The Khorum Coast Goes Kamaldon Crazy!

Jan 24, 2022

Greetings my people!
Starting May 2024 the Khorum Coast is going Kamaldon Crazy with a new event!
Taxes on the land area are being dropped to 2% since the DNA costs will be low and the land will generate it's own monthly event reward!

The new hunting event structure is as follows: At the end of every month going forward the land revenue generated that month will be split three ways. 1/3 will go to myself for owning the land, 1/3 to the first highest loot and 1/3 for the second highest loot of the month.
A hunter is capable of winning both prizes and grabbing the whole land tax payout for themself!

There is no sign-up required unless you wish to team hunt; globals will be automatically tracked on Entropialife.
Tune in every week or bi-weekly for the update on our YouTube channel to check the progress on the event or you can also check the status on our Discord channel at any time.

The Kamaldon is great for mid level hunting with a suggested armor loadout of only ghost/Viceroy and some 5B plates required.

The Kamaldon is also known to drop loot with a high markup including:
Socket 6 and 8 components
Tier 3 and 4 components
Surface Toughness and Output Amplifier components
Liver, Heart, Kidney and Spleen oils
Unlimited Arkadian Weaponry

Thank you for your time and support when you visit Khorum Coast. Goodluck out there to everyone!

Visit our event spreadsheet to view individual player totals, globals and current prize value!
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Ah damn, that is what I get for trying to be in a hurry to wrap up everything related to the event so that I could watch the last episode of Fallout with the wife before bed. Great show BTW.

I appreciate you catching that editing mistake and thank you for the thread bump.

Also, I still have three players who interact with Entropia in some way that I met on that cruise vacation and introduced to our game. I consider that a victory since bringing anyone into the game and having them stick around is a great feeling.
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Good morning everyone. Today is the start of the Kamaldon Crazy event! I maximized the spawn of Mutated Kamaldon Young and I also lowered the taxes down to 2% this morning.

I am off work today but I have real world obligations. However, I will be creating an episode of The Khorum Coast show this evening to further explain and kick off the event.

There has already been activity at the event and the current leaderboard is:
Crystal MJ Diamond - 76 ped 1st place
Brandonxp18 Darmicxp Lee - 74 ped 2nd place

Goodluck out there to all participants and thank you for visiting Khorum Coast!
Here is the first episode of The Khorum Coast Show for our new Kamaldon Crazy event. In this episode I will go over the event details, player leaderboard and also the land revenue!
The current leaderboard is:
Matthew Matt Graham - 457 ped 1st place
Ostrander Ostrander Popp- 392 ped 2nd place

The Current land revenue split is:

585/3 = 195 peds each
Tonight on The Khorum Coast Show we will go over the land revenue generated on our first week of the Kamaldon Crazy event. I will also discuss the leaderboard and who has the Highest Single Loot for 1st and 2nd place so far.
With three weeks left things are heating up!

The current HSL leaderboard is:
Will WA123 SMitt - 637 ped 1st place
Matthew Matt Graham - 457 ped 2nd place

The Current land revenue split is:
1015/3 = 338 peds each for first or second place!
Is there a spreadsheet or other to view the leaderboard in action ?
Is there a spreadsheet or other to view the leaderboard in action ?
Good morning, Bones.
I woke up a little early before I head out of town to work on the KC spreadsheet and get the LA info up and running on there. You can now view the player details, globals and current prize value of the Kamaldon Crazy event as I update them with this link.
Thank you for your interest in Khorum Coast!
I managed to get some wifi this morning and immediately logged into Entropialife to give ya'll an update on the event. However, the 1st and 2nd place positions haven't changed. There was a close call from Brandon to take 2nd with his 445 ped loot on the 7th.

The current HSL leaderboard is:
Will WA123 SMitt - 637 ped 1st place
Matthew Matt Graham - 457 ped 2nd place
Here is the Khorum Coast Show for the 2nd week of May 2024. In tonight's episode I will discuss the current reward value and the leaderboard for our Kamaldon Crazy event!

