) or something entirely different, as long as it's sustainable in the long term;

- The emphasis must be on the economy, healthy markups can only become a possibility when all three major professions have a place in the universe and this can be achieved by stimulating the economy with new blueprints for both UL and L items;

- This will be the challenge for the data analyst and the economist. They need to create a system that would stimulate the economy without flooding / oversupplying it. One that can exist for a very long time with clear progression paths planned in advance that can be introduced over-time (over the course of years, not months or weeks as MindArk has been doing recently).

Phase 5:

- Once the above has been achieved (not after 10 years but as soon as the new direction has been decided and things have started to move in the said direction), MindArk can begin planning great events that would cater to the people who want UL items as a result of those events and most importantly, balance the rewards, balance the amount of rewards, keep track of the economy. A person who knows what they're doing can do this, once again, I have no doubt in my mind about this.

I know it's a wall of text and I am sorry for that. The reality is, what I said above is just scratching the surface but I think it puts things in perspective and gives a certain order of how things should be changing. I am not saying that the proposed changes are the alpha and the omega but the same principle would apply to any other model:

1. Stop everything that you're doing that you know is wrong;
2. Take a step back, deeply consider everything;
3. Make a plan and hire the appropriate people to execute the plan;
4. Stick to the plan but make minor modifications along the way, it's unrealistic that a 5 years plan can be followed to a T and it doesn't need to be as long as there are no huge messes along the way so tread carefully. Once again, no need to be overly ambitious and try to make an overnight change of EVERYTHING in the game, do it one step at a time. It's amazing how far one can get not by making a thousand steps per day but making a single step in the right direction every day.
Come on, we believe it... a few more lines and M.A will take all your expectations into consideration. hope gives life as they say... in the meantime, the shareholders thank you.
I have refrained from publicly giving an opinion on this matter because, like I stated before, I don't have access to the information necessary to even begin to consider a solution for this problem. Yet again, I am adamant about the fact that the answer is in the data (statistics) that MindArk has.

There were several mentions of data analysts and how more than one would be necessary to work on this. I don't know how much the people who suggested data analysts know about data analysis but you absolutely don't need more than a single capable person whose sole purpose should be handling the data. I deal with data analysis on a daily basis and have been doing so for the past eleven years and the size and scope of the data in question is far greater than that of Entropia Universe. So I am positive that a single data analyst who knows what they're doing is enough for the job. However, without the guidance of an economist, they are highly unlikely to succeed. I have seen great analysts over the years, great in the technical sense but unless you have a clear goal in mind, any amount and quality of data is useless. This is where the economist jumps in. This is a team of two people who could do wonders.

This is doable, no doubt about it. As grim as things may seem today, this can be fixed and Entropia Universe could become better than it ever was as a result. This, however, leads to the next question, is MindArk truly capable to create the big picture plan? By "big picture", I mean a plan that spans at the very least a few years. In order for the aforementioned team to be able to do any good for Entropia, they would need this end goal.

To the point of the Mayhem vendor, I see that opinions are heavily divided. The bottom line, on the other hand, is very simple. The flooding needs to stop. Reading through the comments I wasn't convinced by either side given how the ideas were formulated. However, both sides had good suggestions. Take this with a grain of salt but if we are speaking about the Mayhem vendor, I would say that it must go in its current form. It's not doing any good for the game, yet I strongly believe that it doesn't need to go overnight. This can have a multi-phase solution which is fair and transparent, after all, the attempt is to repair a world of damage inflicted on the game so a bit of transparency would be a welcome change.

Bear in mind that this proposition comes from someone who has a LOT of tokens and I stand to lose more than most if this were to be implemented. Yet, I would accept that temporary loss if it means a brighter future for Entropia Universe.

Phase 1 (after the current Merry Mayhem):

- Make all Mayhem Tokens and Rare Mayhem Tokens tradable;
- Announce the date but not items of one final restock in the form of an auction for that restock (not through the vendor, create a separate system for this purpose);
- Try your best to balance this restock with between 5 and 10 items total (no duplicate items eg. 2 Mod-Nanos);
- Announce the items and start the auction that would run for X days.

Phase 2 (after the auction has ran its course):

- Keep the current vendor in-game until the end of the year with pills only;
- Make an announcement that on 31st December 2025th the vendor will be removed and all outstanding tokens will become useless.

