Selling: TG-U80 Tier 10 - SOLD


Feb 2, 2011
Salt Lake City, USA
Avatar Name
Rachel MsPudding Hawkins
Tier 10 TG-U80 BLP rifle

My gun is up for sale. The stats can be seen over on the wiki, click here


This is a CAT 8 & 9 Winner folks! Huge DPS out of this thing, inside and out of Mayhem.
SIB starts at level 80


I will also accept a LA on Caly, Biodome, Summer 2020 ring, AUD, CLD, or shop at Twin Peaks Mall

GL in Mayhem!
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CAT 8 & 9 Mayhem winner here!
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CAT 8 domination! CAT 9 serious competitor!!!

SIB at level 80!!! :cool:
Get this amazing gun, Mayhem opens up in 3 days!
Bring home a big prize for Mayhems to come... this big guy dominates CAT 8 and does very well in CAT 9
Want to win some Mayhems?
Tier 10 Mayhem beast available!!! CAT 8 and CAT 9 await! :handgun:

SIB begins at level 80!
Start winning Mayhems, use a BFG ?
I'll never understand why they delete the price and write sold.. Then have a seperate Price Check thread with guesses.

I know you aren't the only one who has done this, I am not speaking to the seller directly, more agreeing with the above questioner, but that was quite an item.
Can you say how much you sold it for?
The trade included a couple of weapons and some other gear. It was not a pure PED deal, so putting an exact price on the deal is not easy to do when I still have items left to sell, in a rapidly fluctuating market no less. Hope that helps.