Team Eudoria

Big Gratz to our hunting team last night, you did a great job :)

We beat those Scots big-time :D

And happy birthday captain!

Watch yourself, mate, we might ask for a rematch just to show you who is in charge... lol
Watch yourself, mate, we might ask for a rematch just to show you who is in charge... lol that case i MEANT to say: Good match Scotland! Better luck next time, and cya in Round 4. :)

naah but really, good luck guys
Ok its time again to state youre availability to hunt in the upcoming weekend.
Discussion going on on CAF.
Cya all there ;)
back in the mix

Hello all. I'm sober again :)

I'm having some issues getting into the CaF forum so I'll just post here instead.

Fantastic Job on round 2! I had a running commentary on the match while in the pub and I had many a drink in your honor :)

I've just finished the result tables and Scotland have to beat our round 3 score by 78 points and Denmark must beat it by 90 points. I think we can say it's looking like punch up between us and the Swedes (present company excluded) in Round 4.

I am only available for back up on the Friday evening or the early Saturday time slots, so if the team chooses neither of these, anybody is welcome to any of my stuff again. I am 99% sure I am available for back up services in Stage 4 (now there’s confidence for you ;) )and I am keen to back on the trigger. From what I am led to believe the team fielded worked superbly (scoring and back up) and I feel this to be our strongest yet. I should also reiterate that it should be the scoring team who chooses the hunting ground and not the back up. Scouting information is to be taken as advice and not an order ;)

Any way, it was a beautiful birthday present from you all and I think I even wept a tear of joy as I looked through the global posts :wtg:

I’m off to the tailors to be measured up for my WoF Winners Jacket… I suggest you do the same ;)

Eudoria, Eudoria,
Land of all good things,
Eudoria, Eudoria,
The good things that it brings… etc
Hello all. I'm sober again :)

I'm having some issues getting into the CaF forum so I'll just post here instead.

Hi, are you sure that you are sober again ;)
Or do you still wear those dark sunglasses just to avoid the bright light :cool:
Anyway, im glad that you had a great party.

About CAF i was just in and it seemed to work, but they usually run updates around this time so you might have come across one of those.
Cave is working so he cant be "fixing unbroken things" this time. ;)

If the problems remain just pm him and he will help you with that in the evening.

hmm ill better go and practice on the continuation of the anthem now...

There’s Feffs and Cleds
And Merps and Snots.
We’ve got Armax Cows,
And Araneatrox.

There’s Atrax and Atrox
And some of them big
But beware of the Ubers
If you visiiiit the Riiiiiiiiiiiigggg… oh….
There’s Feffs and Cleds
And Merps and Snots.
We’ve got Armax Cows,
And Araneatrox.

There’s Atrax and Atrox
And some of them big
But beware of the Ubers
If you visiiiit the Riiiiiiiiiiiigggg… oh….


:wtg: :wtg: i am working Sat would prefer the 22:00 time slot....what time are we leaning towards?

Eudoria Eudoria,
Land of all good things.
Eudoria Eudoria,
The good things that it brings​

:wtg: i am working Sat would prefer the 22:00 time slot....what time are we leaning towards?

I was going to say Saturday 16:00, but after reading the discussion on CAF again 22:00 seems to be possible as well. Possible might not mean good results though, I'm pretty sure at least myself would work much more efficiently at 16:00 than least 2-3 hours into the match. :)
Depends a little on Silver's plans for the weekend, and also Denmark's opinion of course.
Sing when you're winning...

Well things all seem to be going well... Sass and Fairy, I hope you are typing the Eudorian Anthem from memory and not just copying and pasting. I will be testing you on this ingame ;)

Just popped into leave a message for Cavey, I'll pop in game tonight to hand over the goods! (I seem to be doing a lot of popping)

GL m'lovelies ;)

Opening Chorus

Eudoria Eudoria,
Land of all good things.
Eudoria Eudoria,
The good things that it brings.

Verse 1

There’s Feffs and Cleds
And Merps and Snots.
We’ve got Armax Cows,
And Araneatrox.

There’s Atrax and Atrox
And some of them big
But beware of the Ubers
If you visiiiit the Riiiiiiiiiiiigggg… oh….


Eudoria Eudoria,
Land of all good things,
Eudoria Eudoria,
The good things that it brings.

