Unreal update please...

At this point MA's communication management is a kabuki theater.
Well, of course they do. Soon ™️
I think they will. Incidentally, I've noticed that coastlines, headlands, etc, have slightly altered at various locations in terms of physics, lighting and so on, so has MA been changing things on the sly?
I think they will. Incidentally, I've noticed that coastlines, headlands, etc, have slightly altered at various locations in terms of physics, lighting and so on, so has MA been changing things on the sly?
I don't know what you mean. This thread is about updates regarding their way towards UE and not about updates in the current EU.

Yes, they change textures and modified the interior of mobile centres, but don't make the mistake to think that every centimetre on the planet will look exactly the same with UE. So they realigned some territory or changed some lighting settings, but they definitely didn't change physics (or maybe you mean something else). As an example they were fixing the location of a TP at one point, which was below the ground, at other times objects were randomly floating (yes, there still are plenty of things floating around). However, that's just normal maintenance that come with VU.

So let's hope for some update regarding UE.
I think at this point it is just a waste of time to worry about it or try to get communication on it.

All communication is planned anyway and I am sure the communication for UE5 is planned as well which means
no amount of pissing and moaning is going to make it come any sooner.

MA will deal with whatever results come from not communicating with their player base.

If this is having a shitty UE5 launch then so be it. That is what they chose.
I think they will. Incidentally, I've noticed that coastlines, headlands, etc, have slightly altered at various locations in terms of physics, lighting and so on, so has MA been changing things on the sly?
No well yes... but they did say they were updating landscape textures recently - they even showed before and after of sand and stuff... personally aside from the new ones allegedly being higher res, as to if the new ones looked better or not was subjective IMHO
No well yes... but they did say they were updating landscape textures recently - they even showed before and after of sand and stuff... personally aside from the new ones allegedly being higher res, as to if the new ones looked better or not was subjective IMHO
Ah, then I must have missed that update info. It's just that I've noticed for a couple of months already that the terrain and physics for some of the areas have slightly changed, especially the sun's reflection in the water at some coastlines. Other day I had to put a pair of shades on because of the glare, otherwise I would have nose-dived into the sea in my Kraka (L).
If content updates keep coming, then I'm undecided I guess.
PPs are continuing to develop and there may or may not be the space mining, either everywhere or placed close to RT.
If the painful elements of the UI vu are slowly tackled, and we are left with the positives - in my opinion including the stacking loot hunt window and current loot value shown - then I see no need to rock the boat with UE5.

Other stuff would be tackling botting - and maybe it's finally time to allow more than one avatar per player officially, but on one account. Further work on improving EU would also not need UE5 as such; there are many many suggestions.
Still not convinced UE5 is still gonna happen...
May be talking out of my ass here but aren't the new assets that are coming through all UE5 built? The quality of graphics seems significantly higher than normal, equally though I know very little about this side of the game.
The latest financial report just out says the project is still ongoing, I believe, but without any new timeline...
And new stuff is apparently compatible with UE5, yes, which seems to me to include terrain, mobs, armours and clothes and so. But tbh, if the nicer designs work currently too, and new event dynamics etc are also working with what we have, then changing to UE5 seems more like a hype thing than actually necessary. And MA seem traditionally wary of growth too, as long as the current universe is alive and well.
Dont worry guys, UE5 is in Mindarks intrest. Its MUCH easier to program and push out new content or change current content with UE5. There is alot easier to get good developers to the company sence all developers wants to work with UE5.

It just takes alot of time to transfer old data into new system.
There is a pre-Alpha out now:

May be talking out of my ass here but aren't the new assets that are coming through all UE5 built? The quality of graphics seems significantly higher than normal, equally though I know very little about this side of the game.
You can add almost any 3D model to any game engine but the engine may not be able to load and run all these highly detailed models...

UE5 is built to handle a high level of detail efficiently whereas CryEgine can handle it but not well.
Some comments by Socrates | MindArk on discord:

"Socrates | MindArk — 31/07/2024 17:18
The original announcement a long time ago was an estimation, but the way in which we plan to approach that switch over has changed. No official date has been provided as of yet. "

"Socrates | MindArk — 31/07/2024 17:19
I believe the intention is to have dual clients (CE2 / UE5) to allow players to test in the "same world" "

So I think what we are seeing with current updates to the game are porting elements from UE5 to live game. So essentially seeing the new game come to life right before our eyes! Things like new longtooth models and other creatures, also the icons updates in last release serve only to strengthen this viewpoint.

So at some point in the future the current game we play will become the same as the UE5 in development. Then it'll be time to ditch this one and start using UE5.
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I'm fine with any date/year, as long as they inform us a few weeks/months in advance, so we have time to buy a new PC... :)
"Socrates | MindArk — 31/07/2024 17:19
I believe the intention is to have dual clients (CE2 / UE5) to allow players to test in the "same world" "
I've not seen that anywhere before - and it's from about 6 weeks ago, but ok.
To focus on the word 'test', I wonder if that truly means a test environment and no actual 'economy', with some but maybe not all the features playable in CE2?
It sounds interesting, and especially whether a so-called lite version will remain operative in CE2 when the new UE5 economy goes 'live'.
Feels like it's been swept under the rug. All the promises of regular updates and their UE5 social media account has all fallen silent for a long time.
What happens when a crypto scam rugpulls?

What you just said.

There's no UE5 update until they give meaningful updates.. ANY update at all. It's been several years already with already 1 money grab on the topic.

If they were doing progress great. They are doing no favors to themselves by not keeping the pop updated in ANY form. It should be plastered everywhere to avoid malaise.
About a year ago I was doing a bunch of Polls in this forum about Entropia and the transition to Unreal Engine and I actually got a private message from Dennis at MindArk thanking me and telling me that "We are currently discussing doing a Devblog post or FAQ in not a too distant future based on this."

I would really like to know what MindArk's definition of "not a too distant future" is. Normally my formula for estimating how long it will take MindArk to do something they promised is:

X (reasonable amount of time it should take at the most), multiplied by a factor of 5. So naturally, I thought about how long it should take to put together a FAQ or Devblog post and my conclusion was 2 months. I then multiplied that by 5 and got 10. Here we are 11 months later and I'm starting to actually get worried that the whole Unreal thing has now been cancelled altogether...

Are the Unreal Tokens the new Compet deeds now?

MindArk, please provide an update on this whole Unreal thing.. Is it happening or not?
Its not looking good. They haven't even updated the dev board in over a year. I think they may all be dead in there lmao.