Phase 3 (removal of Mayhems as we know them for the time being - in parallel with Phase 2):

- Make an announcement that Easter Mayhem and Halloween Mayhem will not be coming back;
- Hite a team that will be in charge of working on the long-term plan.

Phase 4:

-This is the time when the new direction can begin to take point and this can mean anything that was already mentioned in this thread (a completely new Mayhem (once a year, not event after event after event) system that would have a different vendor with a variant of L bps that were discussed in this thread at length) or something entirely different, as long as it's sustainable in the long term;

- The emphasis must be on the economy, healthy markups can only become a possibility when all three major professions have a place in the universe and this can be achieved by stimulating the economy with new blueprints for both UL and L items;

- This will be the challenge for the data analyst and the economist. They need to create a system that would stimulate the economy without flooding / oversupplying it. One that can exist for a very long time with clear progression paths planned in advance that can be introduced over-time (over the course of years, not months or weeks as MindArk has been doing recently).

Phase 5:

- Once the above has been achieved (not after 10 years but as soon as the new direction has been decided and things have started to move in the said direction), MindArk can begin planning great events that would cater to the people who want UL items as a result of those events and most importantly, balance the rewards, balance the amount of rewards, keep track of the economy. A person who knows what they're doing can do this, once again, I have no doubt in my mind about this.

I know it's a wall of text and I am sorry for that. The reality is, what I said above is just scratching the surface but I think it puts things in perspective and gives a certain order of how things should be changing. I am not saying that the proposed changes are the alpha and the omega but the same principle would apply to any other model:

1. Stop everything that you're doing that you know is wrong;
2. Take a step back, deeply consider everything;
3. Make a plan and hire the appropriate people to execute the plan;
4. Stick to the plan but make minor modifications along the way, it's unrealistic that a 5 years plan can be followed to a T and it doesn't need to be as long as there are no huge messes along the way so tread carefully. Once again, no need to be overly ambitious and try to make an overnight change of EVERYTHING in the game, do it one step at a time. It's amazing how far one can get not by making a thousand steps per day but making a single step in the right direction every day.
more then 1 as i said to have backup knowledge because we cant have one person work it all out and then have it all break down when they leave the job or as mindark loves to do goes on vacation before a big event starts - mindark needs to adapt a work ethic that keeps the game in balance 24/365 because we all know how badly things can break when something happens and noone gets back for 3 weeks....
Come on, we believe it... a few more lines and M.A will take all your expectations into consideration. hope gives life as they say... in the meantime, the shareholders thank you.
Hahahaha, no more lines, mate. I honestly hate the fact that I was compelled to write that because the bottom line is, without the data, that whole statement may be no better than a piece of toilet paper.

They have the means to do the right thing. I for one, really hope that they will and I believe that they are trying. I am optimistic due to the fact that MindArk created this thread to begin with. Where they go from now, time will tell.
Phase 1 (after the current Merry Mayhem):

- Make all Mayhem Tokens and Rare Mayhem Tokens tradable;
- Announce the date but not items of one final restock in the form of an auction for that restock (not through the vendor, create a separate system for this purpose);
- Try your best to balance this restock with between 5 and 10 items total (no duplicate items eg. 2 Mod-Nanos);
- Announce the items and start the auction that would run for X days.

Phase 2 (after the auction has ran its course):

- Keep the current vendor in-game until the end of the year with pills only;
- Make an announcement that on 31st December 2025th the vendor will be removed and all outstanding tokens will become useless.

Phase 3 (removal of Mayhems as we know them for the time being - in parallel with Phase 2):

- Make an announcement that Easter Mayhem and Halloween Mayhem will not be coming back;
- Hite a team that will be in charge of working on the long-term plan.

If you do that - You will risk destroying large parts of whatever player-base there is left. People who have been grinding tokens for years. Others, who invested heavily in Resource Mayhems - All forced to fight over items in a tiny little auction re-stock. You would risk killing the game.

The player-base has huge amounts of tokens, you cannot just ignore all of these people and sweep them under the rug in order to "balance things".

Phasing out Mayhem can surely be done, but it has to be done correctly (if that is even what they want to do).
I have refrained from publicly giving an opinion on this matter because, like I stated before, I don't have access to the information necessary to even begin to consider a solution for this problem. Yet again, I am adamant about the fact that the answer is in the data (statistics) that MindArk has.

