Test decay tool

General Alcazar

Apr 11, 2009
Antwerp, Belgium
Avatar Name
General Alcazar vanHal
Location: Fort Ares
Mob: 55 Berycled Young - Old
Weapon: Breer p2A (L)
Armor: Pixie


Globals: 0
Weapon decay: 6.51 PED
Ammo burn: 18.29 PED
Armor decay: 0.83 PED
Total cost: 25.63 PED
Cost per mob: 0.47 PED

Est. Skill increase: 0.94 PED

Loot (TT): 7.91 PED
Loot (MU): 7.99 PED

Profit: -17.72 PED (TT profit) + 0.08 PED (Markup) + 0.94 PED (Skills) = -16.7 PED

Profit per mob: -0.3 PED

TT return: 30.85 %
Total return: 34.84 %


Total weapon uses		980
Number of normal hits		830		84.69%
Misses				138		14.08%
Number of crits			12		1.22%
Wasted hits			0		0%

Damage taken			539
Damage given			7140.9


					Before		After		Increase
Agility					41.01		41.01		0
Intelligence				22.76		22.76		0
Psyche					12.45		12.45		0
Stamina					2		2		0
Strength				3.87		3.87		0
Health					98.78		98.78		0

Handgun					175.82		222.65		46.83
Marksmanship				1300.49		1313.93		13.44
Laser Weaponry Technology		1811.56		1822.69		11.13
Anatomy					2095.79		2100.66		4.87
Combat Reflexes				609.1		612.07		2.97
Weapons Handling			977.02		978.96		1.94
Evade					472.51		474.1		1.59
Perception				432.6		433.9		1.3
Dexterity				518.37		519.62		1.25
Alertness				161.05		162.2		1.15
Courage					590.74		591.71		0.97
Inflict Ranged Damage			853.76		854.42		0.66
Athletics				357.9		358.27		0.37
Aim					593.87		594.2		0.33
Rifle					2386.38		2386.57		0.19

Item					Qty	PED
Short Firn Board			20	3.6 PED
Animal Muscle Oil			90	2.7 PED
Socket I Component			7	0.7 PED
Medium BLP Pack				6103	0.61 PED
Tier I Component			4	0.4 PED
Light BLP Pack				2313	0.23 PED
Animal Oil Residue			21	0.21 PED
Soft Hide				2	0.2 PED
Medium Weapon Cells			1826	0.17999999999999972 PED
Paint Can (Green)			2	0.14 PED
High Speed Control Component		1	0.1 PED
Advanced Leather Extractor		1	0.01 PED
Blazar Fragment				25	0 PED
Nova Fragment				64	0 PED
Light Weapon Cells			-11663.831460674177	-1.1734831460674116 PED
Location: Jason Centre
Mob: 82 Drone Generation 01 - 03
Weapon: Breer M3a (L)
Armor: Vigilante


Globals: 0
Weapon decay: 17.5 PED
Ammo burn: 79.19 PED
Armor decay: 11.42 PED
Total cost: 108.11 PED
Cost per mob: 1.32 PED

Est. Skill increase: 5.08 PED

Loot (TT): 103.43 PED
Loot (MU): 111.03 PED

Profit: -4.68 PED (TT profit) + 7.6 PED (Markup) + 5.08 PED (Skills) = 8 PED

Profit per mob: 0.1 PED

TT return: 95.67 %
Total return: 107.4 %


Total weapon uses		2069
Number of normal hits		1803		87.14%
Misses				223		10.78%
Number of crits			43		2.08%
Wasted hits			0		0%

Damage taken			2987.7
Damage given			28765.8


					Before		After		Increase
Agility					41.04		41.1		0.06
Intelligence				22.76		22.9		0.14
Psyche					13.22		13.69		0.47
Stamina					2		2		0
Strength				3.87		3.87		0
Health					98.85		98.93		0.08

