If accounts are no longer active then by all means FPC should reclaim them, but i dont think the fact that i havent paid the fee on my apt in probably 18 months means i no longer have the right to it.
I might be wrong but i think the idea behind apartments was a source of income for the game, so the fees were to be part of the loot pool.The idea that people that bought apts can just set on them without paying the fees that should be forthcomming seems a drain on the game.FPC needs to treat apts the same as real world property no acess fee but if its an apartment rent of if its owned(condo)taxes and or insurance.Those that dont want to pay sell it or get forclosed.
Lower the fee's that need to be paid.
Decorating is not fun at the moment and having parties and face to face meetings ingame is not a very satisfying experience right now.
Is there a decorating issue? You've mentioned this a couple times now, I may have missed some other threads discussing the problem.
(search didn't show anything)
I'm just curious, because there are no major issues in my estates, other than a couple of little items that sort of currently split through the floor (or table) when placed. I just didn't use those items, everything else works fine for me.
Last time I tried the Nallo lamps I use nearly gave no light, is that fixed?
Every few weeks I look at some apartments that are open for visit,
but nothing looks great so I was not enticed to try and decorate mine again.
Also as silly as it is I really miss the talking noise and facial expressions, since these are missing my desire to virtually meet people face to face nearly died.
Will take a look at some apts again to see how it is now.
The problem is people bouth those flat...
If MA take them back its stealing...
if i have a weapon that i didnt use since years in my storage , should MA take them back because i dont decay them often enought ?
Eventually, in a few years, that might happen, because of supply/demand and the fact that there are only so many estate deeds that exist.So people like me are sitting here waiting until price goes back up so we don't LOOSE ped on our investment into them.
Or until MA just copy/pastes another bucketload of apartments as soon as they spent the 300k from the CP sale.
Well, it won't be MA, and I honestly doubt FPC will load Calypso w/ a new bunch of apts., however, I completely expect to see some new dwellings on other planets.
The prices of those will be interesting.
The need for money sometimes makes corporations do questionable stuff. Like selling off a space station right before the year-end so the books can be said to at least look semi-presentable
Anyone seen MAs corporate statements from 2009 yet?
I own an apartment on CND, but, I don't mine much there anymore. Sometimes for as much as 6 months, I don't go, so...why should you want MA to take my apartment?
IMO I think closed shops need to pay something, maybe not full price, but something... this will force people to use their estates, or at least force some people to maybe try to sell since itll be a dwindling cost.
Here is a challenge - if you have an apartment that you're not using and you want to sell it - list it for TT+250 PEDs with no buyout and let the free market decide the price.
...I estimate that particular apartment will go between 550-650 ped... minimum.
...I estimate that particular apartment will go between 550-650 ped... minimum.
i wonder, would those in favor of "abandoned" apartments being reclaimed also agree to anything and everything in their storage being reclaimed after a certain time? if you arent using it, surely someone else could, whether it be wool, gazz, a Vigi Harness, a AS129, a EMT 2500 bp or anything.
same with ped![]()
i wonder, would those in favor of "abandoned" apartments being reclaimed also agree to anything and everything in their storage being reclaimed after a certain time? if you arent using it, surely someone else could, whether it be wool, gazz, a Vigi Harness, a AS129, a EMT 2500 bp or anything.