There were several mentions of data analysts and how more than one would be necessary to work on this. I don't know how much the people who suggested data analysts know about data analysis but you absolutely don't need more than a single capable person whose sole purpose should be handling the data. I deal with data analysis on a daily basis and have been doing so for the past eleven years and the size and scope of the data in question is far greater than that of Entropia Universe. So I am positive that a single data analyst who knows what they're doing is enough for the job. However, without the guidance of an economist, they are highly unlikely to succeed. I have seen great analysts over the years, great in the technical sense but unless you have a clear goal in mind, any amount and quality of data is useless. This is where the economist jumps in. This is a team of two people who could do wonders.

This is doable, no doubt about it. As grim as things may seem today, this can be fixed and Entropia Universe could become better than it ever was as a result. This, however, leads to the next question, is MindArk truly capable to create the big picture plan? By "big picture", I mean a plan that spans at the very least a few years. In order for the aforementioned team to be able to do any good for Entropia, they would need this end goal.

1. Stop everything that you're doing that you know is wrong;
2. Take a step back, deeply consider everything;
3. Make a plan and hire the appropriate people to execute the plan;
4. Stick to the plan but make minor modifications along the way, it's unrealistic that a 5 years plan can be followed to a T and it doesn't need to be as long as there are no huge messes along the way so tread carefully. Once again, no need to be overly ambitious and try to make an overnight change of EVERYTHING in the game, do it one step at a time. It's amazing how far one can get not by making a thousand steps per day but making a single step in the right direction every day.
Very well said.
If you do that - You will risk destroying large parts of whatever player-base there is left. People who have been grinding tokens for years. Others, who invested heavily in Resource Mayhems - All forced to fight over items in a tiny little auction re-stock. You would risk killing the game.

The player-base has huge amounts of tokens, you cannot just ignore all of these people and sweep them under the rug in order to "balance things".

Phasing out Mayhem can surely be done, but it has to be done correctly (if that is even what they want to do).
Everyone knew going into the mayhems that everyone was "All forced to fight over items in a tiny little auction re-stock."

They knew this and they grinded tokens anyway.

Stop playing the victim card! The risks were well known!
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If you do that - You will risk destroying large parts of whatever player-base there is left. People who have been grinding tokens for years. Others, who invested heavily in Resource Mayhems - All forced to fight over items in a tiny little auction re-stock. You would risk killing the game.

The player-base has huge amounts of tokens, you cannot just ignore all of these people and sweep them under the rug in order to "balance things".

Phasing out Mayhem can surely be done, but it has to be done correctly (if that is even what they want to do).
There are two issues here. By first making the tokens tradable and doing this restock as an auction, you are not ignoring them, you are giving them a chance to turn their tokens into PED. Second, by keeping the vendor with pills and stackables, you are once again, giving everyone a chance to unload their tokens and convert them to PED.

The other issue is, you are assuming to know what phasing out Mayhem correctly means. Neither of us knows, the post that I made, I made as a general guideline. This is a line of thinking, not a plan. Only the person in charge of this can make a plan by looking and analyzing all the data and then using it with a clear goal in mind.

Some item-owners don't want prices to go down further. Should have thought about that in May.

True, some might not want their items prices to go down further. Personally, I couldn't give two shits about that. The reason I am even getting myself involved in this thread is because Entropia Universe is not in a good state so more of the same won't lead to a better place. I truly want Entropia to change for the better even if that means stepping on a few toes along the way. As the saying goes: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

And let me ask you this. Would you rather have your leg amputated today to live another 50 years or would you keep the cancerous leg and have the damn thing kill you within six months? This is the dilemma we are discussing here.

So we want more weapons so more ppl have access to hunting gear. But then we dont want more mayhem items? hmmm wtf is this?

Who wants more weapons? Look at PCF and the in-game auction. Anyone who argues that there are not enough weapons in Entropia Universe is either blind or ignorant. I advocate for decent average markup and a huge carrot on a stick every now and then.

Everyone knew going into the mayhems that everyone was "All forced to fight over items in a tiny little auction re-stock."

They knew this and they grinded tokens anyway.

Stop playing the victim card! The risk was well known!

There is nothing wrong with that. We go to battle to win but so does the other side. Not both sides are victorious in the end. As long as we are honest enough to accept this fact, there is no injustice here. Changes are necessary and worthy changes are always painful in one way or another.
There is nothing wrong with that. We go to battle to win but so does the other side. Not both sides are victorious in the end. As long as we are honest enough to accept this fact, there is no injustice here. Changes are necessary and worthy changes are always painful in one way or the other.
Agreed. So we need to stop the nonsense idea that everyone 'deserves' a pull from a vendor.