Marksmanship				1326.63		1351.51		24.88
Alertness				167.57		172.56		4.99
Courage					594.32		599.39		5.07
Bioregenesis				151.44		175.25		23.81
Perception				435.07		442.25		7.18
Laser Weaponry Technology		1849.69		1874.22		24.53
Combat Reflexes				615.71		625.19		9.48
Inflict Ranged Damage			857.34		870.85		13.51
Athletics				363.19		371.25		8.06
Rifle					2395.47		2412.49		17.02
Weapons Handling			983.43		991.07		7.64
Dodge					63.04		98.3		35.26
Anatomy					2112.85		2125.1		12.25
Aim					595.51		600.25		4.74
Concentration				81.87		86.57		4.7
Dexterity				521.81		526.5		4.69
Diagnosis				107.27		109.6		2.33

Item					Qty	PED
Paint Can (Brown)			38	2.66 PED
Thermodure Robot Plastic		2	0.54 PED
Erdorium Stone				7	2.8 PED
Explosive Projectiles			17909	1.79 PED
Focus Lense Component			11	2.2 PED
Gazzurdite Stone			152	38 PED
Medium BLP Pack				5529	0.55 PED
Medium Weapon Cells			46252.20361990947	4.34552036199095 PED
Surface Hardener Component		5	1 PED
Socket I Component			6	0.6 PED
Robot Weapon Grip			55	3.19 PED
Robot Low-Loss Link Cable		352	8.44 PED
Robot Filter				1018	36.64 PED
Paint Can (Violet Cream)		2	0.24 PED
Robot Component Residue			23	0.23 PED
Electronic Stabilizing Component	1	0.2 PED
Nova Fragment				198	0 PED
Blazar Fragment				10	0 PED
Location: Fort Ares
Mob: 25 Berycled Young - Old
Weapon: Castorian Combat EnBlade-A
Armor: Pixie
Fap 1: Vivo T1


Globals: 0
Weapon decay: 13.9 PED
Armor decay: 0.61 PED
Fap 1 decay: 0 PED (Vivo T1)
Total cost: 14.51 PED
Cost per mob: 0.58 PED

Est. Skill increase: 1.35 PED

Loot (TT): 3.48 PED
Loot (MU): 3.51 PED

Profit: -11.03 PED (TT profit) + 0.03 PED (Markup) + 1.35 PED (Skills) = -9.65 PED

Profit per mob: -0.39 PED

TT return: 23.98 %
Total return: 33.49 %


Total weapon uses		273
Number of normal hits		228		83.52%
Misses				42		15.38%
Number of crits			1		0.37%
Wasted hits			2		0.73%

Damage taken			329
Damage given			3355.5


					Before		After		Increase
Agility					41.1		41.14		0.04
Intelligence				22.9		22.9		0
Psyche					13.69		13.69		0
Stamina					2		2		0
Strength				3.87		6.56		2.69
Health					98.93		98.93		0

Longblades				38.41		106.31		67.9
Melee Combat				4.16		22.01		17.85
Bravado					8.13		16.84		8.71
Inflict Melee Damage			4.16		10.51		6.35
Heavy Melee Weapons			4.16		6.54		2.38
Courage					599.39		601.02		1.63
Anatomy					2125.1		2126.19		1.09
Combat Reflexes				625.19		626.19		1
Athletics				371.25		371.6		0.35
Perception				442.25		442.57		0.32

Item					Qty	PED
Short Firn Board			8	1.44 PED
Animal Muscle Oil			29	0.87 PED
Socket I Component			4	0.4 PED
Medium BLP Pack				2898	0.28 PED
Light Weapon Cells			2248	0.22 PED
Berycled Claw				1	0.12 PED
Animal Oil Residue			10	0.1 PED
Paint Can (Blue)			1	0.05 PED
Nova Fragment				11	0 PED
Another run on Drones.. It didn't work out so good this time..

