Team AWESOME - accepting only awesome people.

Well only awsum people like myself and star turn up for awsum chess games using real awsum people as the pieces on a awsum massive chess board made of midas lol. I think i deserve to be accepted into team awsum as only an awsum person like myself would even dream of facing star and his minions with just a tt knife.

Felix ;)
Are you named after the disease that makes you have to take a dump in a colostomy bag because you can't control your rectum? Makes sense to me.

Ahahaha!! You're priceless. Must spread some awesome rep before I give it to you again though
I think my dying was awesome, wasn't it? :silly:

Where am I on the awesome meter? :wtg:
What Happend to all the awesomeness!

Bawsomep it up!:yay:
Well, I got an awesome jacket, I run an awesome event, I'm awesomely tall, my awesome soc just got past 2 years (awesome!) and when I'm scanned with an Awe-Finder it reads "Awesome F@cking Welles". I also create shadows without a backlight, knit my own ammo and regularly hunt fish with grenade launchers. Less awesome people keep asking me to help them, more awesome people cringe when I appear then become less awesome as I get closer, and furthermore, in the new Oxford English Dictionary the word "Awesome" just has a picture of me. It's just a matter of time before I reach a level of awesomeness comparable to a big pile of burning gods.

Oooh, thank god for threads like this, I've been humble far too long:)

Team Awesome is well... Awesome

I am currently working on a system to award "earned awesome credits" (EAC's) which i hope will be considered by the Team Awesome Elders.

This system is based on a complex algorithm which is far too detailed to explain here but, considers factors which contribute to awesomeness for those of us who were born deficient of the awesome gene but have some awesome attributes.
I am awsome in getting -reps at the moment. Am i in? :laugh:
That'll work Bear. Good job, welcome to Team AWESOME!
WOW Hurrikane does seem pretty Awesome (except for that tall part)
I think I may be too awesome.... such is life
hmmmmm.....nope, not convinced of the authenticity of your awesome claim...
Yeah, Hurrikane getting a bit ahead of himself in proclaiming his awesominity. The gods of awesome must be brought in for this one.

"Oh great god Chuck Norris the awesome, what say thee of this man's worth in his quest to achieve awesomeness?"

Chuck Norris: *Mulaak'f spinning uppercut "Yeah he's bitchinly awesome for making WOF. Now bring me some moonshine and a straw to sip it with!"

Guess he's awesome...
I've been out of this place before VU 9 and this thread is still alive....
got to say, that's demn AWESOME lol
++4u 4 that star
Still trying to figure out: Whats so awsome? :scratch2:
I'm not trying to be awesome, what makes me awesome anyway ;)
lol Awesome Snableclause!
lol Awesome Snableclause!

Which makes the creator and founder of the Snableclause to a awsome person in my eyes, he truely worked for it
LOL feeling even more Awesome now, thanks Star:)

Happy Xmas

Wow :eek: Team Awesome is still up and running lol, how long ago did you start this Star? :laugh: Awesomeness FOREVER! :headbang:
New Awesome blood in 2k8? :)
I just got tics of all that...

Awesome... awesome:eyecrazy:
ARGHHH, stop the pain!
Pain.. is.. awesome.. :eek:
Awesome: chubby nerd sitting in front of computer.:tongue2:
If there is one awesome guy its this :D


The awesome meter is to small for this guy!
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