At the most make tokens tradable or craftable materials and let the market decide the MU.
Everyone knew going into the mayhems that everyone was "All forced to fight over items in a tiny little auction re-stock."

They knew this and they grinded tokens anyway.

Stop playing the victim card! The risks were well known!
this is actually not true, the restock started as a small part amoung the original progression of introduction of new and better items - that this became an 'expectation' of mainly restock was one of the errors mindark made of copy/paste laziness and not spending the time for variety and progression
at the time when i started mayhem 5 years ago i think there hadnt been any restocks at all this just came later on because midnark let the vendor get empty and didnt botther being creative making new items and i specifically say items because it didnt have to be weapons
this is actually not true, the restock started as a small part amoung the original progression of introduction of new and better items - that this became an 'expectation' of mainly restock was one of the errors mindark made of copy/paste laziness and not spending the time for variety and progression
at the time when i started mayhem 5 years ago i think there hadnt been any restocks at all this just came later on because midnark let the vendor get empty and didnt botther being creative making new items and i specifically say items because it didnt have to be weapons
I am confused as to what is not true.

The meta was always, grind tokens, pull from vendor which is very rarely if ever restocked.

This was known. Everyone was guessing or hoping rather there would be more active restocking.
This was the risk or rather bet that was being taken by those who continued to grind tokens.
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There are two issues here. By first making the tokens tradable and doing this restock as an auction, you are not ignoring them, you are giving them a chance to turn their tokens into PED. Second, by keeping the vendor with pills and stackables, you are once again, giving everyone a chance to unload their tokens and convert them to PED.

If I understood it correctly, you wanted the whole Token-holding player-base to fight over 10 items in one single re-stock, and then have the option to buy pills for their tokens. As it is now, 3-4 people could already pull that entire stock you talk about probably.

If you think some people are upset by the latest price increases, that is nothing compared to what such a move described above would cause. Letting people with several hundred thousands of tokens have nothing other to do than to buy pills.

You have the large category of people who have, for years, been grinding tokens in normal Mayhems. And then you have a large part of the player-base which has, encouraged by MindArk, grinded absolutely massive amounts of tokens in two Resource Mayhems.

You cannot launch two cash-grab events and then remove the rewards without expecting people to literally quit the game.

As the saying goes: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

They don't need to re-stock with the same items again. They can re-stock with better items. Or low-DPS items. Or new Space-ships. Warp drives. Land Areas. Mining Gear. Armors. Etc.

Stop playing the victim card! The risks were well known!

I don't even have any Mtokens left, personally. I am worrying about the large part of the player-base that does.

Statement Regarding the Future of Mayhem​

Dear Entropians,

We have been closely following the recent discussions and sentiment from many of you regarding the Mayhem event format, notably on the Planet Calypso Forum but in other places too.

It is clear that we need to take the time to look critically at the issues and spend time working on improving it in an effort to mitigate many of the concerns that have been brought forward, notably regarding the economy of items, tokens and the format itself as a medium for progression within the game.

In this process, it is important that we listen carefully to what you all have to say - as there are many different perspectives and great ideas within the playerbase.

We will look more fundamentally at these issues both in the short and long term, to find a sustainable way forward for the long term prosperity of the game and effectively communicate any changes that will come as part of that.

As always, we appreciate your patience and passion that you all have for Entropia Universe

Originally Posted Here

We’re looking at Mayhem. It’s tremendous, folks, absolutely tremendous, but some ppeope, very smart people, the best peopl are saying it’s broken. Sad! So now, MindArk is going to listen to your ideas, maybe even pretend to care, and then do what they were going to do anyway. Believe me, it’ll be the best update you’ve ever seen. Tokens? We’re making them great again. Progression? Nobody progresses better than us. Loot? It’s huge, it’s the best loot you’ve ever seen.

Except it probably won’t drop.
If I understood it correctly, you wanted the whole Token-holding player-base to fight over 10 items in one single re-stock, and then have the option to buy pills for their tokens. As it is now, 3-4 people could already pull that entire stock you talk about probably.

If you think some people are upset by the latest price increases, that is nothing compared to what such a move described above would cause. Letting people with several hundred thousands of tokens have nothing other to do than to buy pills.

