The Capital Crafting Contest


Jul 19, 2006
Avatar Name
John Teacher Capital
Time: Sun. Jan. 20 @ 17:00 MA time
Place: Hades C TP

:eek:A Crafting Contest?:eek:

Can you light up a crafting machine? Are you the crafter? :cool: Prove it.

The Crafting Event
  • Entrance fee will be announced at event time, but will not exceed 300ped.
  • Entrance fee will cover materials cost.
  • All contestants will meet at Hades C TP. We'll all run to the crafting location.
  • All contestants will pay the entrance fee and be given BP, book and enough materials for a specific amount of clicks.
  • All contestants must use the crafting machines in that area.
  • Ready. Set. Craft!!!
  • All materials, and BPs must be shown to the judges in trade window.
  • Crafters get to keep the crafted item/res. BPs will be handed back.

There will be 2 ways to win.

How to win:
Prize #1 - Highest global total
Prize #2 - Most crafted material (excluding res)

Multiple globals will be added together, so 53 and 86 ped globals will beat a 100 ped global

The prizes:
Winner #1 - 300 peds
Winner #2 - 300 peds

All entrants, please announce your intention to enter on this thread please, so we can gauge how much material to buy. Thank you.

Thanks to a friendly source, all contestants will get a free ticket to a bar brawl occurring shortly afterwards. If you lose the event, you can take your frustrations out on the winner. :D

Details to follow soon.

List of contestants so far
Dion Red Strike
Dream Walker
LeeLoo Faith
Pirx Danford

P.S. Looking for sponsors to donate any extra prizes. Please note there will be 2 winners.
EDIT: Thanks also to Lykke for donating to the prize pool.
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Great Idea JC. Glad to see someone is finally doing a crafting contest.
GL to everyone who joins in the fun. (Wish I could - Just sold my crafting skills ^^)
Oh how cool JC ... this should be a lot of fun, and since I have accepted your offer to film this event (free of charge my dear ... I know how you are), there will be a video to showcase the event fun. I will also PM you regarding a ped donation from JSA toward the event prizes. ;)
I just love this idea and it is so tempting to go for , but I fear that with my noob skills I won't stand a chance...

If by the time of the event my Ped card is smiling I will join this ;)


Cool, glad to see you've got this going, John.

Couple of questions before I decide whether I'll be entering:

1. Jan 20 is a Sunday - do you mean Saturday Jan 19th, or Sunday Jan 20th?
2. Is the BP going to be Level 1? Not much point in me entering if it's going to be a Level 5 attachment.
3. Can you guarantee it won't be one of those really crappy BPs that no-one wants to do because they are just a big useless PED drain, e.g. Plasma Kyller?
I intent to take part :)
wow this is great :) Can you tell what kind of stuff will be crafting?

I will see if I can join this contest. I have n00b crafting skills - but it's all fun and you never know if Lootius decides to camp my mashine that day ;)

+rep for the unique idea.

PS: I will look into a donation from Church of Lootius aswell ;)
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send us a reminder the day or two before !! i would like to participate, as well.
I'm in, if I can remember the time. ;) quite early on the day for me, but I'll try.
Would love to be part of this, can you give a hint to the BP lvl. Just so we know if it is worth entering or not. Or will this be announced closer to the event.
now that's a really nice idea. :yay:

+ rep
1. Jan 20 is a Sunday - do you mean Saturday Jan 19th, or Sunday Jan 20th?

My mistake folks. The event will be

Sunday the 20th, NOT Saturday the 19th.
Hello JohnCapital,

to make cheating more difficult please do not announce the BP level or any hints.

But I would like to have the option of backing out if the BP would be impossible for me.

Would that be okay?

#+ Pirx +#
Suscribing. I am intrigued by this event, but like others, I have concerns about the crafting level.

That being said, how can you prevent someone from using their own version of the BP (if they have one) with a higher quality rating?

Either way, +rep for a unique event idea! (I have to spread rep sorry!!!)
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OK first off nice idea and well done for trying to organise something like this.

I have some questions though about rules, finances and fairness.

1. Is the location an event area? it is ticketed? (sorry I'm prolly OOD on facts)

2. Do you get any kind of refund when you return the BP you have just raised the Quality Rating on through < 300 ped? If not how do you guarantee the contestants will return it?

3. Speaking of BP quality rating how do you stop people using their own version of the specified BP (pro crafters will likely have this) potentially with a higher QR than everyone else hence giving an unfair advantage?

4. Is it a timed event? or does the event only end when everyone has finished? What happens to slow pokes? Does everyone have to wait for them or will they be chucked out?

5. If the event time exceeds 1 hour will you be exercising responsibility for your competitors health by enforcing a short break to prevent eye strain or RSI? (ie everyone now move away from the machines for 5-10 mins or risk being disqualified)

6. Will the ticket cost roughly cover the price of the materials and BP loaned out?

7. A video of a crafting event??? Won't that be a bit ZZZzzzzz.....? :silly2:

Sorry if I sound like I'm being mega negative about the idea but I think its probably best these questions are asked now rather than later

Couple of questions so let's see if I can answer them (my apologies if I don't answer all. I'm on my way to the CES in just a few minutes)

As I said before:

  • Entrance fee will cover materials cost.
  • All contestants will pay the entrance fee and be given BP, book and enough materials for a specific amount of clicks.
  • All materials, and BPs must be shown to the judges in trade window.
  • Crafters get to keep the crafted item/res. BPs will be handed back.

