Support news from JWT

Work has already started on the “Taming” and “ Mentoring” systems which will be back with a number of added features. Next in line is the “Makeup” and “Beacon “systems and mutants.”

Am I the only one astounded by the fact Makuep, and beacons, have'nt even been started?? :(
Good to hear something finally I guess...but
Well i guess they could work on al systems at once and we will wait for a couple of years before we see anything or they can work at 1 or 2 at a time and we will see things happen sooner :) i know what i prefer.
The reason why the Umbranoids is gone is because there's a code missing for them to function properly.

A code? :silly2:

Did you try #FF6EA429B yet? That one nearly always works for me ;)

Hurray! They employed more people! At this point they are over their heads, so many systems not yet back, and so many planets asking for new systems... That stack of work is only going to grow unless they shape up and hire more staff. Now it seems they are!

While its a shame the system I miss the most; Beacons are being given a low priority, I still think this is very good news!
The reason why the Umbranoids is gone is because there's a code missing for them to function properly.

And calamusoids? Calamusoid M's used to be ingame a few months ago but now they seem to be gone (=maffoids instead there - roughly between port atlantis and chugs hideout close to the coast).

Can this be the missing code?
(I have to admit I still haven't figured it out)
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The new space system will permit flight from one planet to any other planet within the Entropia Universe and of course there will be opportunities for a lot of adventures along your travels

I am very happy to see that the flying system will be redesigned, and the adventures along travels is surely wellcome and will probably make the cost of travel worth :)

Nice work here MA!

We have an answer when the forum have had like over 5thread about whining over the participants lack of information.
Well done MA now we can breathe until next halfyear and we start complaining of those stuff didnt get implemented yet..
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se was it so hard to post a thread with no concreat promises and vague info to make every1 happy?
We have an answer when the forum have had like over 5thread about whining over the participants lack of information well job MA now we can breathe until next halfyear and we start complaining of those stuff didnt get implemented yet..

Dude. Punctuation. Seriously.
i can't wait to jump on a jetplane and go dance my little ass off on planet MJ...

are these new programmers only 20% efficient? or do they only program 20% of their employed time? either way would suffice i guess.
Dude. Punctuation. Seriously.

Seriously, can u speak swedish as a second language?

wth is it with ppl getting annoyed by persons that having dyslexia and other forms of spellingproblems?
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i can't wait to jump on a jetplane and go dance my little ass off on planet MJ...

are these new programmers only 20% efficient? or do they only program 20% of their employed time? either way would suffice i guess.

The old programers will have to spend 20% of their time getting the new programers up to speed with how things work in the game. Also the loot will be reduced in a 20% to pay their salaries.
o_0 it actually can speak!! I think i must be hallucinating.
oh oh oh ... nice to see that. But im sceptic! atm this are just words or some more promises.. letz see the systems back and then we can say hurray, or wath ever.

The main issue is: they lost trust, and have to work to get this back!
Seriously, can u speak swedish as a second language?

wth is it with ppl getting annoyed by persons that having dyslexia and other forms of spellingproblems?

Nope, I sure can't.
The new space system will permit flight from one planet to any other planet within the Entropia Universe and of course there will be opportunities for a lot of adventures along your travels

I am very happy to see that the flying system will be redesigned, and the adventures along travels is surely wellcome and will probably make the cost of travel worth :)

Nice work here MA!


The adventures they talk about probably mean that it is not a guarantee that you will reach your destination. Probably its a % depending on your flight skills ;p
Space will still be tp'ing only with a possibility to fail
Watch my words!
Straight from the top. Is everyone happy at least temporarily now?

And please move beacons/instances to #1 or 2. There are far more people that enjoy team hunting on a mission than going afk to increase their total skills (90% of taming), mentoring aka get-free-stuff, or actually use makeup.
Great to hear something.

Not so great to hear that they are even farther behind than most of us had even begun to fear.

Not even started on some systems?

Hired 20% more? %? How many is that in real numbers? Hearing how far behind the old systems are, maybe 200% more programmers would have been a better move?

Are the old systems being bumped back by new systems? Or are the new systems going to arrive after the old systems?

Again, it's great to hear something, but I'm looking for good news instead of what i still consider bad news. All old systems really should have been in place long ago.

Can we please get a promise to get regular updates? Not yearly though... how about monthly, or even quarterly if they have a lot of good and accurate information in them.

Once more... It's great to finally hear something. Now, how about trying to bring us into the light and keeping us there instead of trying to keep us in the dark.

No ETA is given on any of that.

According to a road map for 2010 ALL the old systems would be implemented last year, now they're hiring programmers :thumbup: in all this first semester... :(

So should we expect most of those old systems back by the end of the year?
Hired 20% more? %? How many is that in real numbers? Hearing how far behind the old systems are, maybe 200% more programmers would have been a better move?

I truly wouldn't be surprised if the original programmers number was just 5...
I´m happy when i see it, no empty promises now..
Nice with news, but did he say something we didn't already knew? Intresting with the space travel, sounds like it will be an important part of the universe.