Info: Texturizing and Coloring Guide

Is there any info (or at least aproximate info) about max levels on new textures (and paints if there are any new) that come from other planets?

Thank you in advance for any info.

Is there any info (or at least aproximate info) about max levels on new textures (and paints if there are any new) that come from other planets?

Thank you in advance for any info.


I'm actually working to incorporate the new Arcadia textures in the guide, just like the calypso ones are. It's just taking me longer than expected, cause busy IRL.

I will try and have them done soon :)
Added a list of Arkadian textures :)
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updates again

Just a few max level updates from me again :)

Purple is listed as lvl 15, should be lvl 15.7
Dark Steel Blue is listed as lvl 15, should be lvl 16.3
And Next Island brought the new colors "Miranda Violet" and "Kylon Blue" both should be maxxed at lvl 2.5 atm

-Confirmed a few more of my old estimates: predicted lvl's for stinktree and large ribbed wool are correct.
-Large woven cotton I calculated lvl 12.6 before, but the rec. levels on textures are rounded down and it didn't unlock untill lvl 9.23, which resulted in a max lvl of (9.23*1.1)+2.5=12.65 so you may want to adjust it to lvl 12.7

So the (rec.lvl*1.1)+2.5=max level formula is holding true for all colors & textures up to lvl 16.3 so far for sure. (most likely up to lvl 19, I'm almost there so I should be able to confirm that soon).
Arkadian textures follow the same pattern, I confirmed hekia at lvl 12.4 and calculated the rest again:

(Carabook should be Carabok)
Ostelok is listed as 2.5, should be lvl 3.6
Miluca is listed as 3, should be lvl 3.1
Jori is listed as 3.5, should be lvl 4.7
Halix is listed as 4, should be lvl 5.8
Arkace is listed as 5, should be lvl 6.9
Feran is listed as 5, should be lvl 6.9
Oro is listed as 5, should be lvl 8
Ospra is listed as 7, should be lvl 9.1
Kaz is listed as 8, should be lvl 10.2
Veda is listed as 9, should be lvl 11.3
Hekia is listed as 10, should be lvl 12.4
Lidacon is listed as 10, should be lvl 13.5
Wenrex is listed as 13.2, should be lvl 13.5
Zadul is listed as 14.2, should be lvl 14.6
Banite is listed as 14.8, should be lvl 15.7

And if Brown lvl 19 is correct:
Tiarak should be 16.8, Hadraada lvl 17.9 and Bokol lvl 19

Colors & Textures lvl 19+ I cannot calculate or confirm yet, but I will let you know when I reach them =)

I updated all the tables with maxed levels calculated by Dessy's formula. All maxed levels till lvl 19 were tested by Dessy and are confirmed to be correct.
All maxed levels in the tables were updated with the formula, since old levels were only a close approximation of the max level and the new levels only differ from the old ones by 1 level at most. So I think its safe to assume that if the formula holds up to lvl 19 it should work for all other levels as well.

Thanks Dessy! Good job :thumbup:
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I updated all the tables with maxed levels calculated by Dessy's formula. All maxed levels till lvl 19 were tested by Dessy and are confirmed to be correct.
All maxed levels in the tables were updated with the formula, since old levels were only a close approximation of the max level and the new levels only differ from the old ones by 1 level at most. So I think its safe to assume that if the formula holds up to lvl 19 it should work for all other levels as well.

Thanks Dessy! Good job :thumbup:

Thank you :ahh:,
But I don't think it will work for the lvl 20+ textures and colors
The only max level for paints/textures (above lvl 19) that has been confirmed by someone in the past is lvl 21.85 for turqoise and dark green. Those are lvl 17 rec. so with my formula they would be 21.2 which is too low.
(It will take me about 6 months to hit lvl 22 to confirm it)

So, presuming that lvl 21.85 confirmation is correct, my guess is the formula that covers all of the levels is more complex. But I don't have enough data to work with to calculate it atm =(
If there any other colorers/texturers out there skilling up naturally that could confirm a few max levels above 20, it would be very helpfull! :)
For now I will keep it as is since the differences are less than 1 level. When you or someone else can confirm that your formula isn't correct for higher levels, then I will change the tables again.
For coloring you use a colorator and for texturizing you use a texturer. You can add a bleacher to both of them - that allows you to bleach colors/textures.

For colors: Ziplex 'Fashion Line' Colorator (L)
For textures: Ziplex T100 Texturizer (L)
Bleacher (colors): Ziplex 'Fashion Line' Bleacher Addon (L)
Bleacher (textures):Ziplex B101 Material Texture Bleacher (L)

Will edit the first post too :)

Thanks for the heads up :)
Updated second and third post with new tables which have bigger texture & color pictures and added new Arkadian & Calypso Textures. :)
I just maxed Aakas and Banite at lev 15.7, by natural skilling so can confirm these figures.

jay :)
Great info! I'm adding you as a friend, Summer. I'll have money to burn in a few days, and would like to get some better threads :)
Helped me alot ^_^

Thanks for making this post, its helped me alot in improving my texturing and coloring skills...
might need a bit of a update though to compensate for the new textures thats been added :ahh:
Thanks for making this post, its helped me alot in improving my texturing and coloring skills...
might need a bit of a update though to compensate for the new textures thats been added :ahh:

I was planning to do that...BUT the unfortunately I cannot update the post anymore!
I was planning to do that...BUT the unfortunately I cannot update the post anymore!

Looks like the forum move made it so the images don't work either. Do you have a direct link handy for the color/texture images since they're supposedly in the gallery somewhere now?
Looks like the forum move made it so the images don't work either. Do you have a direct link handy for the color/texture images since they're supposedly in the gallery somewhere now?

oh boy, it is a big mess I see. I will try and sort to out, thank you
Updated first and second posts with images. Please note that this in an old thread and that many more textures have been added since. I was never able to update the post on the old forum since it was old and thus locked.

Maxed levels of textures and colors are now shown in item info, so do check there to see what levels are needed.
Long time since I posted on this forum. I could do with some help please?

I need to know what skill is required to increase my level so I can texture my coat and shirt? I bought the texture I want and the Texturizer, but when I put the items into the tool it shows I am too low level :( for Dark Lysterium texture I am 0.2/1.0 so I obviously need to get to 1.0......... But I do not know which skill that refers too?

Is that Make Textures Or Tailoring Or Texture Pattern Matching?

I bought 646 Dark Lysterium Texture too..... So any help would be appreciated.

On a sidenote: What is cheapest way to level up? What is cheapest material to texture to level up and how many attempts would be needed to reach that 1.0? Thanks again in advance? :)
So, I'm starting off here, got the elysian color setup, and started coloring. Obviously I need to texture, too. afaik this machine is for color only. I found a Ziplex B-101 texture bleacher attachment, but I'm not finding the tool, if you have any tips on where to find one, I'm interested. ( I checked your shop but, ...) (I did find something there I like, but it's not available. What do you say we talk?)
OMG a zombie thread.....
[Ziplex T100 Texturizer (L)]
you want one of these.. check Ah on calypso.
they are common. the attachment goes on this one
works exactly as the colorer
90% of tt is returned inshraps, you loose all MU and 10% as you apply textures
you can apply every texture even if it says you are not able to manage the level
and you will loose same TT
Good day Entropian ppl. As a great fan of Summer's work i done a compilation of lal new Next island paint. I start tailoring nerly 10 year ago and its my pation in game. I have my very humble shop on Arkadia Underground. Comme visit me! I made a error in my list. Its suposed to be lv colorer not tailor

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A litle erro i made in making this page. I right tailor level in place as Colorer level.