You have the large category of people who have, for years, been grinding tokens in normal Mayhems. And then you have a large part of the player-base which has, encouraged by MindArk, grinded absolutely massive amounts of tokens in two Resource Mayhems.

You cannot launch two cash-grab events and then remove the rewards without expecting people to literally quit the game.

You assume too much, Mike, this is not up to us. It is up to their statistics to determine what sort of carrot would be big enough to deplete the economy of tokens once and for all.

They don't need to re-stock with the same items again. They can re-stock with better items. Or low-DPS items. Or new Space-ships. Warp drives. Land Areas. Mining Gear. Armors. Etc.

You answered it yourself. The auction that I mentioned can involve a planet, a moon, land areas, unique item, you name it. As long as it serves the end goal (assuming the goal is to eliminate the current format of Mayhem and replace it with something sustainable down the line).

Look, I won't event pretend that my solution is the best but neither should you that yours is. You keep assuming that the playerbase will end up rage-quitting. What if the carrot is so big that it will consume all tokens in the economy and at 1p per piece or even more? One last time, they need to hire people who are qualified and competent for this job. It can be done, there are many ways to skin a cat.

Anyhow, I really don't feel like I can contribute more to this thread. It's starting to be repetitive. There are dozens and dozens of different ideas in both this and Image's original thread and as far as I am concerned, it doesn't have to be any of them, mine included. Whatever can get this game back on track is what they should move forward with. With that said, they really need to be careful in the future, current scenario should never repeat.
Maybe it would be better to just shutdown the servers then as the game is going to be destroyed anyway.
All the low-level players are the ultimate losers in this and they will be further screwed over.

If MA does go through with this and then you have no 'New Players' who can exist in the game because you all
got your way. Not even UE5 is going to save you then.

I sure as hell wouldn't want to play a game where MindArk could send the message that they would compensate player risk/mistakes.

It is bullshit. Those who participated in Mayhem thinking they have a guaranteed pull made their bed. Now lay in it.
then dont play, no one's making you

I don't want to spend "hundreds of thousands of peds into upgrades" though. I don't even want to spend hundreds of thousands of peds on the basic weapon before it's upgraded.

I'll probably accept depositing a large sum of cash for ammo. But in all honesty if I burned through ten thousands ped of ammo in a month and needed to deposit another 1000 usd.... I'd highly likely will say... "no".

The reason we've got to this position is years of ramping up mobs to insane hp and weapons that burn tons of ped. It is just as much fun if the cost to kill a spider is 1 ped rather than 20 ped.

The only way now I can see MA flooding the game with new players, is a rebase of the ped. Therefore maybe 50 ped per deposted dollar or 100 ped per dollar.

Easily adjustable for a ped rebase, all existing ped in game in multiplied. All auctions and exchange deed listing's are cancelled. Then players can adjust their listing to suit MU. Maybe the ped value on any existing items is multiplied by the rebase and ped deposited in accounts. Needs alot of thought... how it would work so all are happy and no one left out of pocket.

I get it that players that have invested alot of cash and need to be protected. However the game needs a reset on "deposit" cost to play.

I'd be really happy with deposit 1usd = 10x5 (50 ped). Then for example NTI deed MU would change from 7.45 ped x 1 to 7.45 ped x 5.

I'm not challenging you, just saying "hundreds of thousands ped upgrades" doesn't work for the vast majority of players. We need a solution that works.


Good idea, won't work. The core problem is the RCE not the base of ped/usd exchange. RCE is fundamentally flawed because there is no consideration that the rich just steamroll over anyone with less disposable cash. There's simply not enough supply of mid-level gear to keep prices low. And what cracks me up is mid-level is not a ped printer either. You've essentially got guns guaranteed to lose you money going for THOUSANDS USD just because they do a higher DPS and happen to be unlimited. Some are lvl 100 guns too. Not even talking loot 2.0 efficiency here either. It's insane economics. And there is no way to earn this stuff from playing in a way that requires more than just brute force on the looting events. Huge huge costs both in time and finances due to the entropy of returns. As a result it's almost always exponentially cheaper to just buy the gear rather than trying to loot it.

This is why I've suggested before that the game should no longer be like spinning on a slot machine with every action tied directly to cash hoping your "spin" results in more than you put in. Instead, it should be funded via fixed subscriptions or even through the sale of skins and items of convenience and after the company takes a profit a % is kicked back to players in the form of funded events and contests which require actual player skill beyond "who has the biggest wallet and can hit F the best?". I argue you can get just as much dopamine from hitting a HoF of peds that aren't directly tied to cash but gives you "ammo" to work towards cash prizes.