Verse 1

Dysentery and flippentry
You can find at Twin Peaks.
But the place is so laggy,
You could be there for weeeeeeks

You can go to a ring
To see how long you lasted
But you’re bound to get shot
By some fucking baaaastaaaard

Chorus (‘til infinity)

Eudoria Eudoria,
Land of all good things,
Eudoria Eudoria,
The good things that it brings….
Last edited:
Well things all seem to be going well... Sass and Fairy, I hope you are typing the Eudorian Anthem from memory and not just copying and pasting. I will be testing you on this ingame ;)

Ofc we are not pasting it, thats why i dont got the full anthem in there, learning it pice by pice ;) :laugh:

*i better go and practice some more...*
:yay: Woohooo!! We are in stage 4!! :yay:
As usual the discussion of tactics is ongoing at CAF.
Cya all there soon :yup:
Huge congrats to Eudoria with a nice round and a firm grip to stage 4. :yay:

Thanks for a couple well-fought battles - your place in the semifinal is well deserved.

Lets see if MA got enough imagination for a nice Eudorian Bomber Jacket :D

Regards - Solaris
on behalf of Team Denmark :cowboy:
Grats on the progress Eudoria :)

A well deserved victory (baah) and I wish you good luck in Round 4

If it is possible for me to be online, I will gladly be at service as a supporter :D

As my wife suddenly got sick this weekend I had no possibility to be online and offer some resistance in our match ;)


Doomie :)
:yay: Woohooo!! We are in stage 4!! :yay:
As usual the discussion of tactics is ongoing at CAF.
Cya all there soon :yup:

:yay: :yay: *starts moonwalking*

It's amazing!!!! :wtg:
Thx Solaris and Doomie!

We (Eudoria) appreciate all support help we can get clearing away PKers and other non-point mobs.
PM anyone in Team Eudoria for more info and what to do!
:yay: on making it to Round 4 with such ease.

Still its kinda hard to believe we, an outsider team in the beginning, made it this far. We are among the 6 best teams in EU. Thats just great.

Now only to beat those Swedes (we were so close in our last match) and into the finals we go! :wtg:
:yay: on making it to Round 4 with such ease.

Still its kinda hard to believe we, an outsider team in the beginning, made it this far. We are among the 6 best teams in EU. Thats just great.

Now only to beat those Swedes (we were so close in our last match) and into the finals we go! :wtg:

Even if (curse me for saying that) we lose the match against Sweden we still left 22 teams behind :wtg:
But as someone has already said on CAF: "It would be politicaly correct if our team wins the whole tournament. Us being an international team and all." :)

*nudge nudge MA*
Yeah, no guts, no glory, and now we want even more! :smirk: :D
Hi Eudoria,

you are right Jake, I wouldnt be able to get any members from sweden online at the 00.00 slot

we are still discussing times so I will get back to you with more info later

//Count Joe
who is captain in Team Eudoria? coz there is 2 members talking about timeslots in our thread
Technically it is I, but the information is the same. Team Eudoria have discussed the time slot in Cavemans Army Forum and the outcome was that the 16:00 time slot was our prefered time. I was doing the rounds and thought I'd give you a prod in that direction :)
Yearh I was amazed too... But I guess even noobs have a chance in this event ;)

:scratch2: :smash:

You know what they say, right?
The biggest n00b might become the biggest uber ...
OR even .. the biggest uber might be the biggest noob ;)


(or a noob might get the biggest uber .... praise be Lootie :D)
ok lets go for the 16.00 slot

btw: im not sure who´s J Boy tho.. but is that your captain?

otherwise I dont need to send a confirm PM
ok lets go for the 16.00 slot

btw: im not sure who´s J Boy tho.. but is that your captain?

otherwise I dont need to send a confirm PM

JBoy, a.k.a. Clam JBoy Jamphrie, is indeed our captain and also the one handling some of the WoF while Hurrikane is away. So no, no need to PM him. :)
Sorry if I confused things by also posting in your thread, was merely trying to speed things up since I know JBoy has a lot to do and might not get around to posting.
And now the end is near...

Well I guess it just wasn't meant to be :(

I think we can all give ourselves a massive pat on the back for being one of the six best teams in the Tournament.

The PKing at the start of the match was an absolute blast and I'm glad I, and hopefuly the rest of Team Eudoria, went out of the WoF with a smile on our faces.

I'm too stuned to go into it all now but I would just like to thank: (and you know who you are)

Jason Jake Leigh
Sassyfer Sass Missmonkey
Laski APACHE Dictor
Fairy Cat McCoy
Balder Viking Vikingsson
Jayce Jayce Stone
Hardy caveman McCoy
Kent Silver Goodwood
Ann Lykke the Nun
Simon Wolf Grey

Without any of you Eudoria wouldn't have got this far. My whole WoF experience was the better for having met you guys... :bowdown:

Eudoria Eudoria,
Land of all good things.
Eudoria Eudoria,
The good things that it brings...
a great effort all , i watched as you globalled today , sad it wasnt enuff . but gratz for making it that deep into the tourney :)