WooT an EvenT
Great Venue, Nice people & great Quiz,
I have a bruise on my arm, no idea what happened there, i was either in a fight with Jam or slipped over in the shower on some free soap - oh well...
Right, who was there, great to see old faces and catch up, & meet new faces.
- Rockchick - she's a diamond
- Lily - wOOT, a beautiful flower she is
- Stinky - fantastic & WOoT a nice arse
- Spike - Hairy but woOt a great kisser
- Rowdoc - Smooth operator (I owe you a pint of beer or 2)
- Blackjack - Voted most sexy man of the night
- Mrs Blackjack - lovely to meet you
- Silva - super to see you again, what a sweety
- Seven - Now if i was a girl, well i best shut up - what a handsome chap
- Jam - astonishing & bizarre & a bit naughty
- Wanderer - Spanking guy, Cor
- Mrs Wanderer - great to see you again, high 5
- Redwolf - your alot less drunk than the last time we met - great to catch up
- Mrs Redwolf - many thanks for marking my Quiz sheet, sorry about the flirting
- Xany - gratzzz on the twins - and again sorry for the flirting at the door
- Dusk (not Blade) - high 5 - nice to meet you, hope the party went well
- Bob - Now, I think i have the right person here - you sat on the same table as Xany i think and at the lodge infront of me, when it was very late.
- aardman - not sure if we chatted
I wasn’t there in the day time, so i'm sorry if i missed anyone, if i did I'll amend as soon as i remember, its all slightly patchy still..
Well, I almost didn’t go to the meet up - 3pm i decided to make the effort, far too late in the day - but I packed my sleeping bag & set off on the 2 hour drive.
Rockchick checked up on me on the way via mobile, and i arrived and parked next to the pub they were all in, which was a bit of luck, Mrs Wanderer had a parking ticket, grrrr sorry to see that happen.
We wondered up to the main pub where BJ was and got our selves a drink - that's where i met Mr & Mrs BJ, ty so much for the Ginseng Tea, I was so touched by that.
Stinky & Lily was at the bar, buying everyone drinks, but I declined, and got my own pair of pints. Then i wondered up to the main room, which had weird lighting, i hadn't even had a drink and i was seeing in 3D.
Back down for a smoke outside, with bj & spike - Dusk left around then i think, then back upstairs for the quiz - Seven arrived around 7pm i think just in time, great to meet you seven. Well the quiz was very well done, Spike wobbled a tad on the chair he was standing on, but it was very professionally done, very clearly spoken and fun, nice printed quiz sheets & the pens were a great touch - I lost my pen at some point in the evening, I'd love one of those if any one has a spare or found mine.
I think the average right questions on our table was 3 out of 20 - infact i think we all got 3 each - I had a pile of posters,CD's'biz cards, & the Entropian mags to give away that MA kindly sent me a while back so everyone was a winner really. I'm not sure what the winners got, but Jam had a large grin on his face, & i wasn’t in the mood for snogging any more Guy's with a beard today, so I'm lucky to of not won really.
After that, it started to get slightly hazy - the quiet pub turned into a Night club and 400 people turned up along with the door staff, people were dancing well it was getting very busy - I'll try to find some pics..
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A great a event, I'm so pleased i made it there and got 5mins to see & chat to you all, cheers.