I mean generally speaking anything but the biggest HoFs are just used as fodder to continue to the hunt for a bigger hof anyways. I'd rather pay $20 a month and participate in a game of skill that has a chance where I can win a guaranteed prize of like $500-$1000 rather than me having to deposit and churn $200-$500+ with no guarantee of any return where maybe if I'm lucky I'll get a $100 HoF which will just keep me churning hoping for the 1 in a million $1000 loot. It's like WTF is the point? Why put in all this money on a losing proposition when I've literally got 1000 other games on Steam? I find I make better returns playing online poker if I want money to enter the equation at least then I can play in CAD and when I withdraw the money is in my Paypal account in 15 minutes. None of this 50 business days BS.
Good idea, won't work. The core problem is the RCE not the base of ped/usd exchange. RCE is fundamentally flawed because there is no consideration that the rich just steamroll over anyone with less disposable cash. There's simply not enough supply of mid-level gear to keep prices low. And what cracks me up is mid-level is not a ped printer either. You've essentially got guns guaranteed to lose you money going for THOUSANDS USD just because they do a higher DPS and happen to be unlimited. Some are lvl 100 guns too. Not even talking loot 2.0 efficiency here either. It's insane economics. And there is no way to earn this stuff from playing in a way that requires more than just brute force on the looting events. Huge huge costs both in time and finances due to the entropy of returns. As a result it's almost always exponentially cheaper to just buy the gear rather than trying to loot it.

This is why I've suggested before that the game should no longer be like spinning on a slot machine with every action tied directly to cash hoping your "spin" results in more than you put in. Instead, it should be funded via fixed subscriptions or even through the sale of skins and items of convenience and after the company takes a profit a % is kicked back to players in the form of funded events and contests which require actual player skill beyond "who has the biggest wallet and can hit F the best?". I argue you can get just as much dopamine from hitting a HoF of peds that aren't directly tied to cash but gives you "ammo" to work towards cash prizes.

I mean generally speaking anything but the biggest HoFs are just used as fodder to continue to the hunt for a bigger hof anyways. I'd rather pay $20 a month and participate in a game of skill that has a chance where I can win a guaranteed prize of like $500-$1000 rather than me having to deposit and churn $200-$500+ with no guarantee of any return where maybe if I'm lucky I'll get a $100 HoF which will just keep me churning hoping for the 1 in a million $1000 loot. It's like WTF is the point? Why put in all this money on a losing proposition when I've literally got 1000 other games on Steam? I find I make better returns playing online poker if I want money to enter the equation at least then I can play in CAD and when I withdraw the money is in my Paypal account in 15 minutes. None of this 50 business days BS.
unfortunately even the virtual does not deviate from the rule of the reality of real life, small wallets will remain small, entropia and become a rich man's game, unless you like to spend all your time on entropia chasing puny people without any evolution possible other than taking out the bank card and this game is of no interest. I understand that everyone at their level would like to see things evolve, but for 90% of the population who play enropia do not have the financial means to follow the evolution that the game has taken. my opinion and that the game has become a dead end, going back seems impossible to me.
Below is my somewhat pessimistic outlook on this statement (and others). I dont like to be pessimistic but sometimes that is what happens :cautious:

Great to hear a response regarding playerbase concerns with the direction that MA has taken lately!

However, as with communicating other things, it does not ease my concerns with the game.

If MA had acctually acted on thier previous communications, then I would have felt relief. Relief that they took our feedback seriously and would do something about it.

But as with MANY other things I merely see talk. NOT ACTION. MA seem to have become expert talkers with no followthru. Lazy copy paste events where they dont even take the time to edit the text for the event.

I think that was the biggest slap in the face acctually. The one thing that realy made me question what is going on at MA. You have an mayhem event and the only thing you need to do is update a few lines of text. Change the yearly date to "2024" and update the day and dates that it suppose to start.

When a company does not even do that. In consecutive events mind you. When the person responsible cant even make sure that the text has been edited properly. The ONLY thing that needs to be changed (besides adding in the new ring info). Well that speaks volume on how much they respect thier costumers and thier commitment of making a great game.