Location: Jason Centre
Mob: 69 Drone Generation 01 - 03
Weapon: Breer M3a (L)
Armor: Vigilante
Fap 1: Vivo T1


Globals: 0
Weapon decay: 14.850000000000001 PED
Ammo burn: 66.89 PED
Armor decay: 10 PED
Fap 1 decay: 1.52 PED (Vivo T1)
Total cost: 93.26 PED
Cost per mob: 1.35 PED

Est. Skill increase: 5.28 PED

Loot (TT): 70.19 PED
Loot (MU): 76.49 PED

Profit: -23.07 PED (TT profit) + 6.3 PED (Markup) + 5.28 PED (Skills) = -11.49 PED

Profit per mob: -0.17 PED

TT return: 75.26 %
Total return: 87.68 %


Total weapon uses		1778
Number of normal hits		1581		88.92%
Misses				175		9.84%
Number of crits			22		1.24%
Wasted hits			0		0%

Damage taken			2374.9
Damage given			24332.3


					Before		After		Increase
Agility					41.14		41.3		0.16
Intelligence				22.9		23.04		0.14
Psyche					13.69		13.69		0
Stamina					2		2		0
Strength				6.56		6.56		0
Health					98.93		99.11		0.18

Marksmanship				1351.51		1374.33		22.82
Alertness				172.56		177.54		4.98
Courage					601.02		607.91		6.89
Laser Weaponry Technology		1874.22		1901.02		26.8
First Aid				300.05		310.25		10.2
Aim					600.25		607.96		7.71
Anatomy					2126.19		2141.91		15.72
Dodge					98.3		128.25		29.95
Inflict Ranged Damage			870.85		877.38		6.53
Athletics				371.6		378.2		6.6
Rifle					2412.49		2421.78		9.29
Weapons Handling			991.07		997.01		5.94
Combat Reflexes				626.19		630.85		4.66
Perception				442.57		446.46		3.89
Handgun					222.65		224.93		2.28
Dexterity				526.5		528.54		2.04
Diagnosis				109.6		111.54		1.94
Bioregenesis				175.25		175.63		0.38

Item					Qty	PED
Paint Can (Brown)			29	2.03 PED
Basic Leather Extractor			59	0.59 PED
Erdorium Stone				5	2 PED
Socket II Component			10	1 PED
Focus Lense Component			9	1.8 PED
Gazzurdite Stone			126	31.5 PED
Light Weapon Cells			25113	2.51 PED
Medium Weapon Cells			76614.91891891905	7.651891891891893 PED
Robot Weapon Grip			82	4.75 PED
Robot Low-Loss Link Cable		124	2.97 PED
Robot Filter				325	11.7 PED
Socket I Component			5	0.5 PED
Explosive Projectiles			4527	0.45 PED
Electronic Stabilizing Component	2	0.4 PED
Robot Component Residue			22	0.22 PED
Surface Hardener Component		1	0.2 PED
Nova Fragment				55	0 PED
Synthetic Mind Essence			-714	-0.08000000000000007 PED
Location: Jason Centre
Mob: 34 Drone Generation 01 - 03
Weapon: Breer M3a (L)
Armor: Vigilante
Fap 1: Vivo T1


Globals: 0
Weapon decay: 6.11 PED
Ammo burn: 27.52 PED
Armor decay: 4.0699999999999985 PED
Fap 1 decay: 0.6599999999999999 PED (Vivo T1)
Total cost: 38.36 PED
Cost per mob: 1.13 PED

Est. Skill increase: 0 PED

Loot (TT): 22.57 PED
Loot (MU): 25.22 PED

Profit: -15.79 PED (TT profit) + 2.65 PED (Markup) + 0 PED (Skills) = -13.14 PED

Profit per mob: -0.39 PED

TT return: 58.84 %
Total return: 65.75 %


Total weapon uses		838
Number of normal hits		729		86.99%
Misses				96		11.46%
Number of crits			13		1.55%
Wasted hits			0		0%

Damage taken			1315
Damage given			11449.4


					Before		After		Increase
Agility					41.3		41.3		0
Intelligence				23.04		23.04		0
Psyche					13.69		13.69		0
Stamina					2		2		0
Strength				6.56		6.56		0
Health					99.11		99.11		0