These points answer most of the questions. The fee will cover the crafting costs (plus a lil extra of course ;)). You get to keep what you craft, but you will hand back the BPs.

The ending QR of the BP will help track down any cheating. If the majority of BPs handed back have a 12 qr but the winning person's bp comes back 4, then we know they likely used their own BP for most of the run, and will be disqualified.

The BP in question and the amount of clicks will not be revealed in any way before the contest.

As Pirx mentioned elsewhere, with this method, "prestocking", or some other cheating methods should be difficult to do. Someone may get lucky and find a loophole, but I'm open to suggestions.

I ask that if you don't feel comfortable in at least giving it a shot, please do not sign up. Having a bunch of folks commit, then walk away upon seeing the bp will create serious problems in setup costs.
It would be helpful if you could give an indication as to the cost of entry at this point.
Good idea here :) i will try and be there so i can join the clicking sounds like fun :)
Sounds fun. Sign me up. :)
I would really like to have a "chicken out" option and I have an idea for that you might be comfortable with JohnCapital.
Would it be okay if I definitely pay you the up to 300 ped when I commit myself here, but when seeing I stand no chance just decide to "not click".
After the event I would then of course unhand the BP and book and sell the resources by my own.
I know this sounds cowardish, but I'd rather be a coward than trying something with a 5% return rate or worse.
What a great Idea! +rep John

I would also like to know if it is for experienced crafters or is there a chance for noob crafters to join?! Hmmm I guess telling which crafting section it will be will give too much hints for possibly "cheaters"?
I would really like to have a "chicken out" option and I have an idea for that you might be comfortable with JohnCapital.
Would it be okay if I definitely pay you the up to 300 ped when I commit myself here, but when seeing I stand no chance just decide to "not click".
After the event I would then of course unhand the BP and book and sell the resources by my own.
I know this sounds cowardish, but I'd rather be a coward than trying something with a 5% return rate or worse.

This applies just as much in "ordinary" events. When you've been to the landmarker and paid the fee, you can't "chicken out" afterwards. Even if the event turns out to be yourself against skalman, star and stormer, you have already paid and won't get a pec back...:laugh: So no refund here either I think.
What a great Idea! +rep John

I would also like to know if it is for experienced crafters or is there a chance for noob crafters to join?! Hmmm I guess telling which crafting section it will be will give too much hints for possibly "cheaters"?

I don't want to answer for John, but I've got an opinion on this ... if you're a total noob hunter, would you enter a hunting competition? You might do if you were in it for the fun. :)

If you've got some skills, then you would stand a better chance of success of course and if you only want to enter in order to win, then it's advisable that you do have skills.

At the end of the day, you put up $30 (£15) and you will probably get back about 50-60% of this if you don't win.

I can imagine that John will be starting this compy with something simple ... I mean 300 ped in crafting materials isn't going to get you 100 clicks of anything much. My guess would be one of the component prints, or maybe even the Mann MPH (cost per click with markup is about 1.5 ped).

All in all, it'll be fun. :)

I'll be on holidays - otherwise I would have loved to take part!

Fantastic idea for a comp. + rep!
This applies just as much in "ordinary" events. When you've been to the landmarker and paid the fee, you can't "chicken out" afterwards. Even if the event turns out to be yourself against skalman, star and stormer, you have already paid and won't get a pec back...:laugh: So no refund here either I think.

Well I will have the resources, so if I click or not is up to me eh?

And I don't want a refund - I am comfortable with losing an equal amount to an event ticket cost ;)
You might do if you were in it for the fun. :)

yeah, that was my plan.

I don't expect to win or even come close. I'll just have some fun clicking some undisclosed blueprint and see what happens. I like having something to do, and I'm easily amused.

I thnk it's important to have little distractions and interact with other people. often, I find, I can become too caught up in all that I'm doing. sometimes, it's to the point that I become stagnent. so, any sort of light fun is good.

personally, I intend on taunting the other contestants.
looking at the logistics of the situation...

what happens if no one globals? :D

I've had REALLY bad days before.....
I don't want to answer for John, but I've got an opinion on this ... if you're a total noob hunter, would you enter a hunting competition? You might do if you were in it for the fun. :)

In hunting competitions, everyone knows what they will be hunting - so yes - a noob hunter very well may enter. If its a highest single loot competition - even a noob may get that lucky global or HOF that wins the competition for them, despite the fact that they are killing 1 mob per every 5 of someone else.

That being said, I think the same goes for this event. Even if your skills are lower than others - you can still get that residue global - even if you can't craft the item.

I must say - I am intrigued by this event. I am pretty much a noob crafter - and may just enter for fun. BUT..what happens if its a BP that says "Your skills are too low for this BP"? I've never attempted a BP I've looted that said that - can we actually still USE them (knowing our success rate is garbage)?

I like Pirx' idea of the backout - but I think I'd just click anyway.
looking at the logistics of the situation...

what happens if no one globals? :D

I've had REALLY bad days before.....

I'd say if there were only three or four people competing - this could be a possibility - but I'd imagine with a bunch of people clicking the SAME item for an entire hour - someone's gotta global, right? :scratch2: