Info: The Latest Team VTOL hunt AKA Exploit

Ahh, so they are able to hover over a group of dangerous mobs and won't get the "adds" that the rest of the guys on foot would have to deal with, making it much easier. I see where that could be an unfair advantage. Thanks for explaining it :)
I hate to profess my ignorance, but could someone explain why hunting with a vehicle is an exploit? I always thought mobs could damage you in a vehicle, at least in a Valk I've seen it firsthand. Is there a difference between land based and air when it comes to taking damage?

yes there is a difference mobs cant damage a VTOL or Quad, as soon as you get in the vehicle you loose all agro and nor you or the vehicle will take damage.

i have posted this Video on the Ask Mindark section on EF to see if its considered as an exploit.
Ahh, so they are able to hover over a group of dangerous mobs and won't get the "adds" that the rest of the guys on foot would have to deal with, making it much easier. I see where that could be an unfair advantage. Thanks for explaining it :)

You understand it WRONG. And many still does.

You can hover what you want, everywhere, anything. Use VTOL as intended, cover large distance faster, fly, etc.

But as soon as you shoot in mob from distance, and mob starts closing to you, and you get into VTOL, thus losing aggro from mob, fly away on safe distance, and repeat shooting - you can do that naked, don't get armor decay, don't FAP - no decay again.

That is unfair advantage.

This shit seen always in areas where slow-danger-high hp mobs is. Malcruentor, for example. Many ppl does that.
yes there is a difference mobs cant damage a VTOL or Quad, as soon as you get in the vehicle you loose all agro and nor you or the vehicle will take damage.

i have posted this Video on the Ask Mindark section on EF to see if its considered as an exploit.

Oh wow, that's even worse if they just drop the aggro and don't take damage. A pretty blatant exploit at that point, imho. :)
Oh wow, that's even worse if they just drop the aggro and don't take damage. A pretty blatant exploit at that point, imho. :)

You can't believe, many still doesn't admit that. They say "if i can do that with game mechanics - it's not exploit."

Damn, if I can kill you with nice, heavy hammer - why not do that, why it's illegal? I have hammer, I have enough strength...
could you possibly give a link or back this up at all please?

The new VTOL aircraft will safely take you up in the sky where you can watch the world from new angles.
Creatures don't attack flying vehicles.

So its not a bug that mobs dont atack Vtol , its made on purpose...
Vtol was made to be a safe place to escape mobs...So , i dont see why , people can not go in if a mob atack them...

Again , yes its unfair and stupid , and yes , eomon should bite that Vtol and break it...But MA made it that way...

So please stop to report people as exploiter , and beggin to send MA support case about problem in the Vtol design , since its unfair for other player...
MA should change this. I figured the past bans they'd done for this crap would have resulted in a bit more being done by MA, like, I don't know - coding the dang system to make this not be possible. Apparently MA doesn't have enough money to fix the code programatically? Maybe they did the migration now to pull in a few more bucks in decay to hire yet another programmer that might know enough to be able to fix this.

Maybe they can retroactively look through the chat logs on the server, and any time they find that someone looted something and got in the vtol while being logged in the same session will need a permanent ban, or maybe go easy on them since MA never fixed this problem -- a one month temp ban, plus a special restriction placed on the avatar which revokes it's driving rights, making it impossible for the avatar to ever enter any vehicle again, including but not limited to vehicles used to travel in space?
But MA made it that way...

So please stop to report people as exploiter , and beggin to send MA support case about problem in the Vtol design , since its unfair for other player...

I will try to explain it.

IF MA will do aggroable VTOLs - you all will see very nice mob trains. Most of them will not be made ​​on purpose. For a while. Until some smartasses starting to say "WE DIDN'T KNOW THAT" and other excuses. Any VTOL miner will bring shitloads of different mob calibres with him anywhere. My favorite in that case would be hordes of Tezlapods, since they fast enough to chase flying VTOL.

Now, - you have ideas how to improve that? I don't. I have some, but they too complicate for programming, balance, usability and so on.

About unfairness.

It's not unfair. It's disaster. Already AH is filled with shit from low-mid hunters, like eye oils and so on, with superior MU of 101%!

Wow. Let's make it available even cheaper! Hey, cmon - let's all take VTOL and start to hunt any shit without paying decay of armor and FAP. Let's reduce price on all stuff from hunt event more. Ubers will say BIG F.. THANK YOU to all of you for that.

Also, "thank you" will say to you all newbs, who can't not get a small bit of... I even can't call it profit.

