Team Australia aka The OZ Squad

Of course Mags, anytime :wtg:
Hi folks!

Regarding to the pm's from Mags and your posts I will now tell Hurrikane Saturday 9:00 MA.

Hope you will agree!

- Team Germany -
Hmmm...50/50 for me. Hopefully I will know by tomorrow what my status is.


Who is in the team for this week anyway?

Yep, I am available...

Need to work out who is hunting the WoF and the support party for this round.

From a brief discussion with Serica, she will fap Shaz at the temple and I will join the support party to take care of the big bery's should any team member venture to the LA north of Palms.
Yep, I am available...

Need to work out who is hunting the WoF and the support party for this round.

From a brief discussion with Serica, she will fap Shaz at the temple and I will join the support party to take care of the big bery's should any team member venture to the LA north of Palms.

I'll PM you all ingame with the details:)
Might be able to get on in the last 90 mins of the hunt and do some support. Anyways if you see me logged and want help call straight away and i'll tp out.
Thanks Westy,
We will surely need ya, PM me as soon as you log on :)

We still have no confirmation if we hunt or not today :confused:

For me it is Saturday morning just about 10 AM.
I am not sure if I can make any other commitments or not...........:scratch2:

We will somehow need to find a better solution for the selection of timeslots.
We lost ...... so BIG Grtz to Germany.
And thanks team Australia and all support for the BIG efford it was a very close match.

Next weeks match against USA, there will be no timeslots for Sunday.

So how is availability for all you guys and girls?
I'm free again most of the weekend. :)

Shaz Monaro
Have kept next weekend totally clear - looking forward to this, Mags :)
The match against you guys (and girls) was my favourite one yet.

It was an all fair and straight firepower fight like its supposed to be.

Prepare for your next match vs USA though, they tend to pk around whenever its possible. If its honorable or not is another question:rolleyes:
In my opinion pk should be forbidden at all in this event, but thats just me.

Just look out on the battlefield.

Best of luck and go beat em up :yay:
The match against you guys (and girls) was my favourite one yet.

It was an all fair and straight firepower fight like its supposed to be.

Prepare for your next match vs USA though, they tend to pk around whenever its possible. If its honorable or not is another question:rolleyes:
In my opinion pk should be forbidden at all in this event, but thats just me.

Just look out on the battlefield.

Best of luck and go beat em up :yay:

It sure was a great Match:)
Thanks for the advise Venus.
We have played USA before and experienced 1st hand that they can play 'dirty'.
Lol us Aussies like 'dirty' .......:ahh: but not that kind of 'dirty'.........:eek:
I also agree about the PK part.
It is a shame that with their combined skills and uber gear they feel the need to compete this way. Kind of sad really..............
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Match vs USA weekend 28 April

I am thinking to do same as match vs Germany.

If anyone does not agree or has a better idea/plan please PM me in-game :)

The hardest part will be to find a decent time slot with the time difference...........
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It sure was a great Match:)
Thanks for the advise Venus.
We have played USA before and experienced 1st hand that they can play 'dirty'.
Lol us Aussies like 'dirty' .......:ahh: but not that kind of 'dirty'.........:eek:
I also agree about the PK part.
It is a shame that with their combined skills and uber gear they feel the need to compete this way. Kind of sad really..............

Perhaps its a lack of education. I heard that once they reach age 13. Americans have to work 16 hour days in the Hyundai factory. Thats why so many Aussie Actors are required in the US. All theirs are stamping engine parts to make cars for the booming economy in China.:eek:
News and Update:

Stage 3 concludes next weekend with the Round 3 hunts.

There are different Time-Slots next weekend and some changes for Stage 4 the weekend after. These changes are mostly because I forgot I was on holiday in Cyprus for 2 weeks:)

So: Time-Slots for next weekend
(Round 3)

Friday 27th April: 21:00


Saturday 28th April: 01:00

Saturday 28th April: 12:00

Saturday 28th April: 16:00

Saturday 28th April: 22:00


Sunday 29th April: 08:00

Pleae contact the team you are matched aginst in Round 3 and PM me with your confirmed hunt time. Some flexibility over slots is available, but NONE AFTER THE LAST SUNDAY ONE (I will be on a plane)


Right, as I'll be away, here's some

Stage 4 Info:

After the Stage 3 hunts are over and progression is known, The Tournament will be handled by J Boy and the Judges for Stage 4. It will be J boy you pm your confirmed Stage 4 times to. Judges will be on hand for all slots.

