The Hunt Club

1. Full Avatar name

Mr Odyseo Angel

2. The highest dps you like to hunt with

DPS with amp: 53

3. The average dps you like to hunt with

DPS without amp: 40

4. Your 3 Favorite mobs you like to hunt

Don't really have a preference. Just came back to the game so gotta figure this out still

5. Whether or not you like to do barbarella hunts (or guns of similiar damage).

Yes of course <3
Alright folks today is the day of the caperon hunt! We will be starting to assemble around 3:45 PM EST at fort troy. Looking forward to seeing you out there!
So I am planning on hosting a barbarella hunt for this coming weekends event. We wont set a mob yet as that might change depending on how many people we get. If we had a team of 10-12 we could probably even kill longtooth youngs and matures. But that will be decided the day of.

For now, saturday June 26th at 4:00 PM EST (20:00:00 Entropia time) is the set time of the hunt, and i will include a list later of more weapons allowed on the hunt that are similiar to the barbarella and zinkadus amp combo in dps.

Message here in this thread or pm me in game if you can make it to the hunt!
Sadly I wont be able to host a hunt this weekend afterall. Ill let everybody know when Im able to reschedule.
Hello everybody, it has been a while! I have decided to start trying to be a bit more active in the community again, and I felt like the best way was to continue the hunt club events. I will mostly be hosting Z12 Barbarella style hunts from here on out, as it seems like the easiest way to get a lot of folks together on an even playing field, without having to purchase new weapons every hunt. I don't have a day yet planned but I'm hoping to get back to hosting atleast 1 hunt a month, cause I do miss them. If anybody has any mob ideas, perhaps even things now on TI, go ahead and let us know! this post was intended to be used by everybody, so feel free to chime in and chat here, and I will continue to add members to the group list if anybody wants to join. I will also actually try to get the discord working this time lol, I know Im very late on that.
Interesting Thread i never heard of before, but that's because i came back in last September :giggle:

It's a good initiative !
I think i joined a team maybe twice or thrice in 3 months, and as you said with the implementation of Codex there is even more reason to team up !

1. Marco Magnifico Schiffano
2. 53.5 (my highest gun) + 23dmg Amp if needed
3. 35.3 (my middle gun)
4. I am a Daily Mission junkie (so i have no favorites, i go wherever the daily terminal tell me to ^_^)
5. Yes because i also use a Low Gun of 10 dps, so i think it's close to barb

1. No use of hate speech : i am not that kind of person (my ignore list is already filled with 30 peeps who do -_-)
2. No selling of items : i have #calytrade for that
3. No services will be broadcast : i don't offer any.
4. Do not promote any ticketed events : i don't promote any either.

cheers ! :beerchug:
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Hey I am so sorry I let this go so long. Everything got very busy for the holidays. I will update the hunter list when I am home from work tonight.

I plan on hosting a hunt next week on thursday for those interested in joining. Ill get a feel for how many people will be able to come before figuring out a mob. If your able to make it please let me know either here or in game. Z12 Barbarella with zinkadus or opalo A101 damage range is what were looking for on this hunt. I will get a time set in place also after talking to some folks. Look to the bulletin board on this post for additional
Marco Magnifico I just updated your info in our hunters profile, sorry that took so long.

Also the hunt is planned for 7:30 EST thursday Jan 27th, Barbarella or similiar dps weapon setup. I will be around for hunting nomatter what, even if only one other person shows up.
is it possible to open up a tab in chat for the hunt club ?
like a soc chat without a soc .
I never know when I can be online due to RL stuff so could be fun to do some spontaneus team hunts
Theres a reference to it in the first post. Join the channel #thehuntclub. Im also in the process of setting up a discord to use for the club, so we can coordinate outside of game as well

Also a reminder, for anybody that wants your team globals/hofs added to the top loots section, you can use the team name The Hunt Club. I will see hofs, but globals you guys will have to either pm me about if you feel like it, or post a picture here. Only ones in a team with The Hunt Club as a team name will be added to the list.
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So far we got 4 people for the hunt on Thursday, January 27th at 7:30 PM EST, please let me know either here or in game if you think you might make it. Thats 7:30 PM on the 27th, which i believe is 00:30:00 MA time on the 28th, excuse my math if I'm wrong lol. I apologize for the later hunt for those in Europe, I will try to make the next one atleast a bit earlier so more folks have the opportunity to join, I just happen to have an appointment earlier in the day after work thats keeping me busy then.
Today is the day! And I will be around a little earlier than I thought, but the official hunt time remains the same. Might get things going earlier though if folks are around.
Hey trying to get a feel for what day most people are open for a hunting meetup. If you had to pick a day monday through friday, what would be the most open day for you to hunt?
1. Ricardo Ricky Laginha
2. ~60 according to entropiawiki
3. 0-60
4. Whatever mob (loot MU is a plus 😁)
5. Not much interested at the moment

don’t log in very often now but if you add me on that chat I will look for someone to hunt with next time online
You can join the chat channel any time the next time your in game, its an open channel. Ill get your name added to the list

Also I have another hunt planned, I tried to make it a bit earlier this time as nobody showed at the last one. Keep in mind what time zone you are in and what time the hunt is planned for before you confirm a spot. THE NEXT HUNT IS PLANNED FOR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, at 6:00 PM EST. I believe that is 23:00 MA time. This again will be a barbarella/opalo or similiar dps hunt. We will pick a mob out once we figure out how many people we have on the day of the hunt. Check the Bulletin board out for further details
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my pc is broken atm , cant play entropia more then a minute before it shuts down : / damned : (
Gonna be canceling the upcoming hunt event. Not enough interest in the club at this time, might get it going again someday but not sure.
Bump.... will edite this post after Im home to Joining the grp hunt