Ways to quickly gain skills?

Use TT on all the small and large, but use PH3 on the few Huge trees to cover some tt loss with mu :)
I used to do this, but then with cyrenes tool coming out, I ditched the PH-3 altogether to favour the faster skilling speeds.
Despite this for sure works there is a second constrain on the question
limiting the "loss" to skill to 100k at 1000 ped
That constraint is a non-factor. There is no statement saying that OP necessarily wants to play every day of the month, for instance. The option is there to skill as fast as possible and then wait until next months deposit.

EDIT: Actually it is not a non-factor, depending on the total cost to accumulate 100k skillpoints, the quickest way might be finding enough mu to cycle your ped as many times as possible.
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tooltime (h)decay (PED)Resource Gathering startendped skill gainpec skill/ped decay

Have more data but I think these numbers are pretty clear.
What is the faster per minute skilling though? From that it seems 1 hour of ph1 is better than 1 hour of ph3 even
What is the faster per minute skilling though? From that it seems 1 hour of ph1 is better than 1 hour of ph3 even
It's probably around the same. This is just one data sample. There's always variation and noise. I guess you should look at uses per minute to maximise skill gain per hour?