Stage 4 will be the top 2 teams in each group in a one-on-one knockout match against each other.

There will be 6 teams, so 3 hunts in all. These will ALL take place on one day: Sunday 6th May.

You will hunt against the other team to score highest from your group in Stage 3. 3 teams go through to the Final on Saturday 19th May.

Time Slots for Stage 4, Sunday 6th May:






After Midnight Thursday 3rd of May, NO REMAINING TEAMS CAN DROP MEMBERS.

Please submit any news of members leaving BEFORE this deadline.

Any teams not full (12 members) can continue to sign players until full: but no players can be dropped!. The team you enter Stage 4 with cannot lose any players.


Other News:

What you all want to know... the Stage 4 Moblist (not going to have time to get all this online between Stage 3 and 4, so here it is:)

Stage 4 Moblist:

Feffoid: (Outcast-Hunter): 3 points

Feffoid: (Warlord and Above): 5 points

Ambulimax: (Young-Old): 4 points

Ambulimax: (Provider and Above): 6 points

Aetherex: (Any Maturity): 7 points

Chomper: (Any Maturity): 8 points

PLEASE do not confuse this Moblist with the Stage 3 one: it is the Stage 3 list you use next weekend.


Stage 4 Start/Finish point:
Jor Bridge: 1600/13333

[/url][br]Click to enlarge[/br][/IMG]

...not a tp, not a revival... a bit of a bitch to get to but a lovely quiet spot to hang around Judging:)

So, I'll be around for the last Stage 3 hunts next weekend, then I'll be back on the 14th May to see how Stage 4 went...
Thanks for all your efforts in making this a Tournament to remember... I will!

Prepare for your next match vs USA though, they tend to pk around whenever its possible. If its honorable or not is another question:rolleyes:
In my opinion pk should be forbidden at all in this event, but thats just me.

Just look out on the battlefield.

i hear it's hard to see down the barrel of a tango actually. and too bad about the rules...

The WoF position is this; Pking in PvP areas is allowed, not encouraged.

hoyah, aussies. we eagerly await a fun and fair time with you guys, our most worthy opponent this entire tourney. we hope your round was a good one.

Perhaps its a lack of education. I heard that once they reach age 13. Americans have to work 16 hour days in the Hyundai factory. Thats why so many Aussie Actors are required in the US. All theirs are stamping engine parts to make cars for the booming economy in China.:eek:

yes, it's quite true. i myself at only the age of 11 had to drop out of school (i think they call it that, not sure. i'm very undereducated, sorry.) to pursue a career as a dung salesman to make ends meet for my mom and dad and my 13 brothers and sisters. it's always something around here, you know, dad needs a new prosthetic leg so he can compete in next year's dancing with the stars and my brother jessip came down with congenital diahrea. it's quite a thing to have in a family of poop salesman. i myself am only competing in WoF so that i can maybe earn a little extra ped selling that bomber jacket so uncle skokie can afford to make his bail next time he gets arrested.
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yes, it's quite true. i myself at only the age of 11 had to drop out of school (i think they call it that, not sure. i'm very undereducated, sorry.) to pursue a career as a dung salesman to make ends meet for my mom and dad and my 13 brothers and sisters. it's always something around here, you know, dad needs a new prosthetic leg so he can compete in next year's dancing with the stars and my brother jessip came down with congenital diahrea. it's quite a thing to have in a family of poop salesman. i myself am only competing in WoF so that i can maybe earn a little extra ped selling that bomber jacket so uncle skokie can afford to make his bail next time he gets arrested.