If you still don't get what you're doing... then I think it's medical question, something about DNA, I am not competent in that, sorry.

So its not a bug that mobs dont atack Vtol , its made on purpose...
Vtol was made to be a safe place to escape mobs...So , i dont see why , people can not go in if a mob atack them...

Again , yes its unfair and stupid , and yes , eomon should bite that Vtol and break it...But MA made it that way...

So please stop to report people as exploiter , and beggin to send MA support case about problem in the Vtol design , since its unfair for other player...

An exploit is using the game not as intended by the designer to gain an advantage. There does not have to be a bug. It's an exploit. And I believe it was already stated by MA either on PCF or EF that it is an exploit. People have been locked for hunting in this manner.

So its not a bug that mobs dont atack Vtol , its made on purpose...
Vtol was made to be a safe place to escape mobs...So , i dont see why , people can not go in if a mob atack them...

Again , yes its unfair and stupid , and yes , eomon should bite that Vtol and break it...But MA made it that way...

So please stop to report people as exploiter , and beggin to send MA support case about problem in the Vtol design , since its unfair for other player...

yes correct creatures don't attack flying vehicles but your exploiting the system to kill a creature, you just answered my question its used to ESCAPE mobs not exploit it to kill them :wise:
Oh, forgot to add one bright thing - that video is a nice guide to "ping-pong" hunting, which is absolutely legit. Just take out VTOLs from picture, and just stop shooting when mob starting approach to you.

Yes, it will hit you anyway, but way less when you hunt solo.
The way I see of solving this is for them to allow vehicles that are on the ground or flying very low to cause agro.
I will try to explain it.

IF MA will do aggroable VTOLs - you all will see very nice mob trains. Most of them will not be made ​​on purpose.

and again we are back on MA coding..

Not train should not exist...
Its years and years many player ask mobs train to be stoped...
MA need to improve AI so mobs stop to run after people at some point...It is not normal that mobs keep runing after people for miles and miles...
Also , Vtol should be biten by mobs , and should get domage , so does the avatar inside.

And its funny , how i get rep- saying me its an exploit to hunt using Vtol , but Vtol should remain total safe for avatar...

What make it an exploit for you , its the fact that its safe...You can not hope , people can travel safe , but , will not use vtol as protection when they need...this is plain stupid...
Vtol need to get under atack , and mobs need to stop runing after something if it never reach it...

Its like when people say pingpong is an exploit... it is not , its a feature.Its MA who decided that mobs change target...If want people to stop ping pong , they can simply make mobs not change target like debil , or maybe go only after the weakest avatar....

and again , for those who think i like exploit , wich i hate , and i would be happy if all cheater and exploiter was ban straight away ... you can not say everything is an exploit because other dont play game exactly like you .As long as they dont break rule abuse bug and stuff like that they do not exploit anything...
They use feature as they are provided by MA...
Up to MA to code things to stop that behavior if they think its needed.

IMHO i think MA made this on porpose , so noob can go hunt mobs way over what they should and it increase their loss...
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An exploit is using the game not as intended by the designer to gain an advantage. There does not have to be a bug. It's an exploit. And I believe it was already stated by MA either on PCF or EF that it is an exploit. People have been locked for hunting in this manner.

and how people are supose know that using a vehicle is an exploit ?
Do i must read unoficial forum to know rule of game i play ?
Can you point me an official chanel(i dont speak about a fan forum) where it is stated that going in Vtol while hunting is an exploit ?
As I saw this thread yesterday I also didn´t understand the rage from some people. In other words I have the same opinion as Etopia.
Sure they don´t use the vehicles as intended and I wouldn´t do it like that because I think it´s stupid but I can´t see a action that´s worth banning people.
If MA doesn´t want vehicles to be used like that they simply have to change the rules as they did in the past with trapped mobs an other things.
and again we are back on MA coding..

And we again blame MA.

Well, to be short: you're just not familiar with programming, load-balance and, especially, WHAT "simple" math can do in heavy loaded system, where is thousands users connected and doing simultaneously different things, which must be synchronized ASAP. Oh, and yes - all those users have different connection speeds, etc.
:scratch2: The way i see it is that MA "when Bug fixing happens" must try to fix the problem by ether 1. making the mob still aggro flying vehicles when the Mob is attacked. 2. (MA has a system i gather to tell when a flying vehicle is about to enter space correct?) why dont they use a similar code to have a mob aggro the vehicle and stop attacking once a certain high is achieved.

These are just suggestions that i believe could be possible since they can make such a awsome game why cant they fix a bug or two? :scratch2:
And we again blame MA.