The current HSL leaderboard is:

Will WA123 SMitt - 637 ped 1st place
Matthew Matt Graham - 457 ped 2nd place

The current reward for either 1st or 2nd place is: 582 peds each and growing!
A hunter can win both prizes if they earn the top 2 HSL for the month.
Good morning.
I had some extra time before getting ready for work so I logged in and checked the land data.

The prize reward for 1st or 2nd highest single loot of the month is up to 618 peds each.

The current HSL leaderboard is:
Will WA123 SMitt - 637 ped 1st place
Matthew Matt Graham - 457 ped 2nd place
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Shoot a Kamaldon worth 500 peds and you will take 2nd place and potentially win 618 peds and growing at the end of the month! That is not hard to do on a creature known to give out generous 4 digit loots!

With a low 2% tax and every kill you make contributing to the growing reward it is a great time to hunt at Khorum Coast!
You ask i deliver xD


Crystal MJ Diamond takes 2nd place with a 527 ped Kamaldon! Congratulations and goodluck to holding your spot on the leaderboard with our last week of competition.

If you can hold your spot you will be leaving Khorum Coast with an extra 618+ ped in your pocket!
Greetings my people!
This evening on The Khorum Coast Show I will be discussing the third week of our Kamaldon Crazy event; I will go over the current player leaderboard and the current prize value. The land revenue that paid out for the week is recorded here too.

The prize reward for 1st or 2nd highest single loot of the month is up to 666 peds each.
The current HSL leaderboard is:
Bombata TheHunter Zarra - 754 ped 1st place
Will WA123 SMitt - 637 ped 2nd place
Mind sharing a waypoint to this? or is it a closely guarded secret?

Also when does it end? Is it a continually recurring event every month?
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Mind sharing a waypoint to this? or is it a closely guarded secret?

Also when does it end? Is it a continually recurring event every month?
I am not near my computer to send coordinates but Khorum Coast is on the West edge of the water on the frozen side of Arkadia. I have a teleporter if you make it to the land to return easily.

This event will probably continue for the next few months unless something comes up. I am considering changing it to 2 week long competitions twice a month.

Thank you for your interest in Khorum Coast!
Greetings my people!
This evening on The Khorum Coast Show I will be discussing the fourth week of our Kamaldon Crazy event; I will go over the current player leaderboard and the current prize value. The land revenue that paid out for the week is recorded here too.
The prize reward for 1st or 2nd highest single loot of the month is up to 731 peds each!
The current HSL leaderboard is:
Bombata TheHunter Zarra - 754 ped 1st place
Will WA123 SMitt - 637 ped 2nd place

There is one more day left on our event, so make sure to come out and compete if you have been following along!

8 hours left in the competition.
Loot a Kamaldon worth 638+ ped to take over 2nd and walk away with 731 peds and growing tonight!

Also, a hunter can win both prizes for 1st and 2nd HSL. So, if you get two fat Kamaldon HoFs you could be leaving Khorum Coast with nearly 1500 ped!
The winners for our first round of the Kamaldon Crazy event are:
Bombata TheHunter Zarra and Will WA123 Smitt who will be each receiving 763.29 ped as the reward for the May competition.

For June, I am splitting it into 2 rounds of 2 weeks each to spice things up a little bit differently. I think the month long competition was a little too long in the end.

See ya'll throughout June as we compete again for a share of that land area revenue!
Gz to Bombata and Will!!!
Is there a chance of increasing density?
The only issue i found is constantly running and searching for mobs ;/
Nice event

Gratz to the winners
Gz to Bombata and Will!!!
Is there a chance of increasing density?
The only issue i found is constantly running and searching for mobs ;/
Sadly, I am at max density until I get my hands on another Kamaldon DNA.
I did consider increasing either Zadul, Nusul or Hadraada to Stalker to go with them but that would cost an extra 300-500 ped fertilizer for the month. I may still increase one of them if it will encourage the hunting to pay for their expense.
Thank you!
It was an awesome event and i had a lot of fun at Khorum Coast
GG to all participants and a special thanks to David!
The second season of the Kamaldon Crazy event is live!

This time instead of a month long competition we are doing 2 week bouts. This season will end June 15th and the taxes from the land from that point in June are up for grabs again!