:laugh: Redneck alert...
Time-Slots for next weekend (Round 3) against USA are:

Friday 27th April: 21:00 = 5 AM (West) and 7 AM (EST) Sat (NO)
Saturday 28th April: 01:00 = 9 AM (West) and 11 AM (EST) Sat (YES)
Saturday 28th April: 12:00 = 8 PM (West) and 10 PM (EST) Sat (YES)
Saturday 28th April: 16:00 = midnight (West) and 2 AM (EST) Sun (NO)
Saturday 28th April: 22:00 = 6 AM (West) and 8 AM (EST) Sun (NO)
Sunday 29th April: 08:00 = 4 PM (West) and 6 PM (EST) (YES)

Last time we had an 02:00 timeslot vs USA so maybe the 01:00 Saturday timeslot may be best suited to them. USA has MA time - 7hrs to 10 hrs (I think).
I think Dire is working on Saturday mornings, but we wil have to work around that I guess.
See what USA comes back with........... I will put the 'YES' times forward to the USA.
Just read on Team America thread that the timeslot:

Saturday 28th April: 01:00 = 9 AM (West) and 11 AM (EST) Sat has been decided on.

Will use same team as last week unless Dire is working Saturday morning.
Then Invi will replace him.
Time suits me...Happy to provide support again to whoever needs it.


Actually, maybe we should discuss who is going where? I think a 4 person support per hunting WoF member is sufficient enough.
i hear it's hard to see down the barrel of a tango actually. and too bad about the rules...

hoyah, aussies. we eagerly await a fun and fair time with you guys, our most worthy opponent this entire tourney. we hope your round was a good one.

yes, it's quite true. i myself at only the age of 11 had to drop out of school (i think they call it that, not sure. i'm very undereducated, sorry.) to pursue a career as a dung salesman to make ends meet for my mom and dad and my 13 brothers and sisters. it's always something around here, you know, dad needs a new prosthetic leg so he can compete in next year's dancing with the stars and my brother jessip came down with congenital diahrea. it's quite a thing to have in a family of poop salesman. i myself am only competing in WoF so that i can maybe earn a little extra ped selling that bomber jacket so uncle skokie can afford to make his bail next time he gets arrested.

Rofl. Your just too good. Hey, support team. I'm gonna follow skippie around during the hunt. If I can keep him cracking first rate humour like this he'll forget to shoot. :scratch2:

MAGS! I have a cunning plan! We'll come up with the funniest ever joke. Tell it to them before the hunt. Carefully screen our own team so they don't hear it. They'll laugh for 3 hours.

EDIT: ok how about this joke. The other day I saw stryker shooting a chirpy with an opalo. I went up with my Breer M1a and KS his chirpy. He wasn't happy.
Yep, I'm happy with this time.

Looking forward to it.

Shaz Monaro
Heya Team. Ill show up for this one with any luck ;) I am after all in the USA. Ill do what ever I can to help out for support. Mags if you see me online can you send me a pm? I thought I had added you to my FL but after checking you weren't on it and you are the most important off all, doing all the organising and what not, so I better add you if I get the chance. Sorry about the lack of communication for a while, been busy having fun while I'm away from Aus, that was one hell of a match against those Germans tho. Anyways If for some reason I don't talk to anyone before the next match....

Come on AUSTRALIA, go you good thing!

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
we will need all of you :)

Exo and Dire have to work..........

Saturday Team:

All others that are available, we need support team..........
Thanks to all participants in team Australia and our support team.
We did a hell of a job out there... :yay: :yay:

We did not make it to the next stage, but we will try again in next WoF:)
Thanks for being captain & doing all the boring stuff Mags :yay:

And cheers to rest of the mob, we tried :)

[SIZE=-1]"Shut up! Sit down and shut up, you pig!"
The Right Honourable Paul J. Keating, Prime Minister of Australia 1991-1996

[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]"suggesting to a parliamentary [/SIZE]colleague[SIZE=-1] that his input may not be required"
I apologise for my bargain basement Compaq PC, shitty Virgin connection and any other factor I may have overlooked.... First hunt Ive crashed out of altogether. Will take the scores from screenshots, thanks for carrying on:)


Scores checked: USA 148 and Australia 57. Well done both teams and thanks again.
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Great effort guys... really good teams.

Special thx to Mags for her organisational and leadership skills.

We'll get them next year... a full year of skillin, should add maybe 2 or 3 levels. :rolleyes:

Well done to get this far...:yay: