UK meet up 2009

Check it out! Worcester meet up on 11 July and afterwards I will be flying to Edinburgh for more party, party, party!!! Come one, come all and have a ball at the TDO UK meet-up!!!:yay::yay::yay:

If your planning on coming just post in this thread so Monkey can add you to the list, Should be loads of fun wether you come to Worcester or join us in Edinburgh!

Hope to see everybody there!

Blackjack :cowboy:
Heyyyyy!!!!! Look at this! A Meet-up in Worcester! :yay:

There will be Beer

There will be

And most importantly there will be me pawing at Paris Hilton!

Don't miss out on your chance to meet the infamous TDO!!!! :eek:

Blackjack :cowboy:

Hi please can you can me as a possible? i attended a Navy Field thing like this a while ago and thoroughly enjoyed it hence i got my login probs sorted on EF and decided to post :)

Im 90% certain with the huge advance notice given i can make it, il be getting train ofc (no drinking and driving and i drink a lot when im out ;) and got an ETA of 3hrs and 10 mins from Oldham to there. Will PM ya when i know for 100% i can make it and booked hotel room :)


Time to bump this up to the top yet again!

Still looking for more participants and confirmation from you lot who are already on the first page! You know who you are!:D

I'm really looking forward to meeting all of you and promise to be on my bestest behaviour! I even brusheded my teef and everything!

Blackjack :cowboy:
I am gonna go further and even have a go at brushing my eyebrows :eek:

oh, and nice one Magikziggy :yay:
I am told they are easier to plait once brushed. Will keep you posted.

My monobrow means i don't have this problem......

Hi all

I will be coming , wont miss this one :yay:
Good man! :thumbup:

I'll have lots of goodies to give away courtesy of FPC and from our great friends at!!!

If you live in U.K. you'd be mad to miss it, plus it's a nice change from the usual MAJOR city meetups!

Worcester ftw. :yay:

Oh, oh, oh!!!!! I want goodies!!! Memememememe!!!!! :yay:

Get me a hogglo statue and Ill even arrange for you to play with Spikes plaited eyebrows!:eek: Im sure RC wouldnt mind!

And for those of you who havent signed up yet......


Looking forward to meeting everyone, I just finished booking my hotel in London, so anyone who would like to meet for a drink in the Picadilly area between July 4th and 7th give me a holler!

Blackjack :cowboy:
Hi yáll, should be in Europe during this time. Thinking about joining. What days beside the 11th will everyone be meeting?

Hey Lynn :)

The main day will be the Saturday, but I am sure some may be coming early and leaving late - basically that weekend is people travelling to and from Worcester etc.

But for sure, the big overlap of comings and goings will be the Saturday afternoon and evening till the small hours.

Okies :) I will see what I can do. LOL anyone need a roommate!!!
BTW where are we meeting in worchester. Any further info would be appriciated, so as i can book some where to crash down in which is nearby
Hey Redwolf :)

There are some thread by in the middle of this thread somewhere that give the basic plan.

What we need is for Monkee to put them into the first post LOL I will give her a prod :sniper:

Edit - about post 100 onwards for a section.
Is it time yet? I am soooo ready for this!!!!! :yay:

Get your bookings in while there is still time!

If you havent recieved your engraved invite it's probably because they were all sent out via Korean carrier pigeon and I suspect he got eaten in route. So consider this your very own, shiny invite to join the world famous TDO crew for a day of drunken debauchery starting at Wetherspoons and moving to The Old Rectifying House for the evenings festivities. All of these and more will be found in Worcester within walking (crawling) distance from the travelodge where we are booked for evening:

So do what ya gotta do, just GET THERE! I'll be the one crawling around the pub floor looking for my pants.

