TDO ~ Tales of Derring-DooOOooOOooOo

Indeed Seven :Beerchug:

We tipped out of the Bar and had a go at subdueing the miscreants outside.

Trench 3 FTW

We dragged on of them big oafs up the trench, all the way to the revivie bit (all part of the plan honest)...

And we are hapy to report that finaly after many of these big bullies we have pick pocketed more than a Shogun Harness LOL

The Trenches of Hades continue to be a happy hunting ground....

Only because Blackjack has lost his key for the Beer Stockade, and hence the rest of us have ample supplies....
I did not lose it! One of those damn Big Bulks swiped it while he was holding me upside down and shaking me! Bastard got my bottle opener too!:mad:

Blackjack :cowboy:
Tally Ho!

One of the reasons I got into this game was Rooster showing me a Robot invasion a few years ago. However, now that there is another proper invasion, I find myself skill-less and ammo-less...full of beer though :) *hic

I'd just like to say how nice it is to see a soc spend their hard earned EFD on a banner that basically says (to me anyway); It's ok Clam.. Calypso is safe. We are here, safe guarding our beloved virtual home. So much so, that we're going to run an ad campaign stating the fact. Not only that but we relish the challenge and will dive boldly into battle with a beer and a bullet!

Hurrah! Jolly good show. Pip pip!
Twas a hard night tonight.

Trench Hump has set in. And the Hump must be defended.

The problem is the Hump is a hard place to be.

The Hump Trench lay SW of Ithica and it be a bitch to defend.

But this be the beauty of the Hump.

Many a time did Netstalker die in the brave defence of the hump.

NetStalker, we salute you.

While the rest of us bravely applauded.

OK, maybe some of us died a bit as well defending the hump......

Well chaps I know the Hump was hard, and I did offer to come to help you with your Hump. But as you declined, you had to sort out you hard hump yourselves :eek:

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Having a Lady in the Hump with Nestalker would have been confusing.

The innuendo would have been too much to bare....
Well it was a bit rough trying to shoot while opening those new fangled colonial Beer bottles...must be a robot conspiracy, they dont use right tighty lefty loosy philosophy....

[innuendo mode on]
So without the Beer, it was a dry hump most of the night.....:rolleyes:
[innuendo mode off]

Oh, and I see a set of PoE was looted by a Hound just near Trench 4 :yay:

Gratz Rap :)
Banner Bump....

Just LOL....

Ok lets have a banner watch competition :yay:

How many days / weeks / months will it stay for??
Not fair, cause i could say it will die tomorrow and send 711 a pm tonight... ;)
Not fair, cause i could say it will die tomorrow and send 711 a pm tonight... ;)

Just coz you died all splayed out like that in front of a lady :eek:

My guess is that it will still be there today...

WOOT im right.....:wtg:
O noes, I followed the banner here too
Step into the banner.... the banner is your friend...... BE the banner....

Blackjack :cowboy:

It's still there then...

Ban the Banner, or Banish the Banter!
hmmmm, seems like ur banner is still up for no good :)
oh nos i cliked the banner 2
The banner tricked me....It promised Beer and PED's if i clicked on it......

Silly banner...

If anybody wondered about the Beer glugging maidens on the sig, they are from left to right, Firemaiden, Lily and Rockchick.True ladies.


I am the other Beer chugging lady, but can't see me as i have fallen into an alcohol induced coma on the floor! :p
Alas, poor banner, we knew it well................


Better get that banner back up guys.

The Bots could be back :cool:

Looks like your back in the trenches ;)
The banner was our only defence against the robot menace.

Highly suspicious that the day after the ad came down the bots start up again.
The banner was our only defence against the robot menace.

Highly suspicious that the day after the ad came down the bots start up again.

Yep they're on to you mate.

As soon as they saw you relax they pounced :eek: