Takuta Plateau HSL 27 Jan - 11 Feb - one person can win multiple prizes!

I havn't slept for a week because of this event and I love it

Can't wait for the next round again

My GF doesn't love it though.

Thanks for hosting
thank you for your commitment to help us eradicate all these araneatrox :)
Big grats to the winners!
The final top 3 is for this round is:

tihkal tihk elesdeeSHOOT2LOOTAraneatrox Young11 746 PEDThu, 09 Feb 2023 09:06:59
Chairman whatwouldjesusdo EdgewiseThe UnitAraneatrox Young10 467 PEDTue, 31 Jan 2023 10:51:39
Brastem Sendaran FunkarosShaolinAraneatrox Young5 584 PEDThu, 02 Feb 2023 19:49:10

Prizes will be awarded starting today.

Thanks everyone for participating and hope to see you on the next round.
Gz to the Winners and all participants :)
You know, there's little difference between Young and Stalker in terms of the punch they pack.. and the 1k HP difference is loaded with a lot more OAC, Heart Oil, Bio IDs and other goodies. Falxangius is probably the best mob for OAC, it gives up to 3-4 PED OAC in one drop.
We will think about further events there,
What is OAC?