So even tho its great with some statement, it does not fill me with confidence. Im sorry to say that - because I have been playing this game for over 12 years and love the people and universe. I WANT to be positive. But the way things are I cant. Sadly.

As I wrote in a previous post, that time making a comment on the stock price of thier listed stock in Sweden, I believe that this comes down to company culture. To restore confidence is going to take more then a few lines that says "we are listening". The company needs to ask themselfs what theier staff is doing. Are they working day and night to turn this ship around? Is everyone onboard? Is there less talking and more working?

I used to love to interact with this universe but lately it has just been the same old thing and I just asked myself why im even logging in to play anymore. The anwser I found was that I cant justify spending my money ingame anymore.

I hope MA finds a way, like they have done many times before this.

MA fighting ~
the fix is simple. keep restocking. they don't need a new vendor or a new token.
just make the rare token harder to get, lower drop rate.
they can still add creative interesting stuff to the vendor.
Looking at Mayhem only is too narrow a view. Make peds generally laster longer again.

The whole promise of loot 2.0 was too have more stabile returns. Turns out we were sold a dud.

Under 1.0 even a somewhat random or even irresponsible approach resulted in better returns TIME/PED wise in the immediate term. You could go shoot 100-200 mobs & somewhere along this short line get an equaliser. If not this run then on the next. Yes, 60/70% runs happened, sometimes even 2 or 3 in a row but then you get a fat one to keep you going. (Both pedwise & motivation wise)

Under 2.0, assuming same gear/approach/bankroll as before, I had to hunt much longer sessions to eventually, may be, get a swirl, get a result that gets me anywhere close to a 90% run. Even doing 300 to 500 kill runs you kinda know it's either gonna be shit, i.e. 90 - 95% or it's really shit, i.e. lower than 90%.

Basically, Watch your deposit melt away from the first mob. It's blant, boring & frustrating. Who wants to keep going with this for 1000s of kills & hours?

I always wondered if during all your changes to loot over the years, you underestimated the share of the playerbase that has a very casual approach, i.e. just log on, pick something of the menu & start shooting.

Not even trying to squeeze a constant profit, not necessarily going for achievements like certain skill levels or having to aim higher n higher in the gear I want to use.

Always did about 300 to 500$ a month under 1.0 and managed to stretch that over a month even with fairly random playing styles. It's a game after all, albeit a very expensive one.

Like for like with no adjustments to approach, gear or bankroll management 2.0 reduced time per ped by 30-40% in "good" times & 50-60% during really bad spells.

Where equalising multipliers came every few 1000 ped under 1.0, now it seems to be only every what?, few 10k or even 100k? Many, if not most, players long gave up or ran outta disposable income before ever reaching that 1k or 2k multi to balance that last 2 or 3 months of garbage loot.

How was that an improvement?

Why do I need to adapt to that? You had a product working a certain why, that cost me x amount per month to have fun. That product was changed to cost me twice as much & still require me to accept certain unwanted changes to my playing style.

Long story short, if loot wasn't this terrible then a lot of the frustrations, including item devaluation, may not even grow into the major issue it has become now.
the fix is simple. keep restocking. they don't need a new vendor or a new token.
just make the rare token harder to get, lower drop rate.
they can still add creative interesting stuff to the vendor.

I see that you do not understand how many rare tokens people really have :)

Yes, it could work, but the effect would come 5 years from now when people have used up their rare tokens.
Few years ago rare tokens was the issue, made people have 100k + mTokens (Which at big amount) - Now you have people with 20 rare tokens and 500k mTokens.

Not saying that these people did anything wrong at all, they played the game - Just saying that some things needs be changed, and it's not a simple fix as you are saying.
I see that you do not understand how many rare tokens people really have :)

Yes, it could work, but the effect would come 5 years from now when people have used up their rare tokens.
Few years ago rare tokens was the issue, made people have 100k + mTokens (Which at big amount) - Now you have people with 20 rare tokens and 500k mTokens.

Not saying that these people did anything wrong at all, they played the game - Just saying that some things needs be changed, and it's not a simple fix as you are saying.
If players grinded for a lot of tokens....
I mean, Mindark allowed them to drop. It's by design. Kinda the purpose of the event.
I hear the complaints, but to kill the event because some people hold a lot of tokens doesn't seem very logical.
There are many players still chasing the carrot. No point in ruining it for everyone because some players happen to have a lot of tokens, good for them.
The way I see it they're saving for a nice reward one day. Why let the players down?