FYI: Valivill's Beautican, Coloring and texturing service for all your needs


Nov 5, 2009
Avatar Name
Wesley Wes Valivill
Hey all,

I am offering coloring and texturing on items like clothes, armors and vehicles.
I have a big variety of colors and textures in stock.

My current levels are:
Hairstyling : 26
Bodysculpting: 24
Face sculpting: 16
Coloring: 17
Texturing: 17

Contact : Discord Valivill#0835

Incase I dont have the desired texture/color you can put an order and ill realise it as quick as possible.

Do you have all the paint cans and/or textures needed? Perfect, I can apply them directly on the item of your choice. To get the perfect outcome I need 323 paint cans / textures ( of the same kind). When the item is fully repaired or limited you will get 90% of the used paint back.

A few small calculations:
Basic pattern shirt full tt is being used for 2 fields orange (646 cans needed total = 6.46 tt)
You get 90% of 6,46 tt back which is 5.81 ped.

A sleipnir (L) has 5 ped tt left out of 24 and 1 field purple is beig applied ( 323 cans = 19.38 tt)
you get 90% of 19.38 tt back which is 17.44 ped.

When an unlimited item, which can be repaired is damaged a bit. The return fills the damaged part first and when full the leftover comes out in peds. Which are returned to you aswell.

When the customer agrees on sharing his or her look i will share it here on PCF
I will post coloring and texture jobs here :)
Im almost everyday online and between mod fapping I will be doing these services.

Also look at my beautician service for hair, body and face.
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Awesome coat and jassem hat for Soloman :)
Thank you for the tip

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Very nice pants, coat and socks textured with tiarak textures :) More in stock.


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some new textures in stock :



Just did a combi of tiarak and golden hornet on a big safe :cool::cool:

Matching coat with boar armor :)



new textures in stock :


imagine will be updated soon




oro in stock

imagine updated soon



in stock now



just crafted :)


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Completed the ninja set with better matching shoes :wtg::wtg:

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I just made some huge changes to my avatars body and face. On both professions absolute great service!
I'm very happy with the result on both. Finally I'm minimal size and dont have that ugly monkey-face anymore! :cool:

I would say "I am looking forward to make use of that service again" but actually no need I guess :D

thx again!