Blackjack :cowboy:

Oh yeah, judging from the above posts, it seems a certain red-headed hottie may be joining us..... I fully intend to find out how many shots it takes to get her up and dancing on the tables..... Muwhahahahaha!!!!
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Hey Redwolf :)

What we need is for Monkee to put them into the first post LOL I will give her a prod :sniper:

Ouch! I bruise like a peach!!!!! consider it done! :)
oh noes, im not readin 17 pages!!! just gimme a pen, i'll sign the contract w/o readin it ;)
Oh yeah, judging from the above posts, it seems a certain red-headed hottie may be joining us..... I fully intend to find out how many shots it takes to get her up and dancing on the tables..... Muwhahahahaha!!!!

if you are as cute IRL than you are IG I might volunteer :girl:

Weee I am trying to make it. I want to go to the Namsterdam meet too and spend some time in Sweden as well So I am trying to work this all out. LOL it should be closer in time to the dang Namsterdam meet an it would be all easy!! PFFF.

Oh and LeeLoo I am simple adorable roflmao... NOT. :)
Just a wee bump for Worcester.... Disturbed revelry at it's finest.....

Tip of the day - When booking your hotel room be sure and ask for the "clothing optional" package!:D*

Joke of the day - Stan and Butch get married and since they are low on cash, they decide to honeymoon at Stan's parents house. They are staying in Stan's old bedroom so in the morning Stan's little brother Johnny asks his mother, "Are Stan and Butch up yet?" Mom replies "not yet." So little Johnny says "You know what I think?" Mom, knowing what a monster her youngest is replies "I don't want to hear what you think, go to school." So Johnny goes to school. That afternoon Johnny comes home from lunch and again asks "Are Stan and Butch up yet?" Mom say "No." Johnny asks mom again "Want to know what I think?" Again mom says "No. I don't care what you think. Go back to school." So Johnny goes back to class. That evening when he gets home he again asks his mother "Are Stan and Butch up yet?" "No Johnny, they still aren't up..." Johnny says "Want to know what I think?" Mom tired of the question, finally gives in... "Fine Johnny, what do you think?" Johnny replies "Well, last night Stan came into my room asking for the vaseline, but I think I gave him the airplane glue instead."

*There is no clothing optional package, but it should make for an interesting conversation with the front desk!

Blackjack :cowboy:
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Joke of the day - Stan and Butch get married and since they are low on cash, they decide to honeymoon at Stan's parents house. They are staying in Stan's old bedroom so in the morning Stan's little brother Johnny asks his mother, "Are Stan and Butch up yet?" Mom replies "not yet." So little Johnny says "You know what I think?" Mom, knowing what a monster her youngest is replies "I don't want to hear what you think, go to school." So Johnny goes to school. That afternoon Johnny comes home from lunch and again asks "Are Stan and Butch up yet?" Mom say "No." Johnny asks mom again "Want to know what I think?" Again mom says "No. I don't care what you think. Go back to school." So Johnny goes back to class. That evening when he gets home he again asks his mother "Are Stan and Butch up yet?" "No Johnny, they still aren't up..." Johnny says "Want to know what I think?" Mom tired of the question, finally gives in... "Fine Johnny, what do you think?" Johnny replies "Well, last night Stan came into my room asking for the vaseline, but I think I gave him the airplane glue instead."

Blackjack :cowboy:

Holy Badgers, i havent laughed that much in a fair few days! Think i have pulled a muscle in my tummy that i forgot was there!!!
OMG i nearly fainted lol.

I R sooo not asking for clothing optional plan. I wanta CLOTHING DEMANDED plan.
Umm is there a website to look up hotels for places in the uk? lol I r Uk/Europe NUB. I usually just stay with friends.
Umm is there a website to look up hotels for places in the uk? lol I r Uk/Europe NUB. I usually just stay with friends.

This place looks pretty central, £55 for a double for the night :)

Spike and RC have booked there, so have me and Lily.
So i suggest you stay anywhere else.... if you want to wake up in the hotel room you thought you went to sleep in.........

Wierd things happen on TDO meets:D

I R getting slightly scared. I am very shy irl.
I'm booked in that Travelodge too, I think Silva is aswell, it's gonna be grrrreat!!!! :D


P.S. Stinky make sure I eat before midnight! I'm like Mogwai :)