David Joker Potanus
- Joined
- Jan 24, 2022
- Posts
- 494
Greetings my people!
Starting May 2024 the Khorum Coast is going Kamaldon Crazy with a new event! Taxes on the land area are being dropped to 2% since the DNA costs will be low and the land will generate it's own monthly event reward!
The new hunting event structure is as follows: At the end of every month going forward the land revenue generated that month will be split three ways. 1/3 will go to myself for owning the land, 1/3 to the first highest loot and 1/3 for the second highest loot of the month.
A hunter is capable of winning both prizes and grabbing the whole land tax payout for themself!
There is no sign-up required unless you wish to team hunt; globals will be automatically tracked on Entropialife.
Tune in every week or bi-weekly for the update on our YouTube channel to check the progress on the event or you can also check the status on our Discord channel at any time.
The Kamaldon is great for mid level hunting with a suggested armor loadout of only ghost/Viceroy and some 5B plates required.
The Kamaldon is also known to drop loot with a high markup including:
Socket 6 and 8 components
Tier 3 and 4 components
Surface Toughness and Output Amplifier components
Liver, Heart, Kidney and Spleen oils
Unlimited Arkadian Weaponry
Thank you for your time and support when you visit Khorum Coast. Goodluck out there to everyone!
Visit our event spreadsheet to view individual player totals, globals and current prize value!
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