Well, to be short: you're just not familiar with programming, load-balance and, especially, WHAT "simple" math can do in heavy loaded system, where is thousands users connected and doing simultaneously different things, which must be synchronized ASAP. Oh, and yes - all those users have different connection speeds, etc.

I am , i know what simple math can do to server load...
What i know is , thats many years (at least five , but i am prety sure over 10) korean game have way way way better IA that we have nowday in EU.And the kind of feature i speak of exist.

I dont think problem is server load , neither i think MA coder are not abel to do the job , i am prety sure , its made this way on purpose...Its like this beacause thats exactly how MA want it...

why mobs agro all vehicle but not Vtol ?
why mobs run after car but not after Vtol ?
I am , i know what simple math can do to server load...
What i know is , thats many years (at least five , but i am prety sure over 10) korean game have way way way better IA that we have nowday in EU.And the kind of feature i speak of exist.

I dont think problem is server load , neither i think MA coder are not abel to do the job , i am prety sure , its made this way on purpose...Its like this beacause thats exactly how MA want it...

why mobs agro all vehicle but not Vtol ?
why mobs run after car but not after Vtol ?

1. No, you not. If you do - you don't ever blame developers.
2. What korean game? Name it. I know the Champ of heavy load and amount of online users at the same time - eve-online. And anyway - AI is dumb as everywhere.
3. Here goes answer on aggro: mobs have chance to hit ground vehicle, some of them even faster than car (tezlapods); VTOL can't be hit in the air. That's why mobs don't run after VTOL - they can't reach.


Let's make VTOL vulnerable and aggroable by mobs. Then you will get very big portion of shit in the fan from VTOL users, who just FLY over drones (and other dodge-skillers) and starts receive DMG.

Check this again on server side? Which mob, where, height, is VTOL on the ground, is it not, or what, who, etc.

Easy? I named %1 of possible checks.

See p1 again.
MindArk should realy do something about this! introduce some delay after enter vehicle or when exit, whatever!

With slow mobs that loot big hofs (big hp) is to ask that! A poor person of mind will always try to take advantage of this exploit!

option A- remove all the big mobs that move slow! (dont think so lol)

option B- remove all the vehicles! (dont think so either lol)

option C- introduce some delay for when we leave a vehicle, like those 20s from teleporte grace! (maybe or even a better solution)

The fact is that was MA that created this issue with the introduction of vehicles, so MindArk should take some action to stop this injustice!!!
Suport case on the way!

Injustice is already enough on RL !!! Dont need the game that I play to also have it !!!
Suport case on the way!

Injustice is already enough on RL !!! Dont need the game that I play to also have it !!!

Ah, you need third tower? Or two more?
Ah, you need third tower? Or two more?

...joined mar 2011 pfff that says all!

No thanks I m ok with towers for now but an ATH on hunting would be cool, afterall with 75k total globs on hunting and a 3,5k drone being my best I feel a bit bad.

Come talk with me in 2 years, when you start to depo 3/4k ped a month..... until then shut up!
and how people are supose know that using a vehicle is an exploit ?
Do i must read unoficial forum to know rule of game i play ?
Can you point me an official chanel(i dont speak about a fan forum) where it is stated that going in Vtol while hunting is an exploit ?

Well it seems pretty obvious to me that killing a mob without ever getting hit because you keep jumping in your vtol when it gets close is an exploit. Just like the server border exploit.
...joined mar 2011 pfff that says all!

No thanks I m ok with towers for now but an ATH on hunting would be cool, afterall with 75k total globs on hunting and a 3,5k drone being my best I feel a bit bad.

Come talk with me in 2 years, when you start to depo 3/4k ped a month..... until then shut up!
you are right and look who is talking
look at his first noob global 14k lyst, sucks and he even says something from others
he thinks is too smart i think he is not so
Come talk with me in 2 years, when you start to depo 3/4k ped a month..... until then shut up!

You mean - I need to become loser? I can't afford that, sorry.
Well it seems pretty obvious to me that killing a mob without ever getting hit because you keep jumping in your vtol when it gets close is an exploit. Just like the server border exploit.

...or it could be a clever use of game mechanics :laugh:
And can you imagine - 10k was withdrawn.
Initial invest was 40 bucks.
I am still alive.

I definitely doing something wrong.

doesnt impress me at all i make that a month , but the difference is that i invested time and money ( in the past ) not like you the lucky ******* who dares to disrespect ppl that deserves it more than you

you think are too smart but i think you are not