I will try to explain it.
IF MA will do aggroable VTOLs - you all will see very nice mob trains. Most of them will not be made on purpose.
and again we are back on MA coding..
Not train should not exist...
Its years and years many player ask mobs train to be stoped...
MA need to improve AI so mobs stop to run after people at some point...It is not normal that mobs keep runing after people for miles and miles...
Also , Vtol should be biten by mobs , and should get domage , so does the avatar inside.
And its funny , how i get rep- saying me its an exploit to hunt using Vtol , but Vtol should remain total safe for avatar...
What make it an exploit for you , its the fact that its safe...You can not hope , people can travel safe , but , will not use vtol as protection when they need...this is plain stupid...
Vtol need to get under atack , and mobs need to stop runing after something if it never reach it...
Its like when people say pingpong is an exploit... it is not , its a feature.Its MA who decided that mobs change target...If want people to stop ping pong , they can simply make mobs not change target like debil , or maybe go only after the weakest avatar....
and again , for those who think i like exploit , wich i hate , and i would be happy if all cheater and exploiter was ban straight away ... you can not say everything is an exploit because other dont play game exactly like you .As long as they dont break rule abuse bug and stuff like that they do not exploit anything...
They use feature as they are provided by MA...
Up to MA to code things to stop that behavior if they think its needed.
IMHO i think MA made this on porpose , so noob can go hunt mobs way over what they should and it increase their loss...