Item					Qty	PED
Paint Can (Blue)			3	0.15 PED
Surface Hardener Component		8	1.6 PED
Paint Can (Brown)			45	3.15 PED
Gazzurdite Stone			53	13.25 PED
Paint Can (Steel Blue)			2	0.12 PED
Explosive Projectiles			5728	0.5700000000000001 PED
Light Weapon Cells			13670	1.36 PED
Robot Low-Loss Link Cable		65	1.56 PED
Robot Filter				34	1.22 PED
Electronic Stabilizing Component	3	0.6 PED
Paint Can (Violet Cream)		8	0.96 PED
Light BLP Pack				8584	0.85 PED
Erdorium Stone				1	0.4 PED
Robot Weapon Grip			3	0.17 PED
Socket I Component			1	0.1 PED
Robot Component Residue			9	0.09 PED
Basic Leather Extractor			5	0.05 PED
Nova Fragment				20	0 PED
Medium Weapon Cells			-36234.77477477479	-3.627477477477484 PED
Location: Jason Centre
Mob: 75 Drone Generation 01-03
Weapon: Breer M3a (L)
Armor: Vigilante


Globals: 0
Weapon decay: 22.47 PED
Ammo burn: 101.22 PED
Armor decay: 16.65 PED
Total cost: 140.34 PED
Cost per mob: 1.87 PED

Est. Skill increase: 6.97 PED

Loot (TT): 124.31 PED
Loot (MU): 132.96 PED

Profit: -16.03 PED (TT profit) + 8.65 PED (Markup) + 6.97 PED (Skills) = -0.41 PED

Profit per mob: -0.01 PED

TT return: 88.58 %
Total return: 99.71 %


Total weapon uses		2530
Number of normal hits		403		15.93%
Misses				32		1.26%
Number of crits			7		0.28%
Wasted hits			2088		82.53%

Damage taken			1318.3
Damage given			6315.1


					Before		After		Increase
Agility					41.44		41.63		0.19
Intelligence				23.04		23.28		0.24
Psyche					13.69		13.69		0
Stamina					2		2		0
Strength				6.56		6.56		0
Health					99.22		99.22		0

Marksmanship				1394.46		1419.42		24.96
Concentration				86.96		95.94		8.98
Courage					611.54		621.82		10.28
Bioregenesis				180.6		212.22		31.62
Laser Weaponry Technology		1924.81		1957.75		32.94
Anatomy					2155.33		2173.25		17.92
Combat Reflexes				639.93		651.07		11.14
Inflict Ranged Damage			882.75		893.08		10.33
Dodge					141.79		187.1		45.31
Rifle					2440.93		2457.07		16.14
Dexterity				535.59		544.25		8.66
Alertness				182.13		189.38		7.25
Weapons Handling			1007.49		1013.54		6.05
Aim					612.59		618.22		5.63
Athletics				382.01		387.53		5.52
Diagnosis				112.33		115.82		3.49
Perception				451.31		453.57		2.26

Item					Qty	PED
Robot Component Residue			28	0.28 PED
Tier I Component			28	2.8 PED
Socket I Component			60	6 PED
Robot Weapon Grip			326	18.9 PED
Robot Radiator				1	5.01 PED
Gazzurdite Stone			165	41.25 PED
Light Weapon Cells			83962	8.39 PED
Robot Heat Sinks			166	13.28 PED
Medium Weapon Cells			36138.16216216213	3.606216216216211 PED
Robot Filter				120	4.32 PED
Electronic Stabilizing Component	22	4.4 PED
Explosive Projectiles			15537	1.55 PED
Basic Leather Extractor			149	1.49 PED
Thermodure Robot Plastic		8	2.16 PED
Surface Hardener Component		13	2.6 PED
Robot Low-Loss Link Cable		98	2.35 PED
Focus Lense Component			12	2.4 PED
Paint Can (Brown)			32	2.24 PED
Erdorium Stone				5	2 PED
Medium BLP Pack				8317	0.83 PED
Paint Can (Violet Cream)		3	0.36 PED
Socket II Component			1	0.1 PED
Nova Fragment				88	0 PED
Synthetic Mind Essence			